cross country and dressage clinic.1 Copy (PDF)

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Author: Bronte Simpson

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Junior Committee

At the Woady Yaloak Equestrian Centre 5 Lords Rd, Smythesdale VIC 3351

(Kia Ora Performance Horses)
Grades - PC 5-1, EA Intro to 1*
4-5 riders per group
90 minute lessons
$50 per lesson (includes $5 facility fee)
* $90 for both lessons
Plus $10 insurance for Non Pony Club/EA/HRCAV

(Patchwork Park Equestrian)
Grades – PC 5-1, EA Preparatory to Medium
3 riders per group
60 minute lessons
$50 per lesson (includes $5 facility fee)
* $90 for both lessons
Plus $10 insurance for Non Pony Club/EA/HRCAV

As per PCAV Horse Trials Rules – Riders must be eight years of age or older, horses must be at least aged four. No stallions, colts or rigs. Approved
AUS/NZ 3838, EN1384, ASTMF1163, ARB HS 2012, AS+PAS 015, VG 01.040 riding helmets must be worn.
To enter this clinic please email Georgie at with the following information:
- Rider name, Horse name, Grade (PC 5-1, EA Intro to 1* or PC 5-1, EA Preparatory to Medium), Contact phone number & email address
- Receipt of payment
- Evidence of insurance – EA number / PCAV number, or please add the $10 insurance.
- All riders must complete a ‘Liability Declaration Form’. This can be emailed to you by request or can be found on the PCAV website.
Payment to be made to Smythesdale & District Pony Club, BSB 633000, Account 157315185. Your name as the reference.
Times will be emailed to all participants by Monday 02/10/17.
For any enquiries please phone Georgie or Anni on 0427 424 411

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