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Aiken Center for the Arts
122 Laurens Street SW
Aiken, SC 29801

2014 Fall
Class Offerings

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or follow us on Twitter!

Aiken Center for the Arts 2014 Fall Class Offerings
The Aiken Center for the Arts offers an excellent selection of fun and enriching classes in
many of the arts disciplines. Taught by experienced art professionals, and designed to
provide individual attention and feedback, our classes are sure to educate and inspire
artists of all ages. Classes run consecutively on the same day each week. Workshops are
offered once per session. All supplies are included unless otherwise noted in the class
description. Classes this fall are broken down into two sessions:
Fall Featured
Teaching Artist:

Joy McKee
Joy McKee has been with
the Aiken Center for the
Arts for two years and has
enjoyed being a private art
teacher for over fifteen
years. She earned her
bachelor of arts in history
and English from Barton
College and is a certified
K-12 Art Educator. Joy’s
passion for teaching is fueled by the satisfaction she
finds in exposing students
to the arts. She loves their
energy and interest in new
projects and challenges.

Fall Session 1 September 8 - October 19
Fall Session 2 October 20 - November 30
Please note: Classes will not be held November 26, 27, or 28.
These will be scheduled for the following week, December 3, 4, and 5.

New for Fall!
Keep an eye out for exciting changes this fall at the Aiken Center for the Arts! In addition to
seasoned favorites, we have a range of new programs available! We are now offering a
blend of visual and performing arts, including youth and adult African and Latin dance
Also look for our new selection of children’s programming, including several class and
workshops that allow your little one to learn while you take a class at the same time!
Check out our new selection of workshops, including programs for kids and teens!
Workshops are scheduled every Saturday this fall, so you’re sure to find something you and
your family will love!

Registration Form

Please fill out a separate form for each student. Photocopies allowed.



Youth Programming - Classes
Session 1
Session 2


High School Pottery


Adult Programming (Age 16+) - Classes
Session 1
Session 2



Yoga, 4 sessions

Model Magic Coil Pots
Fall Harvest Tin Plate Painting
AAG Watercolor Workshop
DIY Garden Getaway Creations
AAG Creative Clay
AAG Painting in Acrylics
Watercolor Carbon Copy
Intro to Watercolors
Adult African Dance Workshop
Fun with Foil
Nantucket Basket Weaving
Nantucket Basket Weaving
Nantucket Basket Weaving
Abstract Art in Acrylics

September 13
September 13
September 13
September 20
September 20
September 20
September 27
September 27
October 4
October 4
October 10
October 11
October 10 & 11
October 11


Custom Painted Wine Glass
DIY Custom Cake Plate & Servers
Cubism in Oils
Wreath Making
Intro to Watercolors
Watercolor Zentangle
Watercolor Carbon Copy
AAG Creative Clay
DIY Picture Frame & Mirror Boards
Bead It! Beaded Jewelry
Adult Latin Dance Workshop
String Art Sensations
Fun with Foil
Custom Painted Wine Glass
Abstract Art in Acrylics
Model Magic Coil Pots

October 11
October 18
October 18
October 25
October 25
October 25
November 1
November 8
November 8
November 8
November 15
November 15
November 15
November 22
November 22
November 29



Grade (if a minor) ___________ Birthday: _____ / _____ / ______
Parent/Guardian Name (if applicable):
Relationship to Student: _____________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________
Email: ______________________________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________


ACA Member?  Yes! Save 10%

Student’s Name: ___________________________________________

Creative Movement, Saturdays
Kids Create, Mondays
Afterschool Art, Mondays
Afterschool Art, Thursdays
Beginning Guitar, Grades 1-3
Beginning Guitar, Grades 4-6
Home School Art
Beginning Dance
High School Painting
High School Photography

Advanced Painting Workshop
Beginning Painting, Mondays
Beginning Painting, Tuesdays
Beginning Drawing, Wednesdays
Beginning Drawing, Thursdays
Clay - Hand & Wheel
Clay Studio, 4 sessions
Clay Studio, 8 sessions
Introduction to Photography
Introduction to Watercolor
Knitting and Fiber Arts
Open Studio, 4 sessions
Open Studio, 8 sessions
Yoga, single class

Date: _____ / _____ / _____

Total: ______

If you cancel your registration after it has been processed, but at least three business days before the class
begins, we will refund your class fee (less a $10 cancellation fee) in the form of a credit certificate which can be
used for ACA classes or in the gallery store. If you cancel with less than three days notice, no refund will be given.
ACA reserves the right to cancel classes with low enrollment. If we must cancel a class, we will issue a full refund.

Is this your first class with ACA?

 Yes

 No

Do we have permission to photograph you/your child in
classes? (only for ACA/partner promotional use)  Yes

 No

In case of emergency, do we have permission to transport
you/your child to the hospital?  Yes
 No
If no, what course of action would you like taken:
Emergency Contact: ________________________________________
Relationship to Student: _____________________________________
Phone: _____________________________________________________
Please list allergies or special conditions for this student
(e.g., conditions requiring medication or special attention):

 Check

TOTAL AMOUNT: _______________

 Gift Certificate

 Credit Card
Credit Card # _______________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________
Please make checks payable to:
Aiken Center for the Arts
Please mail the completed form to:
Or fax to: (803) 641-2009

Education Director
Aiken Center for the Arts
122 Laurens Street SW
Aiken, SC 29801

Youth Programming
High School Painting
This class primes you and your canvas
with the basics of how to get started
painting. Explore the fundamentals of
acrylic painting, including color mixing
and methods of paint application.
Discuss the principles of composition,
line, color, value, and texture.
Grades 8-12.

High School Digital Photography
Learn to take better pictures, develop
your photographic technique, and
learn more about your digital camera.
In this beginning class students will
explore basic camera functions,
composition, light, and exposure
through weekly assignments and
lectures. Bring your camera to class.
Grades 8-12.
Wednesdays 3:45pm-5:45pm

Fall Session 1: Sept. 8 - Oct. 19
Fall Session 2: Oct. 20 - Nov. 30

Afterschool Art
Students in grades K-8 can have fun
and develop their artistic skills while
working in a variety of mediums.
Grades K-8.

Afterschool Dance
This energetic class of dancing and
building friendships, self-esteem, and
confidence will foster a love for dance!
Students will explore traditional Latin
and African dances from instructor
Tarana White. Grades 1-6.
Wednesdays 3:45pm-5:45pm

Kids Create!
Come, have fun, and let your little one
enjoy the fun world of art! Children are
encouraged to be creative and get a
little messy in this fun mixed-media
class. Ages 4-Kindergarten.

Creative Movement
Come discover the magical world of
dance while building self-confidence
and coordination. Students will work on
basic dance moves, large motor skills,
spatial awareness, and flexibility. Ages
Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm

High School Pottery
Students in this course will explore the
creative possibilities of clay. They will
learn hand-building techniques and
how to create both functional and
decorative pieces. They will also learn
to throw small vases, bowls, and mugs
on the
potter’s wheel. They will also decorate
their pieces with underglaze or glazing.
Grades 8-12.


Home School Art
Beginning Guitar Class
In this 6-week class held every Monday
for new and beginning guitar students
in grades 1-6, students will learn the
basics of playing the guitar and
techniques such as chords, riffs, and
rhythms. Students are required to bring
their own guitar and picks.
Grades 1-3
Grades 4-6

These art classes are specifically
designed for home-schooled children.
Different subjects will be covered in
each session. Each session is taught by
a different artist working in their
medium of choice. Classes are broken
down by appropriate grade levels.
Supplies included.
Wednesdays 1:00pm-3:00pm

Youth Programming
Kids Create!
Come, have fun, and let your little one
enjoy the fun world of art! Children are
encouraged to be creative and get a
little messy in this fun mixed-media
class. Ages 4-Kindergarten.

Creative Movement
Come discover the magical world of
dance while building self-confidence
and coordination. Students will work on
basic dance moves, large motor skills,
spatial awareness, and flexibility. Ages

Cookies & Canvas
A family friendly (ages 5 and up)
painting class! We provide everything
you need to complete your 11x14
canvas, including the cookies!
Advanced registration is
recommended, walk-ins accepted as
room permits. Private parties available.
Please inform us of any allergies you or
your little ones have.

Model Magic Coil Pots
In this workshop, students will be
instructed to create a coil pot out of
died model magic clay using step-bystep procedures. They will further embellish their pot using the coil method
to create beautiful designs and
decorations. Grades 1-3.
Sat. Sept. 13 2:00pm-5:00pm
Sat. Nov. 29 2:00pm-5:00pm

Watercolor Carbon Copy
This workshop is designed to teach
students different watercolor
techniques (such as wet-on-wet) and
experiment with carbon to reproduce
images. Grades 3-5.
Sat. Sept. 27 2:00pm-5:00pm
Sat. Nov. 1

Fun with Foil
Students learn fun ways of creating an
embossing using foil paper to ultimately
produce an embossed-like image. The
results are luminous and absolutely
beautiful. Grades 1-3.
Sat. Oct. 4
Sat. Nov. 15 2:00pm-5:00pm

Abstract Art in Acrylics
Using acrylics on a canvas panel,
students will be able to create an
abstract composition to the beautiful
melodies of Mozart and other classical
music. This workshop requires students
to engage melodically and creatively,
and to explore and express themselves
freely. Grades 8-12.
Sat. Oct. 11 2:00pm-6:00pm
Sat. Nov. 22 2:00pm-6:00pm

Watercolor Zentangle
Students learn about “Zentangle” as an
art style and a meditative form of art,
and incorporate what is learned to a
beautiful work of art. For this project,
students use black sharpies over
canvas panels to create dynamic
contrasts. Additionally, students add
watercolor paints for a finishing touch.
Grades 6-8.
Sat. Oct. 25 2:00pm-6:00pm

Bead It! Beaded Jewelry
This workshop is designed to introduce
basic jewelry making techniques that
can be applied to the making of
beautifully custom made jewelry
sets. Students will produce a beaded
necklace and a matching bracelet
and earrings to go with it. In addition,
students will learn fun and easy ways of
making their own paper beads using
recycled paper. Grades 6-8.
Beads are not provided, please
reference the supply list at the front
desk and on our website for more
Sat. Nov. 8 2:00pm-6:00pm

String Art Sensations
Make custom wall art with a little string
and some creativity! Our teaching artist
will guide you step-by-step how to
create a unique piece for your home.
Grades 8-12.
Sat. Nov. 15 10:00am-1:00pm

Adult Programming (Age 16+)



Fall Session 1: Sept. 8 - Oct. 19
Fall Session 2: Oct. 20 - Nov. 30

Relax to the ancient rhythm of Vinyasa
Flow yoga with Certified Yoga Teacher
Brigitte Younce while you increase your
strength and flexibility. Classes are open
to students of all levels. Advanced
registration is preferred, but not required.
Each class is $12 or purchase four
classes for $40.
Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:30pm

Advanced Painting Workshop
This class is intended for students ready
to work on an oil, acrylic, or watercolor
project of their choice. Bring supplies
needed for your project.

Introduction to Watercolor
Learn the fun and flow of watercolor
painting! Discover how to master the
simple but essential techniques which
can lift your work up to the next level.
Beginners to intermediate students are
encouraged to enroll.

Knitting and Fiber Arts
This course is open to beginners as well
as knitters who are ready for something
more. We will take time to cover the
basics. Students are encouraged to
come to class with specific projects or
techniques they would like to pursue.
Fall Session 2 Only: Oct. 20-Nov. 30

Beginning Painting
This class primes you and your canvas
with the basics of how to get started
painting. Explore the fundamentals of
acrylic painting, including color mixing
and methods of paint application.
Discuss the principles of composition,
line, color, value, and texture.

Independent Clay Studio
Open to adults and teens with previous
clay experience with the ACA who are
ready to work on projects of their
choice. Please indicate if you are planning to use the wheel. No member discount applies.
Students may also purchase their own clay
in class for $14.

Studio Hours:
Tuesdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesdays, 5:00pm-8:00pm
Thursdays, 5:00pm-8:00pm

12 hours studio time/4 sessions
24 hours studio time/8 sessions


Open Studio
Open studio time is available for
intermediate or advanced students who
wish to work independently in a shared
studio space. This is a wonderful
opportunity to use the ACA facilities to
help expand your body of artwork,
without the costs of renting your own
studio! No member discount applies.
Studio Hours:

Ceramics 1
Learn the skills needed to create
pottery by hand-building and using the
pottery wheel. Wear old clothes!
Beginning and advanced students.




Tuesdays, 1:00pm-4:00pm
Tuesdays, 5:00pm-8:00pm
Thursdays, 5:00pm-8:00pm

12 hours studio time/4 sessions
24 hours studio time/8 sessions


Beginning Drawing
Develop your observational abilities and
rendering skills in this introduction to the
principles of drawing and
two-dimensional design. Use pencil,
charcoal, and other media while
learning the fundamentals of
composition, perspective, line, and
space. You can draw!
Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm

Introduction to Photography
Learn to take better pictures, develop
your photographic technique, and learn
more about your digital camera. In this
beginning class students will
explore basic camera functions,
composition, light, and exposure
through weekly assignments and
lectures. Bring your camera to class.
Wednesdays 6:00pm-8:00pm

Adult Programming (Age 16+)


Custom Painted Wine Glasses

A Taste of Wine and Art Specialty Class!
Make a custom work of functional art.
In this 3-hour class students will be led
Everything is provided – including the
through the painting process one step at
glasses! At the end of the class we will
a time. Bring your own snacks, glasses,
give you instructions to take your glasses
and bottle of wine or cocktails. All paint
home to bake, making it hand-wash
supplies included. No experience necessafe!
sary… just come and have fun! A sample
Sat. Oct. 11 2:00pm-5:00pm
of each painting is available to view on
Sat. Nov. 22 10:00am-1:00pm
our website and Facebook. Private parties are also available.
Cubism in Oils
Wednesdays 6:00pm-9:00pm
In this art workshop, participants will be
NEW! Date Night Bottles & Brushes
able to create a Cubist-like work of art
through instructed guidance using oils on
3rd Fridays 6:00pm-9:00pm
canvas. Each participant is encouraged
to bring a picture or photograph of an
image they would like to produce, making sure that the subject matter is simple
(without too much detail).
Sat. Oct. 18 2:00pm-6:00pm

Bottles & Brushes Art Parties

Nantucket Basket Weaving
Learn the art of Nantucket basket weaving and complete a beautiful functional
basket with artist Joni Dee Ross. Bring
your lunch, scissors/shears, ruler, pencil,
and hand towel. Both days for $145.
Fri. Oct. 10 9:00am-5:00pm
Sat. Oct. 11 9:00am-5:00pm

DIY Up-Cycling Workshop Series
Join ACA teaching artist Kayla Sweigart
to learn how to take thrift shop items and
antiques and up-cycle them into swanky
home décor and crafts!

Garden Getaway Creations
Create a marbled planter and a
custom wind chime for your garden!
Please bring a terracotta pot under 14
inches. All other materials will be
Sat. Sept. 20 2:00pm-5:00pm $45

Custom Cake Plate and Servers
Adult Dance Workshops
This energetic class of dancing and
building friendships, self-esteem, and
confidence will foster a love for dance!
Students will explore traditional Latin and
African dances.
African Dance Workshop
Sat. Oct. 4 10:00am-1:00pm
Latin Dance Workshop
Sat. Nov. 15 10:00am-1:00pm

Fall Harvest Tin Plate Painting

Abstract Art in Acrylics
Using acrylics on a canvas panel, students will be able to create an abstract
composition to the beautiful melodies
of Mozart and other classical music. This workshop requires students to
engage melodically and creatively,
and to explore and express themselves
Sat. Oct. 11 2:00pm-6:00pm
Sat. Nov. 22 2:00pm-6:00pm

Introduction to Watercolor Workshop
Dive into the world of watercolor with
ACA teaching artist Tamara Smith!
Sat. Sept. 27 10:00am-1:00pm
Sat. Oct. 25 10:00am-1:00pm

Learn the basic brush strokes to create a
fall corn stalk and pumpkin scene from
artist Sandy Staiger.
Sat. Sept. 13 9:00am-1:00pm

Re-use old candlesticks, plates, and
spoons to create a custom set for your
next tea party or soiree! Please bring
your own combination of candlesticks,
plates, spoons, or other serving utensils.
Paints, glue, and other supplies will be
Sat. Oct. 18 2:00pm-5:00pm $45

Picture Frame and Mirror Boards
Learn how to up-cycle an old mirror or
picture frame to give it new life and a
new use! Transform your favorite frame
into a custom cork or chalkboard.
Paints are included, please bring a
mirror or picture frame to the work
Sat. Nov. 8

New! Aiken Artist Guild Workshop Series - $55 per class
Join us in celebrating the partnership between the Aiken Center for the Arts and the Aiken Artist
Guild. Take a workshop this fall with some of the many talented artists that Aiken has to offer!

Watercolor Workshop with
Bill Updegraff

Painting in Acrylics with
Judy Adamick

Creative Clay with
Tom Supensky

Join AAG artist Bill Updegraff to
learn how to create a
masterpiece in watercolor! Bill
began his painting career over
thirty years ago. He will lead the
class to share his passion and
mastery of this beautiful medium.
Students will complete a
watercolor of their own by the
end of the workshop.
Sat. Sept. 13 10:00am-2:00pm

Come and join artist Judy
Adamick as she shares
her techniques for painting in
high color - no mud! Complete a
painting from beginning to end in
one day.
Sat. Sept. 20 10:00am-2:00pm

Tom Supensky is a member of the
Aiken Artist Guild renowned for his
colorful and humorous hand-built
sculptures. Join him to learn the
techniques behind his creative
pieces based on coil construction
as well as the use of color and
Sat. Sept. 20 10:00am-2:00pm
Sat. Nov. 8 10:00am-2:00pm

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