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Author: Paul O'Riley

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Science Summative Assessment for Term 1.2

Explanation of KPIS

Sci 6.7

Can identify the main body systems and organs

Sci 6.8

Can identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system.

Sci 6.9

Can explain the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood.

Sci 6.10

Can recognize the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their
bodies function.

Sci 6.11

Can describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within
animals, including humans.

Did I meet the KPI?

Sci 6.7 Can identify the main body systems and organs
Part 1a:


Label each body system.

1. __________________________

Skeletal System

2. __________________________

Muscular System

3. __________________________

Digestive System

4. __________________________

Respiratory System

5. __________________________

Circulatory System

6. __________________________

Nervous System

The pectorals, the abdominal muscles, the triceps
The brain, the spinal chord, the nerves
The esophagus, the stomach, the small and large intestine

The lungs, the nose, the trachea
The heart, the blood, the blood vessels
The skull, the ribs, the femur

Helps you think and sends information to your body.

Pumps blood around your body, carrying oxygen and
nutrients to the organs.

Helps us get nutrients from food into our blood to give
us energy and build our bodies.

Helps you breathe, gives your blood oxygen and
removes carbon dioxide.

Gives us structure and helps protect our organs.

Helps us move.

Part 1b: Fill out the missing information which may include the missing Body System, Organs and Functions.
 Use the information from the first page to help you.

All pictures must have the System Name, Three Organs and their Functions. Good luck 

Sci 6.8

Can identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system.

Sci 6.9

Can explain the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood.

Part 2: The Human Circulatory System
1. On the picture to the left, label the:




2. Use the above words and also:



To fill in the blanks below:

Your _______ plays an important part in
being healthy. It pumps your ________
around in your circulatory system to keep it
flowing. New blood flows through your
_________ and helps oxygen get to your
body. It transfers oxygen and ________ to
your muscles and organs using tiny little
vessels called ___________. Then your
blood travels back up to your heart through

When you exercise you can

feel your pulse, which tells you how fast
your heart is __________.

Sci 6.10 Can recognize the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function.
Part 3a

Healthy food has nutrients in it. Nutrients
can give us fast energy, lots of energy or
help our muscles grow and help our bodies
function. Can you name three nutrients?

3b) We know it’s important to eat healthy. What does “Eating Healthy” do for your body?

3c) Why is it important to exercise?

3d) How do drugs affect your body?

3e) Plan a healthy meal using these foods. Choose (4) foods that you will eat and write them next to the
nutrient that you will get from it.
Steak, eggs, chicken, beef, salad, lettuce, tomato, carrots, butter, milk, olive oil, chocolate, cheese,
yogurt, bread, rice, pizza, peppers, potato, pasta, fish, broccoli, cherries, bananas, apples, lamb

Sci 6.11
Part 4:

Can describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.

Digestion and the Digestive System

Use these words to fill in the blanks
Small Intestine, Esophagus,
Stomach, Large Intestine, Nutrients

Name each stage
Elimination, Ingestion,
Absorption, Digestion
This stage is called:

Food (nutrients) enters into the mouth, is chewed and goes down
the ________________.

This stage is called:
Then the food enters into the ______________and is broken down
with acids and churning.


This stage is called:
Then the food is sent into the _____________ ___________
where is is further digested. Here, ____________________from
the food enter into the blood.


This stage is called:
Finally, after all the nutrients are used and the food is not needed,
it is passed from the small intestine into the _____________
________ and out of the body


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