NEW Partner Portal Introduction (PDF)

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Exclusive Access to the

AMMEX Partner Portal
Access to partner portal contains product images, product
videos, trade marketing, social media, articles, calendar,
training videos, chemical resistance chart and grow your
glove sales video for your trade marketing tools program.

Go to

Grow Your
Glove Sales
with Ammex

Hover over “PARTNER” in the navigation

Type in your username
and password to Log In.

If you need a new password, click
"Lost your password?" to receive
an email prompting to reset your
password with a new link.

Need help finding what you need? Contact your AMMEX representative.

(800) 274-7354
1019 W James Street, Suite 200, Kent, WA 98032
Part Portal 06142016 v2

Once you are logged in,
you will see a new page

Need help finding what you need? Contact your AMMEX representative.

(800) 274-7354
1019 W James Street, Suite 200, Kent, WA 98032
Part Portal 06142016 v2

Product Images - You can download an image, search by glove name (for example- “GWON”), glove material,
or the date last added. Once you have selected the glove and image, simply click the green download button to
download the file.

Product Videos - Our product videos offer a great way to learn more about the features and benefits of each
glove and educate your sales team.

Product Details – Searchable by product, we offer spec sheets, data sheets, MAP/MSRP prices, and
packaging information. Our spec sheets are glove specific and are included in our samples, ready for anyone
using the glove to learn more details. The Data Sheet includes all spec sheet details as well as product and
packaging dimensions, bar codes, and icons for recommended uses.

Articles - Included are ready to share product, trend, and industry focused topics that cover all the essentials
when it comes to knowing the ins and outs about the latest industry trends and events, foundational glove and
product knowledge, sales best practices, marketing tips, industry trends and more. Articles are ready for you to
read and share with the full PDF article, link and feature image.

Infographics - We offer industry leading infographics to help you sell more gloves. These infographics
overview market information, glove trends, product information, glove selling tools and more.

Social Media - Our social media support includes content that can be easily shared on your social media pages
including Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Google+. In this section, you will find content for our monthly
campaigns such as “Safety Month” as well as individual glove campaigns.


AMMEX Logos – We offer two versions (colored and white) of the AMMEX logo for download. There are
several file types of each version- EPS, AI, PNG, and JPG. When using the AMMEX logo, be sure to adhere to
our trademark guidelines.

Trade Marketing - AMMEX supports our partners with unique and industry leading sales, marketing, and
training tools that are proven to help you grow your glove sales. To download our spec sheets, data sheets,
logos, infographics, industry flyers, or industry flyers, just click on the link to be directed to the download section.

Need help finding what you need? Contact your AMMEX representative.

(800) 274-7354
1019 W James Street, Suite 200, Kent, WA 98032
Part Portal 06142016 v2

Digital Banners – Our Digital Banner download section contains glove images with taglines in the most
common digital sizes following IAB standards. To download an image, search by glove name (for exampleGWBN), or glove material. Once you have selected the glove and image, simply click the green download
button to download the file.

Training Videos - We offer our AMMEX distributors exclusive video content which contains training videos for
your sales and customer support teams. Our “Gloves 101” video discusses the varying grades in our glove line,
the different glove materials, as well as the industry best served by each product. Our microfiber video shows
the behind the scenes making of the AMMEX microfiber towel. Our anti-microbial video demonstrates the
features and benefits of the AMMEX anti-microbial powder free vinyl gloves. The “How to Change Your Oil”
video shows our popular Gloveworks Heavy Duty Orange Nitrile gloves in action at an auto repair shop.

Chemical Resistance Chart - This Chemical Resistance Chart is for advisory use only. Conditions, exposure
times, chemical concentrations and residues may affect glove performance. It is strongly advised that on-site
testing of all gloves is important to help determine safe usage. Glove chemical resistance based on 5 mil gloves.
Glove material thickness will effect chemical resistance duration.

Grow Your Glove Sales Video - AMMEX has created a new whiteboard animated video showcasing the many
ways we can help you grow your glove sales!

Website Best Practices – AMMEX strives to support our clients and partners with marketing and digital
marketing materials to help you grow your business. This building collection of articles covers website best
practices and how to compete as the market continues in this Digital Age.

Library – As a company, we believe in growing and improving every day. We have compiled recommendations
from across all departments and positions at our company to curate a list of articles, books, videos, podcasts
and more. Browse through the library to find resources on topics such as leadership, marketing, sales, logistics,
pricing, motivation, and productivity.

Calendar - Your Calendar is a quick snapshot and overview of what we have planned for online content and
marketing. Check out the monthly campaigns, tradeshows we will be attending, conferences, unique holidays,
and more. This is a great place to see what we have coming up, align with us or let us know if there is
something that we are missing and should add.

Need help finding what you need? Contact your AMMEX representative.

(800) 274-7354
1019 W James Street, Suite 200, Kent, WA 98032
Part Portal 06142016 v2

Download NEW Partner Portal Introduction

NEW Partner Portal Introduction.pdf (PDF, 305.35 KB)

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