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McCallum Choir
Cabaret 2016: Stars from Stage and Screen
Concession Fee
All choir students donate $10.00 to McCallum Choir Boosters to stock the concession sales booth
at Cabaret, allowing all proceeds raised to go toward choir events and scholarships. Please send
in this fee before October 24th. Checks should be made payable to McCallum Choir. Put your cash
or check in an envelope marked CONCESSION FEE, with the student’s name on it, and put it in the
wooden box on the wall in the choir room.
You may fill out and include this form in the envelope:
Student Name: _______________________________________________
Grade (Circle One): 9 10 11 12
$10.00 donation included (made payable to McCallum Choir) to support Cabaret Concessions.
For questions on Concession Fee, email
McCallum Choir
Cabaret 2016: Stars from Stage and Screen
Parents, students, and supporters are invited to attend the
2016 Cabaret After Party Celebration!!!
When: Sunday, November 13th at approximately 6 pm (after strike)
Where: La Mancha (2203 Hancock Drive)
Cost: $13 per person – includes taco and nacho bar, water, iced tea, tax and tip (additional food
and drink available for purchase).
RSVP by turning in this completed form with your payment in an envelope marked CABARET
AFTER PARTY. Form may be turned in to the wooden mailbox in the choir room.
ALL RSVP’S must be turned in by 11/10/16 in order to attend the party.
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________
Number of Guests attending after party (include student, parents, or guests): ___________
Payment enclosed ($13 per guest): $_______________
Circle One:
Check (Payable to Jodi Leach)
For questions about the after party, email
Concession and After Party form 2016.pdf (PDF, 82.5 KB)
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