Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise 2013 (PDF)

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Title: Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise: The role of imperial technology in the making of the 19th and 20th century world
Author: CIUHCT

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Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise:

The role of imperial technology in the making
of the 19th and 20th century world

March 10 -13
Portugal - Lisbon - 2013

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world


==> S cie n tific C o m m itte e
M aria Paula D io g o , Facuity of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon
A lv a ro Ferre ira da S ilva, F a cu lty o f E co n o m y , N e w U n iv e rsity o f Lisb o n
Isa b e l A m a ra l, Faculty of Science and Technology, New University of Lisbon
T ia g o S ara iv a , ICS, U n iv e rsity o f Lisb o n
A n a Pau la S ilva, C IU H C T , N e w U n iv e rsity o f L isb o n
M arta M ace d o , C IU H C T , U n iv e rsity o f L isb o n
P e d ro R ap o so , C IU H C T , U n iv e rsity o f Lisb o n

= = > Lo cal O rg a n izin g C o m m itte e
M aria Pau la D io g o , F a cu lty o f S cie n ce a n d T ech n o lo g y , N e w U n iv e rsity o f Lisb o n
A n a Pau la S ilva , C IU H C T , N e w U n iv e rsity o f L isb o n
M a rta M aced o , C IU H C T , U n iv e rsity o f Lisb o n
P e d ro R ap o so , C IU H C T , U n iv e rsity o f L isb o n

= = > E x e c u tiv e S e cre ta ry
Fa tim a de H aan, O C C O E





U N IV M SIO A O E NOV A U l O S& >fi


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Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role of imperial technology in the making of the 19 th and 2 0 th century world
2 013 , M arch 10 - 13

Program m e

Sunday, 10

Monday, 11


R e g istra tio n a n d c o ffe e


O p e n in g S e ssio n


S 1: Agriculture,

forestry and expertise

C ha ir: M a rta M a ce d o
Building tropical agricultural expertise in late Portuguese Empire
C laudia C astelo

The first Mozambique forestry works. The Portuguese foresters.
M icaela M artin ez Benavente and Ignacio G arcia Pereda

Stabilizing Properties: The Transformations o f Rubber at the Turn o f the Century
C arlin W ing

White seeds, factories and institutions: cottoning on M ozambique’s soft black hair - the Botanic
Mission to Mozambique (1942-1948)
Patricia Conde, Susana Saraiva, Ana C ristina M artins

B re a k f o r Lu n ch


S3: F ood-production sciences a n d imperial

S2 : Netw orking the empire


C ha ir: M a ria P a u la D iogo

C ha ir: C la u d ia C a ste lo
Locality of a Global World - facts and reflects
in the Lusitanian land
Ana Paula Silva

Peripheral metropolises and agrarian landscapes:
phosphates and the (re)colonization of Western
Lino C am prubi

The coffee empire: Portuguese agricultural
scientists in colonial Angola (1926-1961)

Submarine telegraphy as an imperial
technology in the second half of the XlXth
century (1851-1902)

M aria do M a r G ago

A ndrea Giuntini

The role of peripheral countries in the
construction o f the modern global
telecommunications system: the case of Spain

Histories of co-production: following colonial
cocoa and their actors
M arta M acedo

Angel C alvo

The deployment o f submarine cables on the
Brazilian coast
M auro Costa da Silva, lldeu de C astro M oreira


Coffee Break


Presentation of the book
A Outra face d o Imperio: Ciencia, Tecnologia e M edicina
Maria Paula Diogo and Isabel Maria Amaral, by Teresa Salome Mota

Hotel A lif
Auditorio Sedas Nunes

Auditorio Sedas Nunes

Sala Polivalente

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

S h a p in g L a n d s c a p e s a n d B u ild in g E x p e r t is e
The role o f imperial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and

20th century world

2013, M arch 1 0 - 1 3

Program m e

Tuesday, 12

One century of techno-scientific policies in Spain and in Russia: an essai of parallel study (early18th-early 19th centuries)
Irina Gouzevitch

Coffee break



S5 : Empire in motion

S4 : M osquitoes and empires

C ha ir: L u is C a ro lin o

C ha ir: A n a C a rn e iro

Technologies of identification and documentation o f natives
in Colonial Mozambique (1897-1960)

The fight against animal trypanosomiasis in 20th century
colonial Mozambique
Barbara Direito

Debora Scarso Quaresma

Expertise and tropical medicine in Africa: the missions on
trypanosomiasis at the Tropical Medicine Institute (19451966)

Empire and life: biography as an approach to imperial and
colonial science and technology
Pedro M. P. Raposo

Isabel Amaral, Ana Rita Lobo
Francisco Cambournac (1903-1994) and the expertise on the
study of metropolitan and colonial malaria in Portugal
Ana Rita Lobo

Assembling Tropical Military Barracks: Experimentation,
Heterogeneous Engineering and Biopolitics in British
Colonial Networks
Jiat-Hwee Chang

Negotiating territories and consensuses. Missions to study
and fight the sleeping sickness in Portuguese Guinea (19451974)
Luis Manuel Neves Costa

Josep Batllo

B re a k fo r L u n ch


The Jesuit contribution to the development o f the
Philippine meteorological office

S 6: Rebuilding empires, engineering nation-states

5 7 : Colonial spaces in the m aking
C ha ir: A lv a r o F e r re ir a d a Silva

C ha ir: F a tim a N u n e s

Europeanizing, Civilizing or Exploiting: The Role of Imperial
Britain in the Making of Nigeria in the 20th Century

The Rise of the State Technical Corps and the Building of
Imperial Technical Regime in Russia

Ibrahim Khaleel Abdussalam

Dmitri Gouzevitch
Colonial Engineers and Knowledge Transfer. The Paradoxical
Case of Spanish Irrigation

Ottoman Engineer, Bureaucrat and their Identity around
Electrification of Istanbul (1876-1923)

Samuel Garrido

Duygu Aysal Cin
C o ffe e B re a k


Building for Science, Science for Building: A Critical
Architectural History of Building the First University in
Istanbul in Mid-Nineteenth Century

Diplomatic derailing: African transcontinental railways and
European politics
Maria Paula Diogo

Goksun Akyurek
Agronomic and forestry engineering and the nineteenth
century Spanish Empire, 1838-1898: two separate worlds?

Shaping the Revolutionary World: Colonial Expertise
Translated and Re-Born in Post-Colonial Egypt

Juan Pan-Montojo

William Carruthers

Rebuilding empires, engineering nation-states: Knowledge
and the Re-shaping of Political Landscapes in the Margins of
Europe ( 1700s-1920s)
Darina Martykanova, Irina Gouzevitch, Ana Cardoso de Matos


C o n f e r e n c e D in n e r C lu b e d e F a d o (A lfa m a )
Auditorio Sedas Nunes

Auditorio Sedas Nunes

Sala Polivalente

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

S h a p in g L a n d s c a p e s a n d B u ild in g E x p e r tis e
T h e r o le o f im p e r ia l t e c h n o lo g y in th e m a k in g o f th e 1 9th a n d 2 0 t h c e n t u r y w o r ld

2013 , M arch 1 0 - 13

Program m e

Wednesday, 13


Sleeping Sickness and Western Medicine, 1900-1940
Daniel Headrick


C o ffe e b re a k

S 8: Housing experiments
C ha ir: A n a S im o e s
Post-Colonial Careering: Colonial Administrators and the Management of Post-War British New Towns
Hannah Neate, Ruth Craggs
The prefabricated building Processess in the Tunisian reconstruction
Nesrine Azizi
Following engineers and architects through slums: history and present of the technoscience of slum intervention in the
Portuguese-speaking landscape
Eduardo Ascensao
B re a k f o r L u n c h


S9 : In frastru ctures and colonial engineering

S 1 0 : M ap p ing Borders

C h a ir: P e d ro R a p o so

C h a ir: T e re sa S a lo m e

Shaping landscapes and building expertise: the role o f the
Baro-Kano railway in the making o f imperial dream
Shehu Tfjjani Yusuf

Eric Vanden Bussche

The Mormugao railway in Portuguese India: political context
and technical difficulties (1878-1902)


Erasing Am biguity from the Map: the Sino-Burmese Border
Dispute, 1892-94

Mozambique borders in the late 19th century: between
colonial imposition and scientific performance

Hugo Silveira Pereira and Ian J. Kerr

Ana Cristina Roque

Moving across the empire: Analyzing the local Public Works
Departments technical boards in the oriental provinces

The Colonizer in the Computer: The British Influence in
Palestinian Authority Cartography, 1993-2000

Alice Santiago Faria

Jess Bier

Luanda-Ambaca: the first inland railway in the Portuguese
colony of Angola

Siberia: Inner Colony or New Heartland of Russia: A Role of
SEtT in Changing Siberian Image and Self-Identification

Bruno Navarro

Evgeny Vodichev
C o ffe e B re a k
Presentation o f the b o o k
Projector e Construir a Naqao, M a rta M ace d o, by Jo se Luis C ardoso

Auditorio Sedas Nunes

Auditorio Sedas Nunes

Sala Polivalente

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

In vite d T a lk s:

O n e c e n tu ry o f te c h n o -s c ie n tific p o licie s in S p a in a n d in R u ssia : an e ssa i o f p aralle l stu d y
(e a r ly i8 th -e a rly 19 th ce n tu rie s)
Irina G o u ze v itch , C e n tre M au rice H a lb w a c h s, C N R S , P aris, France

S le e p in g S ic k n e ss an d W e ste rn M e d icin e , 19 0 0 -19 4 0
D an iel H e a d rick , R o o sev elt U n iv ersity, C h icag o , U n ited S ta te s

S e ssio n :


A g ric u ltu re , fo re s try an d e x p e rtise


N e tw o rk in g th e e m p ire


F o o d -p ro d u ctio n s cie n ce s and im p e ria l e n te rp rise s


M o sq u ito e s and e m p ire s


E m p ire in m o tio n


R e b u ild in g e m p ire s, e n g in e e rin g n a tio n -s ta te s


C o lo n ia l sp a c e s in th e m a k in g


H o u sin g e x p e rim e n ts


In fra -stru ctu re s and co lo n ia l e n g in e e rin g


M a p p in g b o rd e rs

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

M O N D A Y , 11
O p e n in g S e ssio n
M o rn in g s e ssio n s

SU Agriculture, forestry and expertise
C h air: M arta M ace d o

B uilding tropical agricultural expertise in late Portuguese Em pire
C la u d ia C a ste lo (ln stitu to d e In v e stig a q ao C ie n tifica e T ro p ic a l)
The first M ozam bique forestry works. The Portuguese foresters.
M icae la M a rtin e z B e n a v e n te an d Ig n a cio G a rcia P e red a (E u ro n a tu ra )

Stab ilizing Properties: The Transform ations o f Rubber at the Turn o f the Century
C arlin W in g (N e w Y o rk U n iv e rsity)

W hite seeds , factories and institutions: cottoning on M ozam bique's soft black hair - the
B otanic M ission to M ozam bique (19 4 2 -19 4 8 )
P atricia C o n d e , S u sa n a S a ra iv a , A n a C ristin a M a rtin s (ln s titu to de In v e stig a ^ ao C ientffica
T ro p ic a l)

A fte rn o o n s e ssio n s
S2: N etw orking the em pire
C h air: M aria Paula D iogo

L o ca lity o f a G lo b a l W o rld - fa cts a n d re fle cts in th e L u sita n ia n la n d
A n a Pau la S ilva (C IU H C T , Fa cu ld a d e de C ie n c ia s e T e cn o lo g ia , U n iv e rsid a d e N ova de Lisb o a)

Subm arine telegraphy as an im perial technology in the seco n d h alf o f the X lX th century (1851190 2)
A n d re a G iu n tin i (D ip a rtim e n to di E co n o m ia , U n iv e rsita di M o d e n a e R e g g io E m ilia)

The role o f peripheral countries in the construction of the m odern glob al telecom m unications
system : the case o f Spain
A n g e l C alv o (U n iv e rs ity o f B a rce lo n a , S p ain )
T h e d e p lo y m e n t o f su b m a rin e c a b le s o n th e B ra zilia n co a st.
M a u ro C o sta da S ilva (C o le g io P e d ro II), lld e u de C astro M o re ira (F e d e ra l U n iv e rsity o f Rio
de Ja n e iro )

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

S3: F o o d -p ro d u ctio n sc ie n ce s a n d im p e ria l e n te rp rise s
C h air: C la u d ia C a ste lo

Peripheral m etropolises and agrarian landscapes: phosphates and th e (re)colonization of
W estern Sahara
Lino C a m p ru b i (T E U S - U n iv e rsid a d A u to n o m a de B arce lo n a )

The coffee em pire: Portuguese agricultural scientists in colonial A n go la (19 2 6 -19 6 1)
M aria do M a r G a g o (In stitu to de C ie n c ia s S o cia is - U n iv e rsid a d e d e Lisb o a )

H istories of co-production: follow in g colonial cocoa and their actors.
M arta M ace d o (C IU H C T , F a cu ld a d e de C ie n cias, U n iv e rsid a d e de Lisb o a )

T U E S D A Y , 12
In v ite d talk

One century o f techno-scientific policies in Spain and in R u s s ia : an essai o f parallel study
(earlyi8th -early 19th centuries)
Irina G o u z e v itch

M o rn in g se ssio n s

S4: M osquitoes and em pires
C h air: A n a C a rn e iro

The fight against anim al trypanosom iasis in 20th century colonial M ozam bique
B arb ara D ireito (In s titu te o f S o cial S cie n ce s, U n iv e rsity o f Lisb o n )

Expertise and tropical m edicine in A frica: the m issions on trypanosom iasis at the Tropical
M edicine Institute (19 4 5 -19 6 6 )
Isabel A m a ra l, A n a R ita Lo b o (C IU H C T , F a cu ld a d e de C ie n c ia s e T e c n o lo g ia , U n iv e rsid a d e
N ova d e Lisb o a)

Francisco Cam bournac (19 0 3 -19 9 4 ) and the expertise on the stud y o f m etropolitan and colonial
m alaria in Portugal
A n a Rita Lo b o (C IU H C T , F a cu ld a d e de C ie n c ia s e T e cn o lo g ia , U n iv e rs id a d e N ova de Lisb o a)

N egotiating territories and consensuses. M issions to study and fight the sleep in g sickness in
Portuguese Guinea (19 4 5 -19 7 4 )
Luis M an ue l N eves C o sta (U n iv e rs id a d e de C o im b ra /C R IA )

Shaping Landscapes and Building Expertise
The role o f im perial technology in the m aking o f the 19th and 20th century world

S5; Em pire in m otion
C h a ir: Lu is C a ro lin o

Technologies o f identification and docum entation o f natives in Colonial M ozam bique (18 971960)
D e b o ra S c a rso Q u a re sm a (F C S H -U N L )

Em pire and life: biography as an approach to im perial and colonial science and technology
P e d ro M . P. R a p o so (C IU H C T , Fa cu ld a d e de C ie n c ia s, U n iv e rs id a d e d e Lisb o a)

A ssem b lin g Tropical M ilitary Barracks: Experim entation, Heterogeneous Engineering and
B iopolitics in British Colonial Netw orks
J ia t-H w e e C h a n g (N a tio n a l U n iv e rsity o f S in g a p o re )

The Jesuit contribution to the developm ent o f the Ph ilip p in e m eteorological office
Jo se p B atllo (In stitu te D. Luis (ID L), F a cu ld a d e d e C ie n c ia s, U n iv e rsid a d e de Lisbo a

A fte rn o o n se ssio n s

S6: R eb uild ing em pires, engineering nation-states
C h air: F a tim a N u nes

The Rise o f the State Technical Corps and the B uilding o f Im perial Technical Regim e in Russia
D m itri G o u z e v itch (E H E S S , P aris)

Colonial Engineers and Know ledge Transfer. The Paradoxical Case o f Spanish Irrigation
S am u e l G a rrid o (D e p a rtm e n t o f E co n o m ics. U n iv e rsita t Ja u m e I)

B uilding for Science, Science fo r Building: A Critical A rch itectu ral H istory o f B uilding the First
U niversity in Istanbul in M id-N ineteenth Century
G o k su n A k y iir e k (B a h ^ e se h ir u n iv e risty , Istan b u l)

A gro n o m ic a n d forestry engineering and the nineteenth century Spanish Em pire, 18 38 -18 9 8 :
tw o separate w orlds ?
Ju a n P a n -M o n to jo (U n iv e rsid a d A u to n o m a d e M a d rid )

R ebuilding em pires, engineering nation-states: Know led ge and the Re sh ap in g o f Political
Landscapes in the M argins o f Europe ( 1700 S -1920s)
D arin a M a rty k a n o v a (C S IC , M ad rid ), Irina G o u z e v itch (C e n tre M a u rice H a lb w a c h s ), A n a
C a rd o so de M a to s (C ID E H U S , U n iv e rsid a d e d e E v o ra )

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