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How to Start a Startup // Syllabus
June 2017
Instructor Information
Office Location & Hours
Armen Petrosian
AUA Yerevan Campus
General Information
How to start a startup! A 4-week crash course in the fundamentals.
Expectations and Goals
Learn the basics behind starting an online internet company in 4 weeks. Go from idea evaluation all the
way to launch using the tenets taught in this course.
Course Materials
Required Equipment
Laptop or Desktop computer (Any OS)
Broadband internet connection
Course Schedule
June 5-9
Idea evaluation
How to Start a Startup by Paul Graham
June 12-16
Landing pages
MOZ Entertaining Guide to Landing Pages
June 19-23
Product development
Customer Development by Steve Blank
June 26-30
Launch strategies
Growing Your Product by Alex Schultz
Additional Reading
YCombinator 2014 Stanford Startup Course
Startup-am-syllabus.pdf (PDF, 33.9 KB)
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