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Street Photography in Prague ,Oct 2016

Prague, capital city of the Czech Republic, is bisected by the Vltava
River. Nicknamed “the City of a Hundred Spires,” it’s known for its
Old Town Square, the heart of its historic core, with colorful baroque buildings, Gothic churches and the medieval Astronomical
Clock, which gives an animated hourly show. Completed in 1402,
pedestrian Charles Bridge is lined with statues of Catholic saints.


The city is traditionally one of the cultural centres
of Europe, hosting many cultural events. Some
of the significant cultural institutions include the
National Theatre (Národní Divadlo) and the Estates Theatre (Stavovské or Tylovo or Nosticovo
divadlo), where the premières of Mozart’s Don
Giovanni and La clemenza di Tito were held.
Other major cultural institutions are the Rudolfinum which is home to the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and the Municipal House which is
home to the Prague Symphony Orchestra. The
Prague State Opera (Státní opera) performs at the
Smetana Theatre.

Many films have been
made at Barrandov
Studios and at Prague

Prague’s economy accounts for 25% of the
Czech Republic’s GDP[56] making it the highest performing regional economy of the country. According to the Eurostat, as of 2007, its
GDP per capita in purchasing power standard
is €42,800. Prague ranked the 5th best-performing European NUTS two-level region
at 172 percent of the EU-27 average.[57]
Prague employs almost one fifth of the entire
Czech workforce and its wages are significantly
above average (~+25%). In December 2015, average salaries available in Prague reached 35,853
CZK. This represented an annual increase of 3.4%
which was nevertheless lower than national increase of 3.9% both in nominal and real terms.
and electrical engineering. In the service sector,
most significant are financial and commercial
services, trade, restaurants, hospitality and public
administration. Services account for around 80
percent of employment. There are 800,000 employees in Prague, including 120,000 commuters.

Rihanna’s “Don’t Stop the
Music” video was filmed at
Prague’s Radost FX Club.

residents in Prague has been increasing in spite of
the country’s economic downturn. As of March
2010, 148,035 foreign workers were reported to
be living in the city making up about 18 percent of the workforce, up from 131,132 in 2008.
[59] Approximately one-fifth of all investment
in the Czech Republic takes place in the city.


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