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Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

Working with Dstl: A Contractor's Experience
Part 4
Dstl issue false witness statements to “shut down” a British start-up; CPS and police play along
By: J. Tate and R. Knight
In Part 2 of this Open Letter series, other authors J. Smith and A. Chernikova examined how:
1. As part of Dstl's duty of care towards its contractors, issuance of a contract by Dstl is a de
facto rubber stamp by Dstl that the contracted work would be done in a safe and lawful
manner. Despite being on contract with Dstl, Dr. Yong was raided & wrongfully imprisoned
by Cambridgeshire police and prosecuted by the CPS for buying chemicals and undertaking
work pursuant to his contractual obligations with Dstl.
2. Dstl officer Andrew Hall knowingly issued false witness statements contrary to Section
89/90 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 to condemn a former Dstl contractor, Dr. Matthew
3. When Dr. Yong tried to point out the inaccuracies in Andrew Hall's witness statement on 4
March 2012, he was threatened by the police for witness intimidation, and Andrew Hall did
not change his witness statement. Dr. Yong was then hastily and wrongfully imprisoned four
days later for indictable charges without the Attorney General's consent to charge him.
In light of Section 89/90 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967, we shall now further examine the
conduct of Dstl officers Angela Howells, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley and Roger
Neal Smith in this fourth open letter, and how it is part of a mosaic of untruth by Dstl witnesses,
Cambridgeshire DC 1626 Mark Yendley and Crown Prosecutors Marti Blair and David Matthew.
We will show that knowledge and culpability for what was happening goes to the top of Dstl and
British Parliament. An incomplete roll call of people involved in this case includes:
UK Ministry of Defence:

Jonathan H Lyle, Chief Executive Officer, Dstl
Richard J Bishop, Chief Procurement Officer, Dstl
Mark J Fullop, Programme Manager for Chemical, Biological & Radiological STC, Dstl
Vicky Torraca, PR & Media Manager, Dstl
Lynne Sheridan Reah, Principal Commercial Manager, Dstl
Peter Valvona, MOD Police & Guards Agency
Jonathan Byrne, Head of Centre for Defence Enterprise
Capt. Gordon Graham RN, Senior Military Adviser, Dstl
Dr. Matthew Joseph Chinn, Chemical & Biological STC, Dstl with prior expertise on
personnel filtration systems for chemical/biological weapons.
10. Dr. Phillip J. Packer, Programme Leader, Chemical, Biological & Radiological STC, Dstl,
with prior experience on physical protection systems for personnel against
chemical/biological weapons.
11. Dr. Ben Swindlehurst, Biological & Radiological STC, Dstl, with prior expertise on
detection of chemical/biological weapons, the dispersion modelling of them and the military
tate.j@ mail.ru

Page 1 Of 22

Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

response to them.
12. Steve Eley, Chief Scientist & Senior Fellow, Chemical & Biological Hazard Assessment and
Threat Reduction, Dstl
13. Jacqueline M Pude, Commercial Manager, Dstl
14. Fiona Cotter, Strategy Chief, Human Capability research, Dstl
15. Lesley Shellard, Senior Commercial Manager, Dstl
A number of readers have contacted us, expressing disbelief that it is indeed possible to make an
improvised nerve gas from readily available equipment and chemicals. Our response is the above
roll call of people from Dstl who were involved in the case, which shows that the synthesis of said
nerve gas was deemed to be very credible and thus taken seriously.
Members of Parliament:
We understand that Dr. Yong appealed directly to the following to apply the common sense test to
the absurd case of trying to derive guilt in a legitimate scientist with an ongoing Dstl contract and a
high security clearance, who had the UK’s best interests at heart when he warned Dstl, as per Dstl’s
request, of security risks:
1. Steve Barclay, MP for North East Cambridgeshire
2. Sir Jim Paice, MP for South East Cambridgeshire
3. Oliver Heald, MP for North East Hertfordshire (Solicitor General at that time)
4. Dominic Grieve, MP for Beaconsfield (Attorney General at that time)
5. Philip Hammond, MP for Runnymede & Weybridge (Defence Minister at the time)
This is a case of “Prosecute-on-Demand” and “Convict-on-Command” of an innocent and bona fide
ex-Dstl scientist and contractor with an active Dstl contract and an active security clearance.
Key words:
Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness,
Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan
Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL,
Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude
DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC
Nigel Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service
Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl,
Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire
Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National
Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course
of justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark
Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest,
detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives
Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives
Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve
gas generator, neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson
Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

tate.j@ mail.ru

Page 2 Of 22

Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

Let us recap again what the law says about false witness statements. Referring to Sections 89 – 90
of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 1:
89.-(1) If any person in a written statement tendered in evidence in criminal proceedings
by virtue of section 2 or 9 of this Act wilfully makes a statement material in those
proceedings which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true, he shall be liable
on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or a fine
or both.
(2) The Perjury Act 1911 shall have effect as if this section were contained in that Act.
90.-(1) If a person in furnishing any statement in pursuance of an order under section
44(8) or a requirement under section 75(4) of this Act makes a statement which he knows
to be false in a material particular or recklessly furnishes a statement which is false in a
material particular, or knowingly fails to disclose any material fact, he shall be liable on
sum mary conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding four months or a fine not
exceeding £100 or both.

Also, let us recap two scientific facts which you ought to keep in mind while reading the witness
statements of Angela Howells, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley and Roger Neal Smith:
1. The hydration of ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) is endothermic. It has a cooling effect.
2. The hydration of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is exothermic. It has a heating effect.
It does not matter if 4, 400 or 4,000 Dstl witnesses say that the agreed option for producing a
cooling effect was sodium hydroxide. It is perhaps even more exceptional that Dstl officers, part of
the Crown’s tasked with maintaining the UK’s technological superiority, should be so inept and
ignorant as to the fact that it is physically impossible to use sodium hydroxide as a refrigerant,
as even the Prosecution’s own expert chemist, Ms. Lorna Kirstin Philp, concedes in the following



tate.j@ mail.ru

Page 3 Of 22

Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

Dstl Domain Coordinator: Angela Howells
Let us now turn our attention to Dstl's officer Angela Howells and her witness statement on 15/1/13:

The things to note from this part of her witness statement are:
1. Her role at Dstl – Domain Coordinator (Human and Medical Sciences)
2. The date she wrote this witness statement (15/1/13)
3. That the witness statement is subject to the Criminal Justice Act 1967, and that she will be
liable for prosecution if she wilfully states anything she knows to be false, or does not
believe to be true.
4. Dstl's business is to “provide the government with a wide program of research, scientific and
technical support” (Good luck, given the incompetence and treachery therein!)
tate.j@ mail.ru

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Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

On page 3 of her witness statement, she says:

Allow us to spell it out, because this point is important:
“MY (Matthew Yong) wished to do an experiment with chemicals from the hot and cold packs to do
a demonstration on the endothermic reaction. Couldn't allow this due to H+S (Health & Safety). It
appeared to me that Matthew Yong wanted to show us a chemical reaction as part of his
presentation.” - Angela Howells, Witness Statement, 15/1/13.
The absurdity of complaining about using commercially available off-the-shelf sports hot/cold
packs on Health & Safety grounds aside, we are aware that Dr. Yong as part of his due diligence did
actually check on 2 Oct 2012 with the very same Angela Howells PRIOR to the 8 Oct 2012 meeting
if it would be OK for him to do such a demonstration, and she gave him her explicit approval. Dr.
Yong forwarded this email to Andrew Hall, Roger Neal Smith and Sarah L. Harper.

tate.j@ mail.ru

Page 6 Of 22

Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

Angela Howell's response is included in the following page 42 minutes later:

tate.j@ mail.ru

Page 7 Of 22

Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

tate.j@ mail.ru

Page 8 Of 22

Jonathan H. Lyle DSTL, Richard J. Bishop DSTL, Mark J. Fullop DSTL, Roger Neal Smith DSTL false witness, Angela Howells DSTL false witness, Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley DSTL false witness, Lynne Sheridan Reah DSTL, Andrew Hall DSTL false witness, Matthew J Parish
DSTL, Sarah L. Harper DSTL, Fiona Cotter DSTL, Ben R Swindlehurst DSTL, Jim Haley DSTL, Jonathan A. Byrne DSTL, Lesley A. Shellard DSTL, Jacqueline M. Pude DSTL, Steve Eley DSTL, Matt J. Chinn DSTL, Philip J. Packer DSTL, Vicky M. Torraca DSTL, DI Dave Murphy, DC Nigel
Sutton, DC Peter Valvona, DC 1621 Gary Loth, Judge Nic Madge, David Matthew Crown Prosecution Service Seven Bedford Row, Marti Blair Crown Prosecution Service, Dr. Margaret Glendenning Cambridge University, Dstl, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Centre for Defence
Enterprise, Crown Prosecution Service, Cambridgeshire Police, Ministry of Defence Special Branch, Serious Organised Crime Agency, Peterborough Crown Court, National Authority, Oliver Heald QC, Attorney General's Office, repay good with evil, Dstl contractor, perversion of the course of
justice, CPS malicious prosecution, CPS Fool's Deal, Dstl treachery, Dstl false witness statements, DC 1626 Mark Yendley Cambridgeshire police false witness, wrongful imprisonment, wrongful police search, wrongful arrest, detention without proper charges, Dstl breach of contract, Dstl wrongful
termination of contract, Section 4 Explosives Act, Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Manufacture & Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005, Control of Explosives Regulations 1991, Firearms Act 1968, Criminal Justice Act 1967, rocket candy, in situ portable DIY improvised nerve gas generator,
neurotoxin, DSTL Chemical Biological & Radiological Weapons STC, Dr. Matthew Yong, Thomson Webb Corfield solicitors, Roger Harrison One Paper Building barrister, Nick Barnes, Gemma Richardson.

As we can see from her response, she:
1. Personally approved Dr. Yong's request to conduct the demonstration with the hot/cold
packs on 2 October 2012.
2. She never mentioned in her police statement that Dr. Yong sought her (Dstl's) prior approval
to conduct the demonstration at his kick-off meeting presentation.
3. She never mentioned in her police statement that she personally approved the
demonstration, saying “I can't see an issue with this list.”
We would like to kindly suggest to Ms. Angela Howells, that if she is going to blame someone for
potentially breaching H&S regulations by using a hot or cold pack at Dstl Porton Down, she should
make sure she was not the person who green-lighted the demonstration in writing first. Especially if
she is going to do the blaming in a witness statement declared as true subject to the Criminal
Justice Act 1967.
Let us now move on to the sodium hydroxide lie peddled by Dstl's Andrew Hall, Angela Howells,
Roger Neal Smith and Major Ronald Thomas Cunningham Harley. What did Angela Howells have
to say about this on Page 3 & 4 of her witness statement?

tate.j@ mail.ru

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