BHac CV2016 (PDF)

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2016 Arts Editor and Contributing Writer | Hooligan Mag
Overseeing editorial illustration, comics, and arts journalism for the Chicago-based
publication Hooligan dedicated to literature, culture, and the arts.
2900 N Central Park Ave
Chicago IL 60618
tumblr: @bechac
instagram: @necromcom

2016 Editor | Xerox Candy Bar
Publish SAIC’s semiannual comic and illustration
anthology. Organize an allocated budget, edit and format submissions, oversee all technical and conceptual aspects.
2016 The Prime Mover Self-published
Color, 8 pages. Exploration in
formatting and color printing methods.
2014 Xerox Candy Bar Contributor, “Wandering Womb”
2013 SAIC’s First Catalogue Contributor, “Sometimes You Just”

2015 Black Bile Gallery 148, Minneapolis MN
Written and illustrative pieces in a group show
studying the theme of pre-modern medical practices

2013 Vision Walls Geneva IL
Developed, organized, and curated the
student artwork exhibition ‘Vision Walls’

- present

Teaching Assistant | School of the Art Institute of Chicago Chicago IL
Provided instruction assistance to students from age 10 to 17 for SAIC’s Early College and Middle
School Programs.

- 2016

Associate Buyer and Team Liaison | Crossroads Trading Company Chicago IL
Continual research dedicated to improving the store’s inventory and visual design, including
construction of visual product displays. Development and implementation of team goals. Provided
exemplary customer service and education on store policy.

- present

School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio and Writing
Merit Scholarship Recipient

- 2013

Geneva Community High School
National Art Honor Society of Illinois
Recognition of Achievement in the Arts

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