Form 14A Statement of Claim General (PDF)

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Title: (Form 14A Statement of Claim (General))
Author: (d)

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❡❢ ❡❣❤ ✐❤❥❤❦✐❧❦❡♠♥♦

❧ ♣❤q❧♣ rs❢t❤❤✐✉❦q ❣❧♥ ✈❤❤❦ t❢✇✇❤❦t❤✐ ❧q❧✉❦♥❡ ①❢② ③④ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩❶❷⑤❶❸❸❹ ❡⑥⑦
❺⑨⑩❶❻ ❻⑩❼⑦ ⑩❽⑩❶❷❾⑤ ④❿➀ ❶❾ ❾⑦⑤ ❿➀⑤ ❶❷ ⑤⑥⑦ ❸❿⑨⑨❿➁❶❷❽ ⑧⑩❽⑦❾❹
✉❥ ①❢② ➂✉♥❣ ❡❢ ✐❤❥❤❦✐ ❡❣✉♥ rs❢t❤❤✐✉❦q➃ ④❿➀ ❿➄ ⑩❷ ❢❷⑤⑩➄❶❿ ⑨⑩➁④⑦➄ ⑩❺⑤❶❷❽ ❸❿➄ ④❿➀
❻➀❾⑤ ⑧➄⑦⑧⑩➄⑦ ⑩ ❾⑤⑩⑤⑦❻⑦❷⑤ ❿❸ ❼⑦❸⑦❷❺⑦ ❶❷ ❥❿➄❻ ➅➆❧ ⑧➄⑦❾❺➄❶③⑦❼ ③④ ⑤⑥⑦ s➀⑨⑦❾ ❿❸ t❶➇❶⑨ r➄❿❺⑦❼➀➄⑦➃
❾⑦➄➇⑦ ❶⑤ ❿❷ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩❶❷⑤❶❸❸➈❾ ⑨⑩➁④⑦➄ ❿➄➃ ➁⑥⑦➄⑦ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩❶❷⑤❶❸❸ ❼❿⑦❾ ❷❿⑤ ⑥⑩➇⑦ ⑩ ⑨⑩➁④⑦➄➃ ❾⑦➄➇⑦ ❶⑤ ❿❷ ⑤⑥⑦
⑧⑨⑩❶❷⑤❶❸❸➃ ⑩❷❼ ❸❶⑨⑦ ❶⑤➃ ➁❶⑤⑥ ⑧➄❿❿❸ ❿❸ ❾⑦➄➇❶❺⑦ ❶❷ ⑤⑥❶❾ ❺❿➀➄⑤ ❿❸❸❶❺⑦➃ ➂✉❡❣✉❦ ❡➂❤❦❡① ✐❧①♥ ⑩❸⑤⑦➄ ⑤⑥❶❾
❾⑤⑩⑤⑦❻⑦❷⑤ ❿❸ ❺⑨⑩❶❻ ❶❾ ❾⑦➄➇⑦❼ ❿❷ ④❿➀➃ ❶❸ ④❿➀ ⑩➄⑦ ❾⑦➄➇⑦❼ ❶❷ ❢❷⑤⑩➄❶❿❹
✉❸ ④❿➀ ⑩➄⑦ ❾⑦➄➇⑦❼ ❶❷ ⑩❷❿⑤⑥⑦➄ ⑧➄❿➇❶❷❺⑦ ❿➄ ⑤⑦➄➄❶⑤❿➄④ ❿❸ t⑩❷⑩❼⑩ ❿➄ ❶❷ ⑤⑥⑦ ②❷❶⑤⑦❼ ♥⑤⑩⑤⑦❾ ❿❸ ❧❻⑦➄❶❺⑩➃
⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑦➄❶❿❼ ❸❿➄ ❾⑦➄➇❶❷❽ ⑩❷❼ ❸❶⑨❶❷❽ ④❿➀➄ ❾⑤⑩⑤⑦❻⑦❷⑤ ❿❸ ❼⑦❸⑦❷❺⑦ ❶❾ ❸❿➄⑤④ ❼⑩④❾❹ ✉❸ ④❿➀ ⑩➄⑦ ❾⑦➄➇⑦❼
❿➀⑤❾❶❼⑦ t⑩❷⑩❼⑩ ⑩❷❼ ⑤⑥⑦ ②❷❶⑤⑦❼ ♥⑤⑩⑤⑦❾ ❿❸ ❧❻⑦➄❶❺⑩➃ ⑤⑥⑦ ⑧⑦➄❶❿❼ ❶❾ ❾❶➉⑤④ ❼⑩④❾❹
✉❷❾⑤⑦⑩❼ ❿❸ ❾⑦➄➇❶❷❽ ⑩❷❼ ❸❶⑨❶❷❽ ⑩ ❾⑤⑩⑤⑦❻⑦❷⑤ ❿❸ ❼⑦❸⑦❷❺⑦➃ ④❿➀ ❻⑩④ ❾⑦➄➇⑦ ⑩❷❼ ❸❶⑨⑦ ⑩ ❷❿⑤❶❺⑦ ❿❸ ❶❷⑤⑦❷⑤ ⑤❿
❼⑦❸⑦❷❼ ❶❷ ❥❿➄❻ ➅➆✈ ⑧➄⑦❾❺➄❶③⑦❼ ③④ ⑤⑥⑦ s➀⑨⑦❾ ❿❸ t❶➇❶⑨ r➄❿❺⑦❼➀➄⑦❹ ❡⑥❶❾ ➁❶⑨⑨ ⑦❷⑤❶⑤⑨⑦ ④❿➀ ⑤❿ ⑤⑦❷
❻❿➄⑦ ❼⑩④❾ ➁❶⑤⑥❶❷ ➁⑥❶❺⑥ ⑤❿ ❾⑦➄➇⑦ ⑩❷❼ ❸❶⑨⑦ ④❿➀➄ ❾⑤⑩⑤⑦❻⑦❷⑤ ❿❸ ❼⑦❸⑦❷❺⑦❹
✉❥ ①❢② ❥❧✉♣ ❡❢ ✐❤❥❤❦✐ ❡❣✉♥ rs❢t❤❤✐✉❦q➃ ➊②✐q✇❤❦❡ ✇❧① ✈❤ q✉➋❤❦ ❧q❧✉❦♥❡
①❢② ✉❦ ①❢②s ❧✈♥❤❦t❤ ❧❦✐ ➂✉❡❣❢②❡ ❥②s❡❣❤s ❦❢❡✉t❤ ❡❢ ①❢②❹ ✉❥ ①❢② ➂✉♥❣ ❡❢



✁✂✄✂ ☎✆✝

✞✟✠✡ ✆✝☛ ☞✌✍✌✎✡✎✏✌ ✟✑ ✒✓✍✔✡ ✕✖✎✏✎✠✍✓✗

✪✫✬✫✭✪ ✮✯✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✫✫✪✰✭✶ ✷✸✮ ✹✳✫ ✸✭✹✷✺✫ ✮✴ ✲✹✻ ✺✫✶✹✺ ✬✫✫✱✼ ✺✫✶✹✺ ✹✰✪ ✽✹✻
✷✫ ✹✾✹✰✺✹✷✺✫ ✮✴ ✻✴✸ ✷✻ ✵✴✭✮✹✵✮✰✭✶ ✹ ✺✴✵✹✺ ✺✫✶✹✺ ✹✰✪ ✴✬✬✰✵✫✿



✁✂✄✂ ☎✆✝

✞✟✠✡ ✆✝☛ ☞✌✍✌✎✡✎✏✌ ✟✑ ✒✓✍✔✡ ✕✖✎✏✎✠✍✓✗

✪✫✬✭✮ ✯✫✰ ✱✲✳ ✱✲✴✴
✵✶✶✷✭✸ ✹✰ ✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺✺
✻✼✽✫✾ ✿✭❀❁✶✬✿✫✿
❂❃❂ ❄❅❁❆✭✿✶❁✬✰ ❇❆✭❅✷✭
✴✲❈❉ ❊✾✼✼✿
❋✼✿✼❅✬✼✳ ●❅✬✫✿❁✼
✯❍■ ✴❏❑

❋●✮ ✯❏❋▲●▼●✻✵❋❇◆ ❋●▲●◆❋● ❖●◆✪●✯✵◆✵❄✯ ❖●▲▼●▲❇❋✵●◆ P❃◗❂
✯✫❅✫❀✭❘✭❅✬ ●❙❙❁✽✭✳ ❄❅❁✬ ✴✲✲
❂ ❚❁✽❯✼✿✰ ❋✿✭✭ ▲✼✫✸✳ ❋✼✿✼❅✬✼
✯❃◆ ❂❱❍



✁✂✄✂ ☎✆✝

✞✟✠✡ ✆✝☛ ☞✌✍✌✎✡✎✏✌ ✟✑ ✒✓✍✔✡ ✕✖✎✏✎✠✍✓✗

✯✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸ ✹✺ ✻✳✴✵✼ ✵✺ ✸✽✾✿
❀❁ ❂ ❃✱✻✳✴✾✴✷✵✽✶ ✷✰✴✷ ✷✰✱ ❃✱✸✱✶❃✴✶✷ ✰✴✺ ❄✶✳✴❅✸❄✳✳❆ ✴✶❃ ✵✶✷✱✶✷✵✽✶✴✳✳❆ ✵✶✷✱✾✸✱✾✱❃ ❅✵✷✰ ✷✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺
✲✱✾✺✽✶✴✳ ✲✾✽✲✱✾✷❆ ✾✵❇✰✷✺❈ ✴✶❃ ❅✵✷✰ ✷✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺ ✱✻✽✶✽✼✵✻ ✵✶✷✱✾✱✺✷✺ ❉❆ ❃✱✳✵❉✱✾✴✷✱✳❆ ❃✵✺✾❄✲✷✵✶❇❈
✵✶✷✱✾✸✱✾✵✶❇ ❅✵✷✰❈ ✴✶❃ ✽❉✺✷✾❄✻✷✵✶❇ ✴✻✻✱✺✺ ✷✽ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺ ✾✱✺✵❃✱✶✻✱ ✴✶❃ ✲✱✾✺✽✶✴✳ ✲✾✽✲✱✾✷❆❊
❋❁ ❂✶ ✵✶✷✱✾✵✼❈ ✵✶✷✱✾✳✽✻❄✷✽✾❆ ✴✶❃ ✲✱✾✼✴✶✱✶✷ ✵✶●❄✶✻✷✵✽✶ ✾✱✺✷✾✴✵✶✵✶❇ ✷✰✱ ❃✱✸✱✶❃✴✶✷ ✴✶❃ ✴✶❆ ✽✸ ✵✷✺ ✴❇✱✶✷✺
✽✾ ✱✼✲✳✽❆✱✱✺ ✸✾✽✼ ❃✵✺✾❄✲✷✵✶❇❈ ✽❉✺✷✾❄✻✷✵✶❇ ✽✾ ✵✶✷✱✾✸✱✾✵✶❇ ❅✵✷✰❈ ✻✽✶✷✵✶❄✵✶❇ ✷✽ ❃✵✺✾❄✲✷❈ ✽❉✺✷✾❄✻✷ ✽✾
✵✶✷✱✾✸✱✾✱ ❅✵✷✰ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺ ✳✴❅✸❄✳ ✴✻✻✱✺✺ ✷✽ ✰✽✼✱ ✴✶❃ ✲✱✾✺✽✶✴✳ ✲✾✽✲✱✾✷❆❈ ✵✶✻✳❄❃✵✶❇ ❉❄✷ ✶✽✷ ✳✵✼✵✷✱❃ ✷✽
✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺ ✴✺✺✵❇✶✱❃ ✲✴✾❍✵✶❇ ✺✲✴✻✱ ✴✶❃ ✻✽✶❃✽✼✵✶✵❄✼ ✻✽✼✼✽✶ ✴✻✻✱✺✺ ✻✽✶❃❄✵✷✺❈ ❇✾✽❄✶❃✺ ✴✶❃
■❁ ❂✶ ✵✶✷✱✾✵✼❈ ✵✶✷✱✾✳✽✻❄✷✽✾❆ ✴✶❃ ✲✱✾✼✴✶✱✶✷ ✵✶●❄✶✻✷✵✽✶ ✾✱✺✷✾✴✵✶✵✶❇ ✷✰✱ ❃✱✸✱✶❃✴✶✷ ✴✶❃ ✴✶❆ ✽✸ ✵✷✺ ✴❇✱✶✷✺
✽✾ ✱✼✲✳✽❆✱✱✺ ✸✾✽✼ ✲❄❉✳✵✺✰✵✶❇ ✽✾ ❃✵✺✺✱✼✵✶✴✷✵✶❇ ✵✶✸✽✾✼✴✷✵✽✶ ✷✰✴✷ ✻✽❄✳❃ ✾✱✴✺✽✶✴❉✳❆ ❉✱ ✻✽✶✺✷✾❄✱❃
✷✽ ✵✶✸✱✾ ✷✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸ ✰✴✺ ✴✻✷✱❃ ❄✶✳✴❅✸❄✳✳❆ ✽✾ ✵✶ ❉✴❃ ✸✴✵✷✰❊
❏❁ ❑❄✾✷✰✱✾ ✽✾ ✵✶ ✷✰✱ ✴✳✷✱✾✶✴✷✵▲✱❈ ❃✴✼✴❇✱✺ ✵✶ ✷✰✱ ✴✼✽❄✶✷ ✽✸ ▼◆❖❖❈❖❖❖ ✸✾✽✼ ✷✰✱ ❃✱✸✱✶❃✴✶✷ ✸✽✾ ✳✽✺✺✱✺
✺❄✸✸✱✾✱❃ ❉❆ ✷✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸ ✴✺ ✴ ✾✱✺❄✳✷ ✽✸ ✷✰✱ ❃✱✸✱✶❃✴✶✷✹✺ ❄✶✳✴❅✸❄✳ ✴✶❃ ❃✱✳✵❉✱✾✴✷✱ ✵✶✷✱✾✸✱✾✱✶✻✱ ❅✵✷✰ ✷✰✱
✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺ ✲✱✾✺✽✶✴✳ ✲✾✽✲✱✾✷❆ ✾✵❇✰✷✺ ✴✶❃ ❅✵✷✰ ✷✰✱ ✲✳✴✵✶✷✵✸✸✹✺ ✲✱✾✺✽✶✴✳ ✾✱✳✴✷✵✽✶✺✰✵✲✺ ✴✶❃ ✱✻✽✶✽✼✵✻

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