Software Engineer Assignment (PDF)

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Software Engineer Assignment - OpenSooq

Implement a simple website using Yii2 advanced template. The website has one core
functionality which is adding and browsing posts
1. use MVC design pattern
2. design database structure, where a post has a title, a description, a category and
many tags
3. use MySQL and use Yii2 migrations to initiate categories table with Cars, Mobiles,
Tablets and tags with:
toyota, honda, gmc, automatic, manual, hybrid, gas, iphone, galaxy s, galaxy note,
black, white, ipad and galaxy tab.
4. make sure only logged in users can add posts. And only post owner can edit it
5. sign up / sign in using username/password (Facebook login is a plus)
6. a migration to create an admin user with username admin and password admin
7. an admin page showing duplicated content for a given post (have same title,
description) in an efficient way
8. create a yii console command that delete posts older than 3 days
9. document/comment your code using Github

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