Shaolin Shuffle (PDF)

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There are a total of four power switches hidden throughout the game. In order to reach each switch,
you will need to earn cash, so be sure to take out enemies as you make your way through the level.

The first power switch can be found inside of the spawn area, and must be activated in order
to access the rest of the map. Look for the power switch on one of the pillars just outside of
the subway train. Activate it to open up the doors and gain access to the streets outside.
The second power switch can be found on the rooftops, near the back of the map. Make
your way up the ramp opposite the Dojo to the rooftops to the top, unlock the paid barrier
and head down the stairs near Deadeye Dewdrops perk machine. Once here, look for the
power switch on a wall next to a zombie spawn.
The third power switch can be found in the quarantined subway area, near the strip club.
Open up the barrier for $1250, then head inside and look for the power switch on the wall
next to the subway track. Keep in mind that activating the power here will activate the train
nearby, which you’ll have to dodge if you wish to cross the tracks.
The final power switch can be found on the rooftops near the Quickies perk machine. First,
open up Disco Inferno, and then make your way up to the second floor towards the VIP
Lounge. You should now have access to the rooftop, where you’ll find the fourth and final
power switch next to a door with a massive lightning bolt painted on it.

In order to get each of the Kung Fu animal fighting styles, you must enter the Black Cat Dojo and
speak with the Sensei, Pam Grier.
After speaking to the Sensei, the four Chi Power gourd bottles sitting at each pillar inside the Dojo
will turn a different colour. These colours correspond to each of the four animal fighting styles:
yellow for Dragon, green for Snake, red for Tiger, and blue for Crane.
Each elemental Kung Fu fighting style needs to be upgraded in order for you to access its super
ability. To upgrade each fighting style, you must complete a series of challenges.
Get 15 Melee Kills
After selecting your initial fighting style, your goal will be to get 15 melee kills using your new
fighting ability, regardless of which animal style you chose. Enter your fighting stance and start
smacking zombies. The icon in the upper left corner will track your progress.

Get 25 Shuriken Kills
Once the Melee task is complete, your next challenge will be to kill 25 zombies using the Shuriken
ninja star. To throw the Shuriken, press R1 or the top right bumper on your controller while in your
fighting stance. Hitting zombies with the Shuriken can be a bit tricky, so just make sure you’re
actually killing them with the Shuriken by keeping an eye on your kill count in the upper left
corner. (Hold R1 to aim)
Get 50 Chi Power Kills
After completing the first two tasks, a new Chi Power move will unlock for your chosen fighting
stance. This is where each Kung Fu fighting style begins to distinguish itself from the others. This
time you'll need to secure 50 Chi Power kills in order to unlock the final Kung Fu upgrade. Each
animal fighting style has a different Chi Power for battling zombies.
Kung Fu Super Move
Once you’ve completed enough Chi Power kills, you will finally unlock the ultimate super move for
your fighting style. To activate your super move, press both L1 and R1 (or left and right top bumpers)
at the same time. Again, each of these super abilities will differ based on animal style:

A friendly skeleton fights alongside the players while fully upgrading unlocks a high
damaging punch flurry move (After 50 Shuriken Kills – L1)
Super-fast forward-chop motion. Similar to Crane, but uses hands instead of feet. (Super
Move – L1 + R1 together)

Yellow flames shoot up from the ground in a designated spot. (After 50 Shuriken Kills – L1)
Forms a huge dragon that kills zombies while circling around where you were standing.
(Super Move – L1 + R1 together)

Freezes zombies in place before killing them. (After 50 Shuriken Kills – L1)
Flying spinning kick. Shoots the player straight forward like a rocket, obliterating any
zombies between you and your destination. (Super Move – L1 + R1 together)

Gravity grenade that sucks in zombies into a single spot before killing them. (After 50
Shuriken Kills – L1)
Fast-firing ground pound that obliterates nearby enemies with a shockwave. (Super Move –
L1 + R1 together)

There are 5 weapons that can be built using Mahjong tiles; The Boom box, Toy Robot, Lava Lamp,
Bottle and Turret, each tile will have an image of what you are building, each weapon requires three
tiles with the same image to unlock it;
location: Opposite Black Cat Dojo up ramp

Paint Cans on second level (upstairs turn right)
Staircase before the door to second level
Top of ramp, near wire reel
Top of ramp near bricks (turn right straight after ramp)
(NOTE: Need Power on to complete) location: Black Cat Dojo behind bus

On top of bus
Spawn Stairs of Train just before you exit to Dojo
Near TUFF ‘NUFF machine in dark corner to left (health)
location: Downstairs near Dew Drops perk / power switch location

In trash entrance after turning on power switch (right hand pile through entrance)
Near window on the top level in trash under it
Third level down (one from bottom) on white sheet
Bottom level on white table
location: Entrance near non spawn Subway sign

White van on ground near wheel
Magic wheel in corner pallets
Enter inferno club, turn left counter of a light blue light behind desk
Second floor of inferno on pillar that holds drinks
Cardboard boxes broken on ground just before subway entrance
Down hole that leads to rat king lair, go straight till you see red glow, on wood box
location: Alleyway near bomb stoppers (back entrance too Disco Inferno)

On floor just to right of the table (chain-link fence)
Upstairs on white table
Around the corner in a garage (gun on wall), go inside on pillar (fire make garage glow red)
On pallet behind the fire
Heebee Jeebees, left of stage on red table

This Easter egg requires a lot of time and patience in the beginning, you get every perk even when
you die once unlocked, you never lose them. 1st Step is cleaning the blood off the skull buster

Disco Inferno top floor (not roof), on a strip pole near bar with pizza box
Near the lockers in the non-spawn subway on boxes
Left of the heebee jeebee stage on ground (hard to see)

Disco Inferno roof on pallets
Rat king lair on pizza boxes
Alley way up wooden ladder near mule munchies

Once you have these two items make your way too the second floor of the Disco Inferno near the
catwalk you’ll find the Skull Buster machine, push square on it and the blood will disappear
On the roof of Disco Inferno you will find Mahjong tiles standing upright, there needs to be 14 in
total so you must find the missing ones, it’s easier to keep one zombie alive and have a person
distract it as you put them in order from 111,222,333,444,55 etc, once you have all the required tiles
head over to the website at , input the tiles you have and it will calculate the
winning order, if you get an error you need to find other tiles and swap out the wrong ones, if
complete fireworks will go off above the tiles.

Red Circular table on roof of Disco not far from game itself
Inside Disco Lounge, on a drink holder on pillar beside catwalk
On top of a bar in disco lounge next to pizza box
Bomb Stoppers entrance upstairs room between exit and Skull Buster machine (red table)
On bar top of Heebee Jeebees concert area
On small red crate backstage of Heebee Jeebees
On a small red crate near racing stripes (Boom box build location up ramp near dojo)
On top of wooden benches near lockers in non-spawn subway
On pallets next to Blue Bolts (In corner near strip club)
Boot (trunk) of car near Dojo

Same room as Tuff ‘Nuff (walk towards machine and turn left where the wall ends and on
the boxes in corner)
Outside on the barrel table near blue glow before entering rear of Disco (entrance near lava
tile build)

This step requires practice and patience, if you fail you have to redo the window you got wrong only
at the beginning of a new level, you can do all four in one level if you’re good enough

1. Outside of Disco Inferno entrance, shoot number one into middle window

2. Next, locate a set of windows directly across from Racing Stripes and shoot the number
“9” into the left window, the one to the right of the lit candles.

3. The third window is not really a window, but a panel of bronze wall tiles instead. Look for
the bronze tiles inside the Inferno Room next to the stairs, and shoot the number “7” into
the tiles on the right.

4. The final window that you must shoot a symbol into is the one outside of the Black Cat
Dojo. Shoot a number “2” into the window on the right, on the wall near graffiti, and you’ll
receive another Skull on the Skull Buster machine. The numbers spell out "1972", which is
likely when the Shaolin Shuffle Zombies DLC is supposed to take place.
After completing the first three steps, head over to the Racing Stripes perk machine on the rooftop
of Heebee Jeebees. Look up to the left to find a flat white circle floating in the air. You’ll have to hop
onto this white disc, and continue hopping across a series of these discs until you reach the end and
earn your next Skull. (Note if you fail you need to complete round to try again)

Okay, so this one is a bit disappointing to hear if you’re playing solo, but you’ll have to do it if you
want to earn the next Skull. Go down to the underground subway where the Bang Bangs perk
machine is located. You’ll notice that the train will now have a Skull on the front of it. To get the
Skull, you or one of the members of your party needs to jump in front of the train to snag the Skull.
Revive the player afterward.

On the front of the Skull Buster arcade machine, there’s a service phone number printed on the
upper left near the logo. Head to one of the pay phone machines down in the subway, and type the
number into the number pad. A strange voice will play after doing so. This should give you your sixth
and final Skull to play Skull Buster. 5550152

Skull Buster is basically a match-three game. Use R2 or the right bumper on your controller to grab a
block, and press R2 again to release it. The goal is to release the coloured block onto a question
mark on the panel to create a series of connecting skulls of the same colour. Three matching skulls in
a row, column, or triangle shape cause them to disappear. Make all the skulls disappear over three
rounds to unlock Perkaholic.

To unlock Pack a Punch film reel you need three items, a Strip Club flier, a Token and the film reel

Rooftop above Disco Inferno on chair
Rooftop of Boom box on chair near racing stripes
Entrance to the Dojo
Outside of Strip Club on footpath

Token is directly under the TUFF ‘NUFF perk machine (health)

Cardboard box near TUFF ‘NUFF Machine (health)
One of the tunnels in main Rat Lair
Near lockers in non-spawn subway
Couch above dance floor (2nd level) near catwalk
Chairs in strip club

Bring the flyer to The Pink Cat club and big the Coin to the door inside it. Place the reel on the
projector and it will open up Pack-a-Punch.

In Projection room hit the button on the left, three buttons top is glowing, will turn green
Pick up the Alien fuse left of racing stripes (boom box) in a box on doorway
Place fuses at the train tracks on electrical current right side, let train run over them
Bring charged fuses to the Pack-a-Punch and install where you pick up weapon

1. Speak with Pam Grier in Dojo.
2. Once you have unlocked Shuriken go to one of the rat cages found around the map with a
rat in it, there is one in alley way, throw a star at cage and this will unleash a rat that will
lead you to all of the rat cages around the map - 1 at a time, you have to follow the rat to
each cage around the map & then once you reach the final cage.. a little star will appear that
you pick up and a LARGE YELLOW CIRCLE will appear on the ground! Kill zombies inside the
circle and Ninjas will spawn. Kill the ninjas and a key will spawn where the circle was.
3. Bring the key to the lockers in the subway near Bang Bangs and it will open a locker with
symbols inside saying SOULKEY.
4. Go around the map and shoot the symbols around the map in order.
 Outside Spawn to the right of the Dojo (first symbol on left)

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