B2B Brochure (PDF)

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Wearable Technology
Is Here To Stay
Only MYZONE® Has Been Built With A Club Operator’s Business Plan in Mind

Connect with us @MYZONEMoves

1-8555 MYZONE

Accuracy is of paramount importance
when it comes to motivating people to
put in the effort required to get the results
they want. For this reason, we chose
to measure intensity through heart rate,
the gold standard of activity tracking.
The MYZONE® physical activity belt is
99.4% accurate to an EKG machine, and
automatically and seamlessly uploads
up to 16 hours of stored workouts every
time your users walk into your club!

TVs around the club provide a real time
display of a members heart rate, calories
burned, and points earned. Instant
feedback and immediate rewards keep
members on track, helping them to
make every session count and keep
coming back for more.

The MYZONE® MZ-50 Watch is an
option for those members who also exercise
outdoors, away from the club. Instant
feedback is a compelling and addictive
benefit, leading to simple upsell and
secondary revenue opportunity to existing
users. Available in 4 colors!

Members can view their online log
book from the convenience of the MYZONE®
Lite App. Furthermore, at the touch of
a button trainers can achieve deeper and
more meaningful engagement with their
clients through the tracking of their exercise
and nutrition. This holistic approach to
fitness and wellness will keep clients
motivated and engaged.

The online user pages leverage goal
setting, status ranking, badges, and social
accountability tools to drive members to
exercise more, and sustain that motivation
over time. All these elements are key for
client retention and satisfaction.

Club operators can pull a series of
reports that are full of information that will
help them understand their members that
much more: “To know me is to love me!”
By understanding your customers you can
offer individualized an specific suggestions
therfore improving club-client relationships
and maintaining attendance and credibility.

MYZONE®’s Wearable Technology an
Leverage the 4 Most Critical A

As a club
there are four pill
80/20 rule of the fitness ind
effort produces 80% of your results.
areas is without question the most leverage
key metrics move, but it comes with the added b
more referrals coming fro

Let’s take a look at the 4 key areas of club operation

The Fou
Having A Unique Selling Point
• Why It’s Important: Having a
unique selling point is what
separates your club from
alternatives in the market
• How MYZONE® Helps:
Seeing their heart rate on the
big screen brings sport science
to the regular gym member, is
impressive on the tour, and the
honor board is a powerful goal
setting tool that helps the sales
team illustrate how the club
ensures that its members
achieve their desired results. It’s
proof, plain and simple.

Member On-Boarding
• Why It’s Important: The first
45 days is the single most
important window of opportunity when it comes to new
memberships. Members who
join on impulse but never
engage are headed for quick
failure. Members who join but
convert their impulse to time
spent in the club are set for a
lengthy tenure!
• How MYZONE® Helps:
By rewarding new members
for getting their name on the
Honor Board in their first
month (with 2x PT Sessions
valued at $150, for example),
you can incentivize the sale of
the belt and add value to their
purchase. When a $75 belt
purchase is suddenly worth
$225 dollars with the added
training, the risk of not getting
their money’s worth from your
club has already been
eliminated, and most
importantly you’re driving
exercise adherence during
those first 45 days.

With a strong USP, a well on-boarded member, high PT penetration, and with
referral sales from the promoters within the club, which is why using MYZONE

nd Tracking System Was Designed to
Aspects of Club Management

lars that drive the
dustry, where 20% of your
. Focused improvement in these four
ed use of an executive’s time. Not only will
bonus of a club operator’s holy grail – more and
om the membership base.

ns, and how MYZONE® helps move the key metrics.

ur Pillars
Personal Training Upsell
• Why It’s Important:
Your highest yielding product,
the first class upsell of our
• How MYZONE® Helps:
Use the MYZONE® Lite app
to help build the enhanced
value of training during the
sample sessions. It shows the
member that the trainer can
now keep them accountable
to their cardio homework, and
it can be used to engage in
convenient food tracking. The
MYZONE® app helps elevate
the trainer to more of a coach
over the member’s entire week,
even when they are out of the

• Why It’s Important: Members
naturally yo-yo with their club
usage, at some point not
bouncing back, leading to
them becoming an attrition
statistic. According to IHRSA
studies, members who use the
gym > 100 times per year will
stay 18 months longer than
members who visit less than
50 times per year. Club usage
• How MYZONE® Helps:
MYZONE® uses gamification,
status ranking, challenges and
leaderboards to capture this
mass movement in usage and
create a "reboot" type effect.
Challenges, for example, have
been shown to drive usage
from 4 visits per month to 11
visits per month.

h strong club usage leading to stronger retention, a club can expect improved
E® to leverage the 80/20 rule is simply the most effective way to operate a club!

Using Goal Setting and Gamification in Conjunction
with Tracking to Drive Member Behavior

Three themed challenges per year provide
hype and a sense of camaraderie. A great
way to promote MYZONE®, and a great
way to induce engagement in members.
Artwork provided to clubs!

Use the power of
goal setting and social
accountability to make your
lobby a motivation hub,
recognizing and rewarding
members on a monthly

ZONE MATCH™ is a fun, engaging
and easy-to-follow group cardio class that
will take your heart through different
levels of intensity based on the MYZONE®
effort zones. Your aim is to try and
control your heart rate by altering effort
to remain within the preset color zones
provided to you throughout the class.

The Numbers Don’t Lie - MYZONE® Changes
Behavior for the Better!

A recent study completed at Pat Laus’ award
winning Atlantic Club in New Jersey showed
that a control group of members visited the club
25% more, (January, year on year) once they had
adopted MYZONE®.

More interestingly, it was established from that
same case study that those members who would
typically only visit 4 times in a January period,
would visit 11 times once engaged with MYZONE®.
In effect, projecting their attendance to be 132
visits for the year instead of 48, moving them from
no or low engagement to high engagement. This
is where the rubber meets the road.
A separate quantitative study completed
by CFM International, the global distributor of
MYZONE®, showed that members already using
MYZONE® would exercise 80% more frequently
when engaged in a 6 week challenge with
their peers.

New findings by the UK Active Research
Institute show that the average retention rate
of non-MYZONE® users is 65%; but for
MYZONE® users that number jumps to 77%,
a significant improvement!

not a toy or a
gadget, it’s an engager! The trainers are engaged with the
members, the members are engaged
with each other, and the individual is engaged w
 ith their workout. MYZONE® has
been proven internally with increased
retention scores. Thank you MYZONE®!
Soraya Suart, Special Projects
Manager, Al Corniche Club, Kuwait
MYZONE® is an eye
catching addition to our
new performance
center! It has added
value to our small group training by
allowing members to visually see the
immediate results of their hard work
during class!
Gretchen Collins, Director of Fitness
East Bank Club, Chicago
enhances our
group personal
training and drives retention. I would
not run a small group session without it!
Rick Mayo, Owner
North Point Training Systems
MYZONE® provides
added value to
our members b
keeping their workouts challenging and
honest. It tracks workouts anywhere,
but maintains the central role of the
trainer as fitness professional, and the
club as their home base.
Amy Thompson, National Director
of Personal Training Services,
Wellbridge, Inc.

MYZONE® is the
best of sports science
made simple for the
regular member. Goal
setting is the most important part of
achieving any desired outcome, and
fitness tracking is the simplest and most
accurate way of making that happen for
our members. If you get your workload
done, you get your results, simple.
MYZONE® holds you to that.
Greta Wagner, Senior VP, The Sports
Center At Chelsea Piers, New York, NY
MYZONE® is cutting edge tracking
technology that
differentiates SNAP clubs around the
world. It highlights to our members that
getting health and fitness results is really
about putting the effort in - month in,
month out – MYZONE® measures that
effort and provides the motivation to
make that happen.
Peter Taunton, Founder/CEO,
Snap Fitness
Our low usage
members increased
their visits by 158%
when comparing
January 2012 to
January 2013, with the only significant
change on this control group being
the application of MYZONE®. This
MYZONE® initiative took our low usage
members from 4 visits per month, to 11
visits per m
 onth. MYZONE® has proven
to be a real driver of member usage
which is critical to retention.
Kevin McHugh, Chief Operations
Officer, The Atlantic Club, New Jersey

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