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Delicious Library Bibliography (MLA Style)
Doidge, Norman. The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the
Frontiers of Brain Science. Penguin Books, 2007.
Greenspan, Stanley I., and Beryl Lieff Benderly. The Growth of the Mind: And the
Endangered Origins of Intelligence. Perseus Books, 1997.
McTaggart, Lynne. The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life
and the World. Atria Books, 2008.
Mody, Maria, and Elaine R. Silliman. Brain, Behavior, and Learning in Language and
Reading Disorders. The Guilford Press, 2008.
Ramachandran, V. S. A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness: From Impostor Poodles to
Purple Numbers. Pi Press, 2005.
Ramachandran, V. S., and Sandra Blakeslee. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the
Mysteries of the Human Mind. William Morrow Paperbacks, 1999.
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