Portfolio Frédéric Lens (PDF)

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pg. 11

Personal information

pg. 12-13


pg. 26-27



To Table
2° Life
Study cases
Casa Meva
Oficinas DEI

Project Puntarenas

Product Design

3D Modelling

Photoshoot Glocal
Hotel Uníco


pg. 52-53
pg. 15
pg. 15-17
pg. 19-21
pg. 23-25
pg. 29-31
pg. 33-35
pg. 37-39
pg. 41-45
pg. 47-51
pg. 55-61
pg. 63-69
pg. 101-103
pg. 105-107
pg. 109-111
pg. 112-113
pg. 115-121
pg. 70
pg. 70-71
pg. 72-73
pg. 74-75
pg. 76-77
pg. 79-81
pg. 83
pg. 86-87
pg. 88-89
pg. 90-91
pg. 92-99




K. Lamar

To pimp a butterfly


The caterpillar is a prisoner to the streets that conceived it
Its only job is to eat or consume everything around it, in order to protect itself
from this mad city
While consuming its environment the caterpillar begins to notice ways to survive
One thing it noticed is how much the world shuns him, but praises the butterfly
The butterfly represents the talent, the thoughtfulness, and the beauty within
the caterpillar
But having a harsh outlook on life the caterpillar sees the butterfly as weak and
figures out a way to pimp it to his own benefits
Already surrounded by this mad city the caterpillar goes to work on the cocoon
which institutionalizes him
He can no longer see past his own thoughts...
He’s trapped
When trapped inside these walls certain ideas take roots, such as going home,
and bringing back new concepts to this mad city
The result?
Wings begin to emerge, breaking the cycle of feeling stagnant
Finally free, the butterfly sheds light on situations that the caterpillar never considered, ending the internal struggle
Although the butterfly and caterpillar are completely different, they are one and
the same


Barcelona, tuesday 5 april 2016, 15:57h

This book is the representation of my interpretation.
A book that began in 1993 and has no end in sight. It’s more than a portfolio but less
than an autobiography. An undefined object made instantaneous and impulsively. It
is temporary and yet will remain in the future. With these words I would like to define
what you’re about to read and see: a portfolio full of projects, personal reflections
and thoughts, mixed with personal comments and ideology. The reason I chose
this way of working is to be able to detail my work, help you understand why certain choices were made and present myself to you. This portfolio will also help me
personally to develop and extend my thoughts and enrich the reflecting processes,
leading to new reflections and ideas. Like I said before, it is a timeless book, with
comments on projects made two years ago but also with visions on side projects not
even designed yet.
I started this book with the lyrics of a song that talks about a specific stage in a
man’s life. Just like the artist who wrote these lyrics contemplating on his vision
of life, I contemplated on his lyrics. Filtering what I found important. Selecting key
words or underlying definitions, I created a personal idea and interpretation of his
artwork. The beauty personified in the song by a butterfly, is a theme that describes
much of my work. The esthetical aspect is the basis of my work and has defined
many outcomes. It has provided me with technical and conceptual challenges. The
interest of this specific aspect to me, comes from my believe in the importance of
the first impression. The general design is the first and most important stimulus upon
my brain, defining the course I will go with a project. The stimuli that help me to define the main trajectory for my projects have always been general designs. Whether
it was the site visit, reading the project description or buying material in a shop,
this first impulse has always helped me to define the course I was going to explore
within the project. The impulses were always linked to visual aspects. Therefore, beauty, although being a personal choice, is very important to me and I think in every
designer’s life. I get the chance as a designer to provide the world with my vision of
beauty in a specific environment and time. This vision might not always be the same
as it depends on these first stimuli I get. This key factor is the agent that will bring along a variation in my thinking pattern and will even result in complete opposite forms
of beauty. Not only in shape and colour but also in use, concept, ... At first sight you
might consider this as a contradiction but to me it isn’t. To me beauty is not an empty
picture in a magazine, a room or an object. Beauty is also the elegance of usage,
the simplicity in changing and in all these actions undertaken by users.
Just like in the song where the butterfly itself is not the final beauty, but the work
forged by the caterpillar and the usage of its beauty by the butterfly that closes the


tel. (BE): +32 474 393 555

2011-2012: 1° semester Civil Engeneering and Architecture

(KULeuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Leuven)

2° semester TEW, economy (KULeuven)

2012-2013: TEW, economy (KULeuven)
2013-2014: 1° bachelor of Interior Architecture (KULeuven,

Faculty of Architecture, Campus St Lucas, Brussels)
2014-2015: 2° bachelor of Interior Architecture (KULeuven,

Faculty of Architecture, Campus St Lucas, Brussels)


2 month internship Mexico City, German Velasco Architectos


1° semester exchange to Universidad Veritas,
San Jose, Costa Rica
2° semester, master of Interior Architecture (KULeuven,
Faculty of Architecture, Campus St Lucas, Brussels)

Student Dean Brussels, 2° semester 2014-2015

Frédéric as your co-worker: fast learner, very flexible,
able to work out a project individualy, able to process and
apply theory, good at critical reflections and with a first
international experience.


2015-2016: 3° bachelor of Interior Architecture (KULeuven, Faculty of
Architecture, Campus St Lucas, Brussels)

2° semester Product Design (ELISAVA Barcelona)

Fluent in: Dutch, English, Spanish, and French.
Skills: AutoCAD, Photoshop, SketchUp, InDesign, model making,...



Mol, Belgium
prof. Geert Peymen



1° bachelor

Rethinking the content of the word ‘table’ in each way possible. Thinking about the object itself with all its shapes and forms. Learning about the usages and its users.
During my research on this subject I prototyped a certain idea that is about the ‘negative’ space, this space on a table that isn’t really used during eating or working time
and therefore hasn’t to be present. By eliminating these areas, I ended up with a trestle
holding up a combination of bended pipes shaped to support the plates, glasses, ...


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