App Attack Infographic (1) (PDF)

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Author: Don Weaver

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You should consider
the implications for your
business and organization.

This is a simple break down
of our argument for
technology innovation in
the transportation industry
into five basic points.

Many companies and organizations
around the world are now acquiring
and using this app software
combination. This trend is so
widespread it can be read about in
any mainstream daily newspaper.

Smartphone apps are evolving.
Apps are not just a means for
connecting users with each
other and services.

A business with a new application, a
new model of service, a modest
advertising/branding effort can explode
into an enormous success and disruption.

Mobile apps and other technology
breakthroughs allow for a much
richer, more usable level of visibility
and control for software. This means
a more powerful machine. One that is
now demonstrably more capable than
the efforts of humans.

They allow different systems,
paradigms and ideas to become
practically applied.
They give organizations more
Leeway for creative problem solving.
In our case it means traditional
people transportation models, can be
modified quickly.

The scale of growth for app based models
can be at any level: local, regional, global.
The global transportation industry is like a pile of
steaming soil. Static, large, steaming. Those in the
industry using the right app are like mushrooms:
colonizing, and thriving on the surface. Popping
up almost overnight.

Human brains, which are quite
sophisticated tools, have been
running transportation systems. But
computers are more effective. They
are a machine, able to exert more
effort than humans, for a longer
sustained time than a human can.

Or the model could be challenged
by new entrants, using a new app.

Rideshares, carpools, paratransit,
public transit, the entire people
transportation industry, can absolutely
be influenced by a combination of
Mobile apps and supporting services.

No one wants just a nice app.
They want an app that is nice and
also valuable.

This combination is key

Apps are powerful when users
interact with them regularly,
habitually, and effortlessly and
they will only do this if it
provides the best possible
service, in practical, economic

Consider the Uber app. It provides
the cheapest car, in the most
convenient way, to get you
from a to b.

The more sophisticated the tools that
control a transportation system,
particularly its vehicles, drivers and
riders, the better the results.

People transportation is a system

Achieving that is a problem of
design and engineering.

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