Tuition & Fees Info Sheet 15 16 (PDF)

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Application (new students only)
Enrollment (Maximum $600 per family) $50
International Student Enrollment Fee
Note: All fees are non-refundable. The application fee is due & payable on the day of application. Enrollment fees are
due & payable with submission of the enrollment forms.

Tuition if Enrolled by March 2nd

















(Enrollment Forms & Enrollment Fee)

Tuition if Enrolled after March 2nd
International Student Tuition

Multiple Student Discount: Families with multiple students receive additional tuition discounts. Students in grades allday kindergarten through 12th are eligible for multiple student discounts. Pre-kindergarten and 1/2-day kindergarten
students are not eligible.
2 students
10% discount
3 students
20% discount
4 students or more 20% discount for the first 3 students + 80% for students in excess of 3
Pastoral Discount: 25% for students in grades 1st through 12th. (A letter from the church governing board or senior
pastor documenting the full-time pastoral status of one or both parents must be on file.)
Prepaid Tuition: If the total annual tuition is paid by June 30th, a 3% discount is applied to the net tuition due. New
student enrollments received after June 30th and before the first day of school are eligible for the 3% prepayment discount if the total annual tuition is paid within 10 business days of enrollment. Tuition prepaid with a credit card is eligible for only a 1% discount. After June 30th, r e-enr olling students ar e not eligible for a pr epayment discount.
Monthly Payments:

10 Month
12 Month

September - June
July - June

Terms: Payments are due on the 10th day of each month.
Payment Methods: Cash, Check, Debit/Credit Card, EFT or Wire Transfer.
(Tuition payments made with a credit card are subject to a convenience fee added to cover the additional processing costs.)
Automatic Monthly Payment Methods:

Debit/Credit Card or Checking/Savings Account ACH Debit
(a new authorization form must be completed each school year.)

Late Payment Fee: $25 per late payment

Returned I tem Fee: $25 per returned check or ACH debit.

Mid-Year Enrollment or Drop: Tuition when a student enrolls or drops after the first day of school is calculated on a
pro-rata basis calculated by dividing the annual tuition by the total school days and multiplying by the days of partial
year attendance. A 30 day drop fee is assessed for students withdrawn from FBCS after the first day of school.
Scholarships: Tuition assistance scholarships are available for families that meet certain financial criteria. To be eligible
to apply for a scholarship, new students must, as a minimum, have paid the initial $25 new student application fee.
Re-enrolling students must be enrolled with all enrollment fees paid, enrollment forms submitted and no prior year
account balance delinquencies to be eligible to apply for a scholarship. The cost of the scholarship application process is
$30. The maximum tuition assistance scholarship available is $2,600 per student and $7,800 per family. Depending on
the criteria submitted in the application process, the amount of the scholarship awarded per family is discretionary with
the Scholarship Committee. All information submitted for purposes of applying for a scholarship is treated with utmost
confidentiality and fairness. Scholarship application information may be obtained from the Finance office.

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Tuition_&_Fees_Info_Sheet_15-16.pdf (PDF, 247.16 KB)

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