Greenco Burundi Newsletter April 2019 (PDF)

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April showers bring May flowers
Another month passed by and our coffee washing stations are working
harder and harder in order to process all the cherries carefully brought by
our farmers. A mix of rain and sun at the heart of Africa are always good
working conditions, so we are ready to give the best of ourselves during
this harvest peak to produce the best coffee in Burundi once again!

Harvest, what's up?
If March came with a radiant sun perfect for preparing our natural coffees,
April in Burundi is always characterized by its rains, which means we
must make way for our Fully Washed coffees. So far, cherry volumes are
not currently as high as last year due to the country´s harvest cyclicity,
but we expect to come back as the season peak approaches!

The first step of a marathon!

Our first coffees are arriving at our lab in order to be cupped! From now
on, our quality team will concentrate all their knowledge and efforts to
identify and select the best coffees that we can offer. The first day of
cupping we took the opportunity to make a small motivational talk and
encourage each other before the kick-off: we were about to start with the
first cup out of the total of over 7,000 we estimate we are going to cup
this year! As we say in Burundi: buke buke (slow slow), but steadily.

Greenco becomes #1 employer
Like every year during the harvest, our CWS are running at full capacity.
This means that during the following months we are employing more than
1,800 people, making us the first private employer in Ngozi and Kayanza
provinces, where we are present. In addition to the quantitative aspect,
of which we are very proud, we would also like to highlight the qualitative
side of employment, which is what worries us most. Indeed, our
employees are obviously paid punctually on a monthly basis, they also
have medical coverage in the CWS, they enjoy rest days during the week
and of course they are paid the overtime they´ve earned. All this may
sound obvious in the developed world, but in the hills of Burundi, where
more than half the population is unemployed and working conditions are
generally poor, it is a small revolution. Success is all about relationships
and for us there is no other way of working and succeeding together.

CoE effort pays off!
Eight of our CWS in both Ngozi and Kayanza provinces have
received this month an additional bonus as a result of the premium
selling price of our Cup of Excellence awarded coffees. Hard work
pays off! For this important occasion, we had the pleasure of having
the presence of several authorities including the Governor of
Kayanza province. Happiness and excitement spread among the
farmers and our employees at the coffee stations: not to be missed!

International Workers' Day
Burundians celebrate the International Workers’ Day doing a
parade, and in Greenco we like to continue the party having some
good brochettes (skewers), the typical national dish, outdoors. For
this occasion, we organized a talent show in which we were able to
discover hidden talents of our team such as musical skills, funny
dance steps or impressive acrobatics. Before opening the first beer
(i.e. while we still had the attention of the attendees), we took the
opportunity to thank all our employees for the hard work done and
to encourage them for all the work ahead. 2019 promises to be a
fantastic year!

In order to cheer your Monday’s up, we have decided to launch weekly
motivational quotes through the hashtag #1cup1quote. A good cup of
coffee and inspirational quotes will put aside that bad Monday mood. If
our Instagram and Facebook accounts; let’s show Garfield how wrong he
was to hate Mondays!

Carlos' Words
The harvest advances rapidly, time flies and sometimes we don't realize
how lucky we are to be able to dedicate ourselves to what we like most.
That's what I like most about this newsletter, since it allows us to look
back and feel tremendously fortunate to have the incredible opportunity
to fulfil our dream of working in the world of coffee and to do it in a country
as special as Burundi where so much help is needed.
This month we are especially proud of our work for the recognition
Burundi has had in being selected 2019 Portrait Country at the Specialty
Coffee Association 2019 Expo held in Boston - USA. There´s still a long
way to go but in Greenco we don’t see obstacles, we see opportunities.

Next month we will return loaded with amazing news, including a very
special visit from Greenco owner and true coffee aficionado, Mr François
Bercher, and the distribution to our farmers of more than 80 pigs and 140
goats thanks to the contribution of several roasters to our famous “Goat
Project” (yes, we need a new name). Want to know more? Stay tuned!

Signature Carlos Bobillo Barbeito ” > < “ signatureCBB


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Greenco S.U · 33 Route Ngozi-Gitega · Ngozi · Burundi

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