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Brianna McFadden, CINA 15
1 CU on GIRL's eyes
2 MS above head of GIRL and BOY in bed together.
GIRL: So when does something become something
BOY: You're thinking way too deeply about this,
as usual.
Clock ticking sound begins.
GIRL looks to the clock
3 MCU clock on the wall
4 ECU GIRL's eyes shifting gaze
5 MS keyboard in the room
Clock ticking grows louder
6 ECU GIRL's eyes shifting gaze again, camera follows
7 Shot of paint smudge on the ceiling
GIRL, frustrated, starts tapping on her phone
8 ECU of GIRL's hand harshly tapping on her phone
After a few moments,
BOY: Can you stop that?
9 ECU of GIRL's mouth, lips pursed
10 ECU of GIRL's eyes, she is clearly upset
BOY: Lucy?
11 MS above head of GIRL and BOY, GIRL sits up
Ticking and tapping sounds stop, then silence.
12 Finish shot of GIRL sitting up, MS
13 MCU of GIRL
Cut to black
GIRL: I think we should stop seeing eachother.
ABRUPT - Sheet1-6.pdf (PDF, 32.01 KB)
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