Solution 001 Neals (PDF)

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Solution Brief #001


Neal’s Design • Remodel
Homefront Quarterly Magazine
Customer Situation
While the Neal’s quarterly Homefront magazine used a large
amount of images, the format was not being used effectively to
create the visual impact Neal’s required. In addition, the cost of
using a freelance designer before printing through AlphaGraphics
was causing time and budget concerns for Neal’s.

AlphaGraphics Solution
AlphaGraphics was able to optimize the Homefront by determining
that the magazine could be produced with full bleeds and fewer
pages. Also, by bringing the design of Homefront into the
AlphaGraphics’ design department, the production timeline was
drastically shortened.

Customer Benefit
For Additional Information:

Patrick Crowley
Office: (513) 229-3600

A refreshed quarterly magazine with a high-end feel to match the
quality of Neal’s business was achieved at a reduced cost and a
tighter design schedule. This has opened up a new range of
branding for Neal’s, as well as allowed more in their yearly budget
for expanding their marketing efforts.

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