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Advertiser Introduction:

Social :
The word derives from the Latin word socii (‘allies’).
It refers to the interaction of organisms with other
organisms and to their collective co-existence

The word derives from the Latin word commercium (‘trade’).
Commerce is concerned with the distribution
of goods and services and involves money.

Social Commerce :

is all about monetising the shared loyal, passionate
and trusted enthusiasm of the engaged consumers
that social marketing enables.


Social Superstore aims to disrupt the social
commerce space by providing a platform
that can empower anyone in the world to be an
entrepreneur in a risk free, cost free environment.
• A social commerce platform that allows anyone to set up their
own online store and stock it with products and services, every time
an item or service is bought, the store owner receives a commission

The Social Superstore owner can add personal, content-rich
endorsements, directly link their social media accounts and share their
passion amongst their trusted networks whilst at the same time having
access to a full dashboard tracking their sales and showing stores they
are “following” and other diagnostics

The platform is completely free to use and therefore enables
people to earn real money with none of the traditional risks of starting
a business, i.e. buying stock, setting up a website, fulfilling the stock,
taking payment etc.
• The company is built on strong beliefs of educating and inspiring
people to start their own online business in a risk free, cost free
and safe environment. As a result we are working with a number
of influential youth charities.

Click to watch our video

Brands we are working with:

How it works:

Use the innovative
Storebuilder to easily
setup and personalize your
store, selecting from thousands of
retailers, products and services.
Launch and share your
store, endorsements
and/or specific products
across your social networks.



Be rewarded, via an affiliate link,
if someone purchases through
your store, endorsement
or product.

Use the intuitive dashboard to track
and review your sales data and
monitor the performance
of your store.



Approval to your
affiliate program

Approved datafeeds will
be integrated on to our
platform and your products
will be available on
Social Superstore


+44 (0) 7859045541
+44 (0) 203 598 5002

Media Pack to be
circulated in
February 2015



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