2015 08 (PDF)

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August 2015

American Legion
Post 915

Sean Stevenson

---------------------American Legion
Post 915

Katie Coe
-------------------------Sons of the
American Legion
Post 915

Robert Harrison
Sons Commander

Fuller-Taylor Focus
American Legion, Fuller-Taylor Post 915, 3301 Fulton Ave, Central Square, NY (315) 668-6948

As we enter a new Legion
season I would first like to
acknowledge the service of
former Commander James
Jones. This past June the
not-so-small load of
commanding Post 915 was
transferred from his
shoulders following his
years of commanding. The
Post thanks him for his
efforts as Commander.

was agreed and voted on at
a Post meeting to modify
the “Legion Year” by
holding meetings each
month between August
and January. Taking a
break for the month of
February (when the snow
is up to everyone’s ears),
then reconvening with
meetings from MarchJune.

As this is the first meeting
of the year it’s crucial we
get as many members as
As your new commander I possible to attend and help
have accepted the office
us as we set the course for
with honor and a bit of
the coming year. Looking
apprehension. Even though forward to seeing you at
I am a 25-plus year member the meeting on Aug 17!
of the post, I fully recognize
that I have much to learn. I
am optimistic our leadership
team – specifically the
Officers and Board members The Veterans Memorial
as well as the rest of the Post Park Committee will be
915 family will support me holding a Pig Roast
just as strongly as they did fundraiser at the Legion
the past commander. I hope Back Pavilion on Sunday,
that the active involvement 23 August from 1-4pm.
Tickets are $10 and
of our members in
supporting our post and its include the pork, beans,
salad, etc. There will be
activities will carry us
through to a rewarding and plenty of 50-50 drawings
as well as Music and
successful Legion year.
entertainment provided by
DJ Bandit). Proceeds from
the fundraiser will help
The next Legion Meeting
defray the costs associated
will be held on Monday,
with our newly dedicated
August 17 at 7pm. This is M-60 Tank Display. So,
a change from years past. It please make it a point to

come out and enjoy a great
meal while also supporting our
post and community. Tickets
are available at the Bar or by
calling Ed Cook at 668-7539.
You may have noticed a recent
addition to the clubhouse, a
pizza warming rack is now
behind the bar! Our bar
steward Ken Robarge
procured the warmer for the
post and we will be serving
piping hot pizza by the slice
during our peak hours.
On several occasions over the
past months our faithful
members have volunteered
their skills, time and the
materials to improve our post.
Last Spring SAL member Ken
Halsdorf led a team of dozens
of Sons, Aux and Legionnaires
to repair the water damage to
our banquet hall. The hall
now shines and its beautiful
appearance is testament to
what great members we have.
Huge thanks to everyone who
helped make it happen!
Additionally Legion member
Gordy Hinman recently
donated materials and
personally replaced the worn
and cracked bar foot rail with
beautifully hand tooled and
stained Ash wood – Salute to
Gordy for an incredible job!

Our Post NEEDS you! Become involved and attend a membership meeting!

In July the Post lost a
valued member and good
friend with the passing of
Kenneth “Mert” Courbat.
A familiar face at the post.
Mert was a life member of
the American Legion, a
Korean War hero and
holder of the Bronze Star,
our nation’s fourth highest
decoration for gallantry.
Mert’s passing will leave a
void in our Legion family.
He will be truly missed.
Continuing on the subject
of Mert’s passing, it’s also
appropriate for the Post to
recognize the magnificent
effort from our combined
Legion, Auxiliary and
Son’s who made Mert’s
memorial service both
memorable and special.
Every step of the memorial
spoke of our Post’s
excellence; from the solid
show at calling hours, to

the crisp Color Guard and
coordinated Firing Party,
ending with the massive
effort in feeding a packed
house following the funeral


Putting out a hard copy of the
newsletter is an expensive
endeavor…the cost of paper,
ink, mailing and materials are
Our Legion, Aux and SAL funds that we could instead
use to support charitable
did a superior job in
activities in our community.
providing Mert and his
So, in an effort to save some
family with an amazing
desperately needed funds
memorial filled with
while still keeping our
nothing but class and style! members informed, we will
The family was in awe of
be transitioning from a
everything done for Mert. “mailed out” version of the
Post Newsletter to an
To the dozens upon dozens electronic version in the
coming months.
of incredible Aux, Sons

and Legionnaires who
worked so hard to give
Mert one final salute we
say thank you!
The Post is in need of
active and involved
members. Vacancies exist
for the positions of
Chaplain and Adjutant. If
interested please contact
Sean Stevenson at (302)

If you’re on Facebook please
LEGION” page to keep up
with all of our activities.
We also know that not
everyone has access to a
computer. So, if you can’t
get online and would like to
continue receiving a paper
copy of the newsletter please
call the Legion at 668-6948
and provide them with your
name and address.

Keep in touch with
the latest
happenings at
our post
“Like” the
“Central Square
American Legion”
on Facebook!

Upcoming Events
Legion Meeting 8/17, 7pm
Legion County
Meet @ Hanibal 8/19, 8pm
Pig Roast

8/23, 1-4pm

Aux Meeting

9/14, 7pm

SAL Meeting

9/17, 6pm

Legion Meeting 9/21, 7pm
Dept Commander
Dinner (we host) 10/5

If you’d like to add a future event to the Legion calendar email the editor or leave a note at the clubhouse attention “Sean”

Fuller-Taylor Post 915
P.O. Box 85
Central Square, NY 13036

Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage Paid
Central Sq, NY 13036
Permit #10

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