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Installation procedure:
1. Log in to the machine as local Administrator.
2. From the network \\bassnas\readybass\users\kiddm move the file to the
local machine.
3. Unzip the file to the C: drive. If not already present a new path will be created
C:\Program Files\ESPN\clipper
4. From the shortcut folder move the Tagger/Clipper/QA icon(s) (any or all depending on
the setup) to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop. This will make the
shortcut(s) available to all users on this machine on their desktop by default.
5. Right-hand click on the Tagger icon (or clipper/QA) and select properties, select the
Security tab.
6. If Everyone is not a user under Group or usernames than click Add…
7. At the pop up window under Enter the object names to select write
LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME\Everyone. In the example below the local_machine_name is
B4-1BP-SQEDIT09. Click ok.
8. Back at the security tab select Everyone and in the Permissions for Everyone check the
Read & Execute box.
9. Log out and sign in as another user. The icon(s) should appear on the desktop and
execute the program by double clicking.
Tagger_Install_procedure.pdf (PDF, 293.58 KB)
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