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Software Designer

Personal Information
Name: Sarah Harb.
Birthdate: 9.April.1987
Relation Status: Single.
Nationality: EGYPTIAN.
ADRESS: 5th settlement, New Cairo, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail: graphic__designer@hotmail.co.uk
Portfolio: https://www.facebook.com/SHarb.Design
Linked in: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sharb
- On a professional level, I’m a 28-years old Egyptian Graphic Designer,
- Ios, Android & websites software designer (UI & UX).
- started graphic design the past 5 years and have enjoyed working as a software
designer for the past 2 years...

Personal Qualifications

Being able to work in a stress-laden environment.
Strong negotiation and interpersonal skills.
Self Confident.
Straight, persistent and clear about my objectives.

BACHELOR Degree in Computer Science
Graduation year May 2009

From: University of Future Academy Faculty. Cairo-Egypt.



Graphic Design
- Adobe cs6 Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, CorelDraw, logo maker.
- social media Ads,Posts & Covers
- Marketing, Branding & Printing solution (Bill Board.Light Box . Roll Up .Poster.
Banner. Brochure. Flyer. Logo. Business Card. Clothes label. Magazine. Book.
Product Box .Photo Editing.etc...).

- Ios & Android software design (UI & UX).
- Portal (liferay) UI coding using eclips.
- Websites Design (UI & UX)
(html5, css3, java script, joomla, wordpress, bootstrap & Dreamweaver).
- Axure UX Wireframing Prototype.
- Justinmind Prototype Software.

Motion & Animations
- Adobe Edge animate cc 2015 (Creating a short movie for ads by drawing and
animate illustrated characters).
- Anime Studio Pro v10.0 (Creating a short movie for ads by drawing and animate
illustrated characters).
- Crazy Talk Animator v2.1 (Creating a short movie for ads by drawing and animate
illustrated characters).
- Prezi (Creating a professional presentations).
- Emaze (Creating a professional presentations).
- Powtoon (Creating a professional presentations).
- Camtasia Studio (Montage and voice over).

Office tools: MS office (Access, Word, Excel, Power Point, Outlook).

-Visual basic6.

Operating Systems: Windows XP / 98 / 2000 / vista / Seven / Eight.
Internet: Good user of internet, Social Media & online advertising (Facebook, Twitter,

Typing skills: English 40 wpm.
Course: Microsoft office 2003, 2007 Microsoft certified.



(mother language)
(Fluent command of spoken and written)

Job Experience
Company: KM Creation Company for fashion shows organization.
Experience type: 3d Fashion Design.
Period: two years.
Company: (Egypt Sale. Qatar Sale. Lebanon Sale. Kuwait Sale) Cars Trade Group.
Experience type: Graphic Design.
Period: one year.
Company: Soho Square.
Experience type: Graphic Design.
Period: one year.
Company: Sharmaweya Group.
Experience type: Graphic Design & Event Planner.
Period: one year.

Company: Colorful Design Advertising Agency.
Experience type: Graphic Design, E-Marketing Manager, Event Planner.
Period: one year.
Company: Media Code Production.
Experience type: Graphic Design.
Period: one year.

Company: IDS-Corp International Digital Services Corporation.
Experience type:
Art Director (Head of Graphics Department)
 ios & android software design (UI & UX).
 Portal liferay html5 & css3 themes (UI & UX).
 Joomla & Wordpress UI.
 Marketing, Printings & social media Graphic Design.
 Motion & animations videos

Period: currently working here.

Projects to Mention
- International Digital Services Corporation Website

- Icity New Cairo Android Mobile Application
- Icity New Cairo Ios Mobile Application

- Icity New Cairo Landing Page Website
- Icity New Cairo Portal System
- Dove Mobile Application
- World Zone Mobile Application
- Road Services Mobile Application & Website a Draft For United Arab

Emirates Governement
- limousine System Mobile Application & Website a Draft For United
Arab Emirates Governement
- ta2shira Website & full business set


Also I’ve worked as a freelance Graphic Designer, for many
clients such as:
Pacha Club Sharm Elsheikh
Hard Rock Nabq Sharm Elsheikh
Continental Tours
Ta2shira Traveling Agency
Ariel washing Ball
Aspect Advertising Agency
Queen club paris
Chacha club paris
Ksa modern design
Honey Moon Traveling Agency
Aqua trade Company
7aqiqa News
Choconara Lounge
Zee Lounge
Film Maker Production House
Diva Shop
Alyce Atelier
Rave Code Management Agency
Hi Form Cosmetics Factory

Grinder company for detergents and cleaners
Salamy Group
Online Chalet
Dr Mamoun Abu Shousha spine clinic
And more…

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