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The Tinfoil Times
November, 2017
Volume 42 Number 11
Frank Nash
Sue Chonoles
Jan Smirnow
Laurie Haire
Ingrid & Jim Orlando
Jack Kazee
Vern Blausey
Prize Coordinator
Jan Smirnow
John Lobota
Website Administrator
John Lobota
Newsletter Editor
Jack Kazee
Contact Us:
Frank Nash
9729 Whippoorwill Trail
Jupiter, FL 33478
Dues are $35 per year. New members
pay an initiation fee of $5, plus:
$35 if joining between Jan 1st through
the end of June, or $17.50 if joining
between July 1 and December 31. $5
extra for FMDAC membership.
Gold Coast Treasure Club, Inc.
Our code of ethics: Have permission and do no harm
Our next meeting will be
7:00 PM, November 9, 2017
South Florida Science Center
Garden Club Building
4800 Dreher Trail North
West Palm Beach, FL 33405
November News
Featured Speaker for November
There will be a presentation and discussion on Water
Hunting by fellow member Paul Hamlin. So get those
questions ready and if allowable there will be time for
Tall Water Stories!
2017 GCTC Holiday Party Next Month
Our yearly Holiday Party will be December 14th at the
Multipurpose Building of the Science Center. Sign up
early for your special covered dish contribution. This
is our usual party, with the club supplying the meats
and utensils.
To sign up with your dish, or to help with planning and
setting up for the party, please contact Jan Smirnow
at 561-376-6211
November Birthdays
Leslie Batts (11/27)
Linda Bowen (11/5)
Tom Lieberman (11/8)
Frank Nash (11/14)
Mike Mullener (11/2)
Join us before the meeting at
5:15 for dinner.
Flanigan’s back room
330 Southern Blvd
West Palm Beach
Please RSVP by noon
November 8
Laurie Haire
(954) 593-4800
Dutch treat
The Tinfoil Times
Page 2
Minutes of the General October Meeting
Pledge of Allegiance and the October 12 th meeting was underway with several pirates in attendance! April Sovich, Suzette (Lee LeClair’s daughter),
and Frank Nash were entertaining in their garb! It was decided that considering the detail and the interest in dressing for the contest that the
three would be awarded the same prizes! They received their booty in black bags with the skull and crossbones on it!
Unfortunately, maybe fortunately for him, our guest speaker was a no show! He most likely was working a wreck and unable to swim ashore for
the meeting. Hopefully, he will be able to regale us with his stories in the near future!
Vice President, Sue Chonoles, presented several new tips for the month, of which these are just a couple. Carry a plastic bag and rubber band to
place over your metal detector head in the event you encounter rain, spray your digging shovel for parks with silicone spray for easier digging,
and last but not least use good judgement when caught out in the open in a thunder storm. Play it safe and take cover!
Sue then asked for input from the members regarding any success in hunting after Irma.
Most replied that they could not get onto the beaches until after a week later. Trip Cioci indicated that there appeared to be nothing in the wet
sand but higher up on the beach where the high tide hit, he did find coins. April Sovich agreed with what Tripp said and that she had found some
really cruddy coins dating back to the 80’s.
President Nash welcomed Mike Manzo and family of Manzo’s Deli on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd in West Palm Beach, Suzette LeClair Babcook, and
Kathleen Franklin.
A big welcome to Kathleen who joined our membership. Kathleen’s ambition is to find that 1715 gold. After hurricane Irma, she visited the beaches
of Vero and Sebastian without success, but she learned a lot and got to meet other detectorists.
Of all the members having birthdays in September and October (yes, we did both months) only six members were in attendance to collect their
birthday dollar.
It was decided to reintroduce the hidden capsule hunt to the membership. Look for details in this newsletter.
Member Jennifer Cioci has asked the membership to bring in matchbox cars (in good condition) that they find to be sent to the children in Haiti.
Guidance Counselor Velouse Jean-Jacques of the Barton Elementary School in Lake Worth has organized a charity. Their website is She collects items and then delivers them to the people of Haiti. The club decided to support this charity; clothing, food,
anything will be greatly appreciated. Please just bring it to each meeting. As we all know the people of the Caribbean are suffering. You can also
help by donating money on their website.
Thanks go to April Sovich and Tripp Cioci for doing the Best Finds Table results!
Sign-up sheets for the Nominating Committee, Holiday Party Covered Dish, Holiday Party Committee, and the November 4 th hunt at Juno Beach
were made available to the membership.
I presented two Award Certificates – Frank Nash for finding and returning a stolen Minelab CTX-3030, and Pauline Nash for finding and returning a
platinum wedding band to its rightful owners.
I also, reported on my experience with Duracell batteries and my recently repaired White’s DFX. Look for the article later in this newsletter.
Refreshments were delicious – provided by Frank Nash – chocolate truffles key lime pie, apple pie goodies from Publix and Panera! Thanks Frank!
Meeting was adjourned by President Nash with a see you in November!
Submitted by Jan Smirnow, Secretary
Beware Duracell Batteries
I had purchased a brand-new pack of Duracell batteries at BJ’s, inserted them carefully into my White’s DFX, and went off to hunt. The
machine was acting weirdly but I continued hunting! Finally, after about an hour and a half, I sort of gave up! I turned the machine off,
went back to the car, turned it on again for the last hurrah. It was still not working properly! I took the battery case out and OMG BATTERY
ACID JUST DRIPPING! Unreal! I have never seen anything like that! I called White’s first thinking maybe they used a different diode or
capacitor or something. I was assured there was nothing unusual about my machine, and was advised to call Duracell. Which I did!
The Duracell tech asked me to try the machine again with different batteries. I did so and luckily the machine still worked. They sent me a
Check for $30 for the battery case and a $10 certificate for new batteries. It came to light at the meeting that Duracell batteries are
leaking quite frequently and ruining a lot of electronic equipment. The moral of this story is that if the machine is not working properly –
check the battery case – or just do not use Duracell batteries! I had also used their D cell batteries in a hurricane lantern during Irma. It
worked fine, however I left the batteries in the lantern for a week. When I removed the batteries, I noticed a funny circular mark on the
bottom of the case. Upon opening the case – guess what – you got it – battery acid (they were new too)!
(A quick Internet search found a number of complaints about Duracell batteries, a class action lawsuit against the makers of Duracell in
2012, and a link on Duracell’s own website on how to clean up after their batteries leak. – ed.)
Submitted by Jan Smirnow,, Secretary
Find This Capsule, Win a Prize!
The Hidden Capsule Hunt is coming back. Somewhere in a local park, this capsule will be hidden. Each month, a clue will be given as to its whereabouts. Our
mission is to find it. The hunt will continue until the capsule is found.
Whoever finds the capsule will be rewarded.
More details will be given at the meeting.
April, Frank, and Suzette were the only ones
to wear pirate garb. They were rewarded
with bags of booty for their efforts.
The Tinfoil Times
Page 4
October 2017 Best Finds Winners
Best Gold
Best Gold with Stone
Best Silver
Gold Pendant
No Entries
Child’s Silver Cross
Ed Morin
Ed Morin
Best Costume
Most Unusual
Best Coin
Dragon Ring
50th Birthday Bottle Opener
Bahama 25 Cent Coin
Kevin Bean
Ed Morin
April Sovich
GCTC October 2017 Winners
Congratulations to the October winners!
Kevin Bean
April Sovich
Ed Morin
Whatever Jan is saying,
Frank’s not buying it!
The Tinfoil Times
Upcoming events:
Club meeting November 9, 2017
2017 November GCTC Newsletter.pdf (PDF, 2.04 MB)
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