Karmis Missing Poster BW (PDF)

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Title: Karmis Missing Poster

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Angela Karmis

Age: 32 | Height: 6’1” | Brown eyes | Slight build
elbow tattoo | pawprint tattoo on chest | “mind the gap” tattoo on wrist
Angela was last seen in the vicinity
of Valerio Street near Elings Park
and was supposed to be on her way
towards San Andres Street and Micheltorena Street in Santa Barbara.
Please contact Santa Barbara
Police at (805) 897-2339 if you have
information about her whereabouts.

Angela fue vista por última vez cerca de
la calle Valerio y Elings Park y debía
haber caminado hacia la calle San
Andres y la calle Micheltorena en Santa
Si usted tiene alguna información sobre
su posible paradero, por favor llame la
policía de Santa Barbara (805)897-2339

Angela, please get in touch with us. We just want to know you’re safe.

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