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@Operations Bulletin
MARCH 4 2016 PAGE 1
One week from Monday, the most exciting thing to happen to RTS will arrive. For approximately three weeks
preceding the 14th, upgrades will occur across the US and Canada to RTS version 8. In advance, we’ve
attached the roll-out schedule to this week’s Ops Bulletin so all front-line teams are aware.
While IT has tentatively planned for three weeks, the attached schedule may be adjusted to move dates up
(sooner) then is scheduled. How can you be prepared for the upgraded? The biggest piece is ensuring that
each till/pc is powered on overnight. Additionally, you may get a quick tour of version 8 by logging into ULearn
and completing the RTS module.
Happy trading!
Kellen- Operations Manager, West
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Operations Bulletin - March 4 2016.pdf (PDF, 168.67 KB)
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