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Spring 2012 Newsletter


What’s New at the Zoo?
Zoo Spotlight:

Carol Rickman, Board Member

Animal Tracks

A Growing Zoo Family


How YOU Can
Make a Difference

What’s New
@ the Zoo?


he Pueblo Zoo is entering the spring season and
is happy to open many of the exhibits that were
closed because of the cold Colorado weather.

Those exhibits include The Asian Adventure, The Colorado Wetlands and the Islands of Life.

We would like to thank all who participated
in and visited the zoo for the Electricritters. It was a
success and helped to pay the costs of the zoo over
the winter months.

We are excited to announce our new arrivals which are covered in detail on page 4. Our zoo
family is growing in animals and we hope that our
zoo family will begin to grow in members. For more
information on how to become a member, refer to
page 6.

As always, we encourage your support for
the zoo. It is contributors like you who make the zoo
possible for the Pueblo community and the animals
that live here,

Thank you for your continued support and
make sure to visit the zoo often this spring!
-The Zoo Staff

Spring Hours and Rates
Monday – Friday: Zoo and Gift Shop open
9am to 4pm. Ticket sales stop at 3:30 p.m.
Animal exhibit buildings close at 3:45 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Zoo and Gift Shop open
9am to 5pm. Ticket sales stop at 4:30 p.m.
Animal exhibit buildings close at 4:45 p.m.
Zoo Members: Free Year-Round
$8.00 – Adult (age 18 and up)
$7.00 – Seniors (65 and up),
Military (with proper ID),
Youth (age 13 through 17)
$6.00 – Child (age 3 through 12)
Children 2 years and under Free.


Pueblo Zoo Newsletter • Spring 2012

Zoo Spotlight: Carol Rickman


arol Rickman is a true example of a devoted zoo member.
Rickman has served as a Pueblo Zoo Board member since
1994. She has served as co-chair of “Zoofari,” the zoo’s biggest
fundraising event, for 15 years.
Rickman doubles a zoo docent. She began in 1992. Rickman
teaches classes about nature and animals both at schools in Pueblo
and at the zoo. She handles education animals to give children and
adults an up-close view of wild life.
Rickman said she enjoys the opportunity being a docent allows. Carol Rickman with her husband, John, and dog, Tundra.
Fun Fact: Tundra serves as CSU-Pueblo’c mascot!
“Through education programs and by visitors having a real connection with our animals, they come to understand just how important preserving our environment is not just for animals but for humans as well,” she said.
Sharing the zoo life is something Rickman is passionate about. She encourages everyone she knows to visit
the zoo.
“Our zoo is truly one of Pueblo’s jewels. It is a beautiful place to visit and provides education and entertainment to its visitors,” Rickman added. “We are so fortunate to have this amazing place.”
The Pueblo Zoo would like to thank Carol Rickman for her many contributions to the zoo.

Upcoming Zoo Events
April 21 “Party for the Planet” Earth Day Celebration
Join us as we celebrate Earth Day while raising funds for conservation.
Bid on animal-made art and enjoy half-priced admission

May 5

“Plant Sales” Day, 9:30 a.m.- noon
The Colorado Master Gardeners’ Club teams up with the zoo to sell
plants and explain the unique Colorado horticulture to attendees.

June 20 Happy 30th Birthday, Tess! noon- 2 p.m.

Tess, a penguin, turns 30 and is now the oldest penguin in captivity!
Come celebrate her birthday with a party at the Eco Center. There
will be cake, refreshments and Tess will receive a special gift!
Pueblo Zoo Newsletter • Spring 2012


Animal Tracks

Keeping track of the zoo’s growing family.


Did you know?

It’s a boy!

he newest baby at the zoo is a
male lamb born February 20. He

sticks close to his mom and though he
had a wobbly start, he’s walking like
a pro now. But what’s his name? The
zoo staff hasn’t decided yet. Please help
us name the youngest animal at the
Pueblo Zoo by ‘liking’ us on Facebook
at facebook.com/pueblozoo and posting your favorite name on our
page. If your name is chosen, we’ll give you and your family a trip
to the zoo on us!

The Zoo Welcomes “Prada!”
The newest addition to the Pueblo Zoo is
a chinchilla named Prada. She came to us
from the Pikes Peak Humane Society. Prada
will remain in quarantine for six weeks,
just as all of our new animals do. After a successful quarantine, she will hopefully become a
member of our educational team which educates
young people about our animals.


Pueblo Zoo Newsletter • Spring 2012

When penguins choose a
mate, they mate for life.
Mates at the Pueblo Zoo
recently had a baby. Percy, a
black-footed baby penguin
hatched in September. A
penguin’s sex must be determined by a test and Percy’s
came back as a female. So
she’ll be stuck with a boy’s
name! But Percy
is a happy penguin and enjoys
swimming with her
mom and dad. So
it seems Percy will
have a happy life with
mom and dad at the
Pueblo Zoo.


She’s a “Keeper”

rystal Metz is a 22-year-old zoo

That internship turned into a job while

keeper at the Pueblo Zoo.

Metz continued in her education with a

She interned for the zoo while she was

focus at a major in zookeeping.

earning her marine biology degree at

The Pueblo Zoo staff could not be happier

Pikes Peak Community College. Zoo

that she changed her mind. Metz graduates

keeping was her minor. As her internship

this May with her degree and will attain a

progressed however, Metz’ minor turned

fulltime job on our staff.

into a major love.

Congratulations, Krystal from the Pueblo

“I just fell in love with my internship,“ she said.

at the
The zoo is slowly collecting money to build a Black
Rhino Habitat & Learning Center.
The black rhino will be a great addition to the African
Plains exhibits in the Zoo. The exhibit will also aid in
conservation of these animals whose ivory tusks make
them vulnerable to poachers.
We need YOUR help! By making a contribution to our
goal of $250,000, you will help bring these amazing
animals to the zoo,
Can we count you in?

To donate, go to pueblozoo.org/blackrhinos

Zoo family, human and animal alike!

Safari birthday parties
at the Pueblo Zoo!
Celebrate a birthday on
the wild side!

Available year-round!

Call 561-1452, Ext. 116

For more information,
please visit us at
“Like” the Pueblo Zoo at
Pueblo Zoo Newsletter • Spring 2012


Make a Contribution!

The Pueblo Zoo is a non-profit organization reliant on
volunteerism and donations. Education, conservation and
the well-being of animals is our goal and you can help us
achieve that goal in various ways through contributing to
our mission

Becoming a volunteer is a selfless act which benefits the
organization and the animals and allows you to come into
close contact with the zoo animals. Volunteers positions
include: docent (trained volunteer teacher) special event
volunteer, gift shop cashier, mailing helper, gardener and ranch animal caretaker.

Donations of cash and items are also welcomed. Currently, the zoo is in
need of a wheelchair for its elderly visitors.

By becoming a member, you will pay a yearly sum to contribute to the
zoo. As a member benefits include fee yearly admission and inclusion in special
and private zoo events. For more information about any of these contributions,
please call 719-564-1452 ext. 100.

Become a Member
Complete the information below and mail with payment or credit card information to Pueblo Zoo, 3455 Nuckolls Ave, Pueblo, CO 81005
INDIVDUAL age 18 and up $35 $_______
FAMILY 1 or 2 adults & dependent children $50 $_______
FAMILY PLUS add up to 2 adult relatives age 18 and up,
living in the home, available only with family membership
For each additional adult add $10 $_______
GRANDPARENTS 1 or 2 adults & grandchildren $50 $_______
STUDENT High school or post high school with current ID $25 $_______
SENIOR INDIVIDUAL age 65 and up $25 $_______
SENIOR COUPLE age 65 and up $40 $_______
Donor level support is very important to operation of the Zoo
CONTRIBUTING Same as family plus 6 guest passes $100 - $199 $_______
SUPPORTING Same as family plus 9 guest passes $200 - $299 $_______
BENEFACTOR Same as family plus 12 guest passes $300 & up $_______
Add a special contribution to the area(s) you choose.
Horticulture & Grounds $_______
Education Programs $_______
Veterinary Care & Food for Animals $_______
Name(s) of adults to appear on card ____________________________________________
# of children to be included on Family/Grandparents membership card (under age 18)
If Family Plus, add additional Names of adults over 18 living in home ($10 per person additional)
1. ______________________________ 2. _____________________________
Address ____________________________________________________ Phone
City ____________________ State ___________________ Zip ____________
Payment Options:
______Check enclosed made payable to Pueblo Zoo
Credit Card:
Visa _____ Mastercard _____ Discover _____ AMEX _____
Acct # ____________________________________________ Exp ____________ CVC#

Mike Blazer, President
Karen Ross, President-Elect
John Roth, Secretary
Scott Moore, Treasurer
John Ercul, Immediate Past President
Karen Archuletta
Raul Gabriel Barajas
Kathie Bassett
Justin Becker
Bill Crain
Dale Cresswell
Gina Dutcher
Julie Falletta
John Gary
Diana Johnson
Reg Landrum
Sally Mara
Frances Marincich-Dowd
Fran McClave
Larry Moore
Carol Rickman
Afton Rossi-Volk
Linda Stefanic
Lura Zimmerman
Laura Mattoon, Director Emeritus
JoAnna Marie Gonzales, ex-officio
Jonnene McFarland, Executive Director
Marti Osborn, Assoc Dir/Education & Horticulture
Tammy Guarienti, Office Manager
Gloria Madrill, Marketing & Special Events
Ken McKenzie, Membership and Rental Coor
Betty Wilkinson, Gift Shop Manager
Carol Ecker, Gift Shop Ass’t
Julie Jaime, Bookkeeper/Office Assistant
Nina Chimento, Cashier/Secretary
Mary Tucey, Education Assistant
Carol Ann Moore Ede, Education Special Projects
Kay Keen, Education Coordinator
Georgia Lozinsky, Website Manager
Richard Montano, Design & Graphics Consultant
Jeanette Ball, Relief Cashier
Vivian Espinoza, Relief Cashier
Carol Ecker, Asst. Gift Shop, Relief Cashier
Marilyn McBirney, Curator/Conservation Mgr
Kathy Wolyn DVM, Zoo Veterinarian
Melanie Pococke (Animal Services Coordinator)
Rhonda Alexander (Keeper Apprentice)
Sandy Bechaver (Keeper II)
Ashley Bowen (Keeper II)
Zeb Clayton (Keeper II)
Kim Cooper (Keeper II, Vet Tech)
Carl Ecker (Farm Helper)
Nikki Emanuel (Keeper II)
Patrick Gjorven (Keeper I)
Dorothy Perea (Keeper Apprentice)
Cailyn Settelmeyer (Keeper I)
Heather Smith (Keeper II)
Jim Pinelle, Facilities Manager
John Alderton, Maintenance
Richard Valdez, Maintenance
Lynn Peterson, Gardener/Rainforest
Mary Tucey, B/G Coor/Safety Officer

The Pueblo Zoo Newsletter is published quarterly by the Pueblo Zoological Society, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Pueblo Zoological Society Volume 34.


Pueblo Zoo Newsletter • Spring 2012

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