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A Step-by-Step Commentary on
The Published Teachings of
The Vampire Bible.
Revelations............................................................................................ 7
The Vampire Creed ............................................................................. 9
The Dragon Speaks ............................................................................ 16
The Calling of the Undead Gods ....................................................... 23
The Seven Steps of Ritual .............................................................. 38
Some of the Signs. .......................................................................... 52
The Secret Methods of Vampirism ................................................... 67
1. Contact ........................................................................................ 76
2. Penetrate ..................................................................................... 79
3. Draw In ....................................................................................... 81
4. Break Contact............................................................................. 84
The Predator of Humans ................................................................... 95
Paragraphs 1 - 7 ............................................................................. 95
Paragraphs 8 - 12 ......................................................................... 100
Shurpu Kishpu ................................................................................. 106
Dayside Commentary .................................................................. 111
Twilight Commentary ................................................................. 125
The Coming Apocalypse .................................................................. 136
The Dayside .................................................................................. 136
The Twilight ................................................................................. 139
A Step-by-Step Dayside and Twilight Commentary
on the Published Teachings of
The Vampire Bible.
These are the first words of The Vampire Bible.
The last words of the final Teaching of the Temple in The Vampire
Adept Bible read, “Without lies fact and fancy, truth and metaphor.
Discriminate with care.”
These words were not idly chosen to bracket the formal published
Teachings of the world’s only authentic Vampire Religion, HEKAL
TIAMAT. They were chosen to emphasize a number of critical
principles that the Vampire needs to inculcate into the deepest recesses
of his character.
Here lies bedrock. Here lies multiple, embedded meanings.
At the first level, these words act as a legal and public disclaimer. It is
warning the reader to not just believe everything as written. It is
clearly stating that not all they will read is true and factual. At least
some of what is written is fanciful and metaphorical.
In the dictionary, “metaphor” is defined as “a figure of speech in which
a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in
place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them figurative language.”
In other words, metaphor is instructive but not literally true. Metaphor
is intended to convey a meaning but is not the meaning itself.
Fancy is defined as “a mental image or representation” and “(archaic)
fantastic quality or state”. In other words fancy (as opposed to fact) is
nonphysical in nature, and is a creation of the mind. (This subject is
expanded in depth in the discussion of the dimension of Agreement in
The Vampire Adept Bible).
However, the key point is that fancy, like metaphor, is not grounded in
ordinary fact but operates on a different level.
That stated, there arise questions to be answered.
How to determine what is fact and what is fancy?
How to distinguish between what is truth and what is metaphor?
How does one “discriminate with care”?
“Discriminate” is defined as “to mark or perceive the distinguishing or
peculiar features of”, “to distinguish by discerning or exposing
differences”, and “to use good judgment”.
In other words, to “discriminate with care” means that the reader is
expected to make judgments based on discovering differences between
what is written and what is true.
The reader is both warned and expected to test the Teachings he reads
and then discover what is fact and what is fancy.
The reader is told he must actively seek to discover for himself by
personal effort what is truth and what is metaphor.
In other words, the Temple is an intelligence test.
And the final words of The Vampire Adept Bible warn us that life
itself is an intelligence test.
Discriminate with care.
The Vampire Creed
The Vampire Creed makes clear the basic beliefs of our religion. "I am
a Vampire" is stated twice, once at the very beginning and again just
prior to the last line, to emphasize the importance of this statement of
identity. You need to understand that you are a Vampire with a capital
Vampirism is a religion (as well as a Nightside metaphysical discipline
and a practical philosophy). Just as the members of any religion are
designated so by the convention of capitalizing their name, as in
Buddhist, Moslem, Christian, Jew, etc., the Vampire is a member of the
Vampire religion.
This is also why we are members of the Temple of the Vampire. The
Vampire designates a class of members of a religion. It would be just as
appropriate for us to refer to our religion as the Vampire Temple in this
same sense.
You state "I am a Vampire" as a choice, as an act of will. The balance
of the Vampire Creed defines and elaborates upon the meaning of that
statement; but above all, being a Vampire is a choice. First you choose
to be what you feel you already are. You are a Vampire, a member of
the Vampire religion.
And what is it that our religion holds to be true about being a Vampire?
We hold that the Vampire worships his ego and his life as the only true
God. We hold that the Vampire trusts reason above belief, distinguishes
between truth and fantasy, respects survival as the highest of laws,
identifies magic as applied natural law, rejects death as a virtue and is
dedicated to the enjoyment of life in the present.
The Vampire holds these views, as expressed in this creed as the
foundation of the Vampire religion. And notice what is absent from the
Vampire Creed. There is no statement regarding anything outside what
the Vampire values and rejects regarding life as it is lived. The
Vampire Creed does not include anything supernatural whatsoever. The
Vampire Creed defines the limits of the Vampire belief system.
The perfect guide to moral conduct for the Vampire comes directly
from the physical body. What feels good is good. What feels bad is
Yet if this perfect guidance is only blindly obeyed instead of honored,
then the lusts of the body can cause ruin to your life, restrict your
ability to feel pleasure by finding yourself imprisoned or even end your
earthly pleasures by being killed.
The Vampire Creed advises us to honor our animal instincts. This
means to be aware of what the body says to us about our physical likes
and dislikes, as well as the myriad emotional responses that we can feel
moment to moment, day to day and year after year.
You cannot honor what you ignore or reject. To honor your animal
instincts you must first be aware of them! You must open your
awareness to the present moment, that door to immortal eternity that
the "lower" animals enjoy in a state of perfect enlightenment.
Look at the common house cat. Unless in severe pain, the cat will
always enjoy this eternal moment, proud of its existence. Never
questioning its needs, desires, likes or dislikes, a cat will never consider
evaluating itself. The cat glories in its existence and lives with supreme
self esteem. It so values itself that it will never assign a value to itself.
The cat has risen entirely above the need for self esteem through
perfect self acceptance beyond the need for self esteem.
The Vampire is advised to recover the purity of this animal instinct
beyond the need for self appraisal, beyond all concepts of good and
evil, those twin lies borne of a split view of a single perfect universe.
Honor your animal instincts. In doing so you reveal your perfection as
above all others.
You take the place of command and authority that is yours as Vampire,
Master of the Earth.
The ego is your sense of having a separate self. The “you” at the center
of your awareness is the ego. The Vampire does not suffer from the
delusion that being separate from the experiences of life is a curse or
problem as is the case with the vast majority of human religions and
To the contrary, the Vampire glories in this uniqueness, this sense of
being apart from the rest of the world.
The ego brings into sharp contrast the experiences of life because you
are there to have them! They have meaning and importance because
your presence grants the rest of the universe meaning and importance.
The human seeks to apologize for his presence in the world as if he
were a disease or irritant. The Vampire feels quite the opposite. The
ego is what permits the universe to exist at all!
When I close my eyes, the world of light and vision ceases to exist. My
eyes grant reality to the stars, the Sun and the Moon – all that is only
exists because I see it. My ears create the sounds and music of the
world. I am the cause of the Harmony of the Spheres. My touch
enables things to have impact and warmth. My feelings determine the
mood of all that is. My senses of smell and taste fill out what would
otherwise be a drab non-existence. I am the gourmet of the world.
The ego also carries the meaning of selfish intention, of pride, and of
self-importance above all else. This is fundamental truth.
The Vampire worships himself. He is the center and creator of all else.
Without the self, nothing matters and nothing exists.
Life is more than mere breathing. Life encompasses the whole of
I worship and honor my life because I am the creator of all that is
experienced. I openly enjoy the pleasures of life and I forcefully
condemn and reject what is painful to me. My life is all that is. I
worship my creation.
As is carefully detailed in The Vampire Priesthood Bible, what one
chooses as God is fundamentally the most important person in your
life. Therefore, the Vampire chooses himself as his God.
As the center and creator of the entire universe of experience the
Vampire is the God of constant creation. He is also the God of power
for he can move the heavens with a flicker of his eyes, and when he
walks the world rolls beneath him. He is the immovable and perfect
experiencing center.
The Vampire Predator Bible carefully details how the use of reason
remains the only valid means to knowledge. Being able to identify the
facts of reality, validating them and then extrapolating from those facts
to make useful predictions about reality is not only respected and
honored by the Vampire, it is considered to be the most wonderful of
all skills that the Vampire possesses. He exalts the use of reason above
all other skills and tools, for without reason the Vampire is lost in a
world that cannot be controlled and in a universe without any possible
The use of reason permits the identification of truth versus fantasy, fact
and metaphor. Truth can be validated through reason. Fantasy fails
that test. Facts can be isolated from mere claims of fact. The Vampire
eternally strives to make these evaluations and judges his world
If you no longer exist then nothing has any value. You are the hub of
the universe around which all else revolves. Thus your destruction
negates all values. Laws are guidelines to determine what can work.
For example, there are laws of physics that define the relationship
between force, mass and acceleration (F=ma).
6. Revelations.pdf (PDF, 620.99 KB)
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