Ranger Players Handbook (PDF)

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R ou gh and w ild looking,
a hum an stalks alone
through the sh ad ow s o f
trees, hunting the ores he
k n ow s are planning a raid
on a nearby farm. Clutching
a sh ortsw ord in each hand,
he b e c o m e s a w hirlw ind of
steel, cutting dow n on e enem y
after another.
After tum bling away from a c o n e o f
freezin g air, an elf finds her feet and draw s
ba ck her b o w to lo o s e an arrow at the white
dragon. S h ru g gin g o ff the w ave o f fear that em anates
from the dragon like the cold o f its breath, she sen ds
on e arrow after another to find the gaps betw een the
dragon ’s thick scales.
H olding his hand high, a half-elf w histles to the hawk
that circles high above him, calling the bird b a ck to his
side. W h isp erin g instructions in Elvish, he points to
the ow lbea r h e’s b een tracking and sen ds the haw k to
distract the creature w hile he readies his bow.
Far from the bustle o f cities and tow ns, past the
h ed ges that shelter the m ost distant farm s from the
terrors o f the w ild, am id the den se-pa ck ed trees o f
trackless forests and a cro ss w id e and em pty plains,
ran gers k eep their unending w atch.

D eadly H unters
W arriors o f the w ildern ess, rangers sp ecia lize in
hunting the m on sters that threaten the ed g es o f
civilization—hum anoid raiders, ram paging beasts and
m onstrosities, terrible giants, and deadly dragons. T h ey
learn to track their quarry as a predator d oes, m oving
stealthily through the w ild s and hiding them selves in
brush and rubble. R a n gers focu s their com bat training
on tech niques that are particularly useful against their
sp ecific favored foes.
Th an ks to their fam iliarity w ith the w ilds, rangers
acqu ire the ability to cast spells that h arness nature’s
pow er, m uch as a druid d oes. Th eir spells, like their
com bat abilities, em phasize speed, stealth, and the hunt.
A ranger’s talents and abilities are h oned w ith deadly
focu s on the grim task o f protecting the borderlands.

In d epen d en t A dven turers
T h ou gh a ranger m ight m ake a living as a hunter, a
guide, or a tracker, a ran ger’s true calling is to defend
the outskirts o f civilization from the ravages o f m onsters
and h um anoid h ordes that p ress in from the w ild. In
so m e places, rangers gather in secretive orders or join
forces w ith druidic circles. M any rangers, though, are
independent alm ost to a fault, k n ow in g that, w hen a
dragon or a band o f orc s attacks, a ranger m ight be the
first—and p ossib ly the last—line o f defense.
This fierce in depen den ce m akes rangers w ell suited
to adventuring, sin ce they are accu stom ed to life far
from the c om forts o f a dry bed and a hot bath. Faced
with city-bred adventurers w h o g rou se and w hine about
the hardships o f the w ild, rangers respon d w ith som e




n g e r

— Spell Slots per Spell Level—





Favored Enemy, Natural Explorer



Fighting Style, Spellcasting





Ranger Archetype, Primeval Awareness





Ability Score Improvement





Extra Attack






Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer improvements






Ranger Archetype feature










— —




Ability Score Improvement, Land’s Stride












Natural Explorer improvement, Hide in Plain Sight







Ranger Archetype feature







Ability Score Improvement














Favored Enemy improvement, Vanish








Ranger Archetype feature













Ability Score Improvement











Feral Senses









Ability Score Improvement









Foe Slayer







W hat m ade you join up with a band o f adventurers?
D o you find it challen ging to teach n ew allies the w ays
o f the w ild, or do you w elcom e the relief from solitude
that they offer?
m ixture o f am usem ent, frustration, and com pa ssion .
But they quickly learn that other adventurers w h o can
carry their ow n w eight in a fight against civilization’s
fo e s are w orth any extra burden. C odd led city folk might
not k n ow h ow to feed them selves or find fresh w ater in
the w ild, but they m ake up for it in other ways.

C r e a t in g




A s you create your ranger character, con sider the nature
o f the training that gave you your particular capabilities.
D id you train with a single mentor, w an dering the w ilds
together until you m astered the ran ger’s w ays? Did you
leave your apprenticeship, or w a s your m entor slain—
perhaps by the sam e kind o f m on ster that b e ca m e your
favored enem y? Or perhaps you learned your skills as
part o f a band o f rangers affiliated with a druidic circle,
trained in m ystic paths as well as w ilderness lore. You
might b e self-taught, a recluse w ho learned com bat
skills, tracking, and even a m agical conn ection to nature
through the n ecessity o f surviving in the w ilds.
W h at’s the sou rce o f your particular hatred o f a
certain kind o f enem y? D id a m on ster kill som eon e
you loved or destroy your h om e village? Or did you see
too m uch o f the destruction th ese m on sters cau se and
com m it y ou rself to reining in their depredations? Is
your adventuring career a continuation o f your w ork
in protectin g the borderlands, or a significant change?

u ic k

B u il d

You can m ake a ranger quickly by follow in g these
suggestion s. First, m ake D exterity your highest ability
score, follow ed by W isdom . (S o m e rangers w h o focu s
on tw o-w eapon fighting m ake Strength higher than
Dexterity.) S econ d , c h o o s e the outlander background.

C lass Featu r es
A s a ranger, you gain the follow in g class features.


P o in t s

Hit Dice: 1d 10 per ranger level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution m odifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d 10 (or 6) + your
C onstitution m odifier per ranger level after 1st
P r o f ic ie n c ie s
Arm or: Light armor, m edium armor, shields
W eapons: S im ple w eapon s, m artial w eapon s
Tools: N one
Saving Throws: Strength, D exterity
Skills: C h oose three from A nim al Handling,
A thletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, P erception,
Stealth, and Survival
E q u ip m


You start w ith the follow in g equipm ent, in addition to
the equipm ent granted by your background:

(a) scale m ail or (b) leather arm or
(a) tw o sh ortsw ords or (b) tw o sim ple m elee w eap on s
(a) a du ng eon eer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack



You gain a +2 bon u s to attack rolls you m ake with
ranged w eapon s.

A lon g b ow and a quiver o f 20 arrow s

Fa v o r e d E n e m y
B egin ning at 1st level, you have significant experience
studying, tracking, hunting, and even talking to a certain
type o f enemy.
C h oose a type o f favored enem y: aberrations,
beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elem entals, fey,
fiends, giants, m on strosities, ooze s , plants, or undead.
Alternatively, you can select tw o races o f hum anoid
(such as gnolls and orc s) as favored enem ies.
Y ou have advantage on W isd om (Survival) ch eck s to
track your favored en em ies, as w ell as on Intelligence
ch eck s to recall inform ation about them.
W h en you gain this feature, you also learn one
language o f your ch oice that is sp oken by your favored
en em ies, if they sp eak on e at all.
You c h o o s e on e additional favored enemy, as w ell as
an a ssocia ted language, at 6th and 14th level. A s you
gain levels, your c h o ice s should reflect the types o f
m on sters you have en cou ntered on your adventures.

N atural Explorer
You are particularly fam iliar w ith one type o f natural
environm ent and are adept at traveling and surviving in
such regions. C h oo se on e type o f favored terrain: arctic,
coast, desert, forest, grassland, m ountain, sw am p,
or the U nderdark. W h en you m ake an Intelligence or
W isd om ch eck related to your favored terrain, your
proficiency bon u s is dou bled if you are using a skill that
you ’re proficient in.
W h ile traveling for an hour or m ore in your favored
terrain, you gain the follow in g benefits:
• Difficult terrain d oesn ’t slow your grou p’s travel.
• Your group can ’t b e c o m e lost except by m agical
m eans.
• Even w h en you are engaged in another activity w hile
traveling (such as foraging, navigating, or tracking),
you rem ain alert to danger.
• If you are traveling alone, you can m ove stealthily at
a n orm al pace.
• W h en you forage, you find tw ice as m uch food as you
norm ally w ould.
• W h ile tracking other creatures, you also learn their
exact num ber, their sizes, and h ow lon g ago they
pa ssed through the area.
You c h o o s e additional favored terrain types at 6th
and 10th level.

F i g h t i n g St y l e
At 2nd level, you adopt a particular style o f fighting as
your specialty. C h o ose on e o f the follow in g options.
Y ou ca n ’t take a Fighting Style option m ore than on ce,
even if you later get to c h o o s e again.


W h ile you are w earing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

u e l in g

W h en you are w ielding a m elee w eap on in on e hand and
no other w eapon s, you gain a +2 bon u s to dam age rolls
w ith that w eapon.




F ig h

t in g

W h en you engage in tw o-w eapon fighting, you can add
your ability m odifier to the dam age o f the se co n d attack.

Spellca stin g
By the tim e you reach 2nd level, you have learned to
u se the m agical e ss e n ce o f nature to cast spells, m uch
as a druid d oes. S e e chapter 10 for the general rules o f
sp ellcastin g and chapter 11 for the ranger spell list.
Spell Slo ts
T h e R anger table sh ow s h ow m any spell slots you have
to cast your spells o f 1st level and higher. To cast one o f
th ese spells, you m ust expend a slot o f the sp ell’s level
or higher. You regain all expen ded spell slots w hen you
finish a long rest.
F or exam ple, if you kn ow the 1st-level spell animal
friendship and have a 1st-level and a 2nd-level spell slot
available, you can cast animal friendship using either slot.
Spe lls K

now n of

1s t L

evel and


ig h e r

Y ou k n ow tw o 1st-level spells o f you r c h oice from the
ranger spell list.
T he S p ells K n ow n colu m n o f the R anger table sh ow s
w h en you learn m ore ranger sp ells o f your ch oice. Each
o f th ese sp ells m ust be o f a level for w hich you have

spell slots. F or instance, w hen you reach 5th level in this
class, you can learn on e n ew sp ell o f 1st or 2nd level.
Additionally, w hen you gain a level in this class,
you can c h o o s e on e o f the ranger sp ells you kn ow
and rep lace it w ith another spell from the ranger
spell list, w hich also m ust be o f a level for w hich you
have spell slots.
Sp e l l c a s t in g A

b il it y

W isd om is your sp ellcastin g ability for your ranger
spells, sin ce your m a gic draw s on your attunem ent to
nature. You use your W isd om w henever a spell refers
to your sp ellcastin g ability. In addition, you u se your
W isd om m odifier w hen setting the saving th row D C for
a ranger spell you cast and w hen m akin g an attack roll
with one.
Spell save D C = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +

your Wisdom modifier

A b il it y Sco r e Im pr o v e m e n t
W h en you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can in crease on e ability s c o r e o f your
ch oice by 2, or you can in crease tw o ability s c o r e s o f
your ch oice by 1. A s norm al, you ca n ’t in crease an ability
sc o r e above 20 using this feature.

Extra A ttack
B egin n in g at 5th level, you ca n attack tw ice, instead o f
on ce, w henever you take the A ttack action on your turn.

L a n d ’s S t r i d e
Starting at 8th level, m oving through n onm agical
difficult terrain co sts you no extra m ovem ent. You can
also pass through n onm agical plants w ithout being
slow ed by them and without taking dam age from them if
they have thorns, spines, or a sim ilar hazard.
In addition, you have advantage on saving throw s
against plants that are m agically created or m anipulated
to im pede m ovem ent, such th ose created by the
entangle spell.

R anger A rchetype
At 3rd level, you c h o o s e an archetype that you strive
to emulate: Hunter or B east Master, both detailed at
the end o f the class description. Your ch oice grants
you features at 3rd level and again at 7th, 11th,
and 15th level.

P r im eval A wareness
B egin n in g at 3rd level, you can use your action and
expend on e ranger spell slot to focu s your aw areness on
the region around you. F or 1 m inute per level o f the spell
slot you expend, you can sen se w hether the follow in g
types o f creatu res are present w ithin 1 m ile o f you (or
w ithin up to 6 m iles if you are in your favored terrain):
aberrations, celestials, dragons, elem entals, fey, fiends,
and undead. T h is feature d oesn ’t reveal the creatu res’
location or number.

H id e in P l a i n S ig h t
Starting at 10th level, you can sp en d 1 m inute creating
cam ou flage for yourself. You m ust have a c c e s s to fresh
mud, dirt, plants, soot, and other naturally o ccu rrin g
m aterials w ith w hich to create your cam ou flage.
O n ce you are cam ou fla ged in this way, you can try
to hide by p ressin g y ou rself up against a solid surface,
such as a tree or w all, that is at least as tall and w ide
as you are. You gain a +10 bon u s to D exterity (Stealth)
ch eck s as long as you rem ain there without m oving or
taking actions. O nce you m ove or take an action or a
reaction, you m ust cam ou flage y ou rself again to gain
this benefit.

Va n ish
Starting at 14th level, you can u se the H ide action as a
bon u s action on your turn. A lso, you ca n ’t b e tracked by
n onm agical m eans, u n less you c h o o s e to leave a trail.

F e r a l Senses
At 18th level, you gain preternatural se n se s that help
you fight creatu res you ca n ’t see. W h en you attack a
creature you ca n ’t see, your inability to see it d oesn ’t
im p ose disadvantage on your attack rolls against it.
You are also aware o f the location o f any invisible
creature w ithin 30 feet o f you, provided that the
creature isn’t hidden from you and you aren’t
blinded or deafened.

Foe Sla ye r
At 20th level, you b e c o m e an unparalleled hunter o f your
enem ies. O n ce on each o f your turns, you can add your
W isd om m odifier to the attack roll or the dam age roll o f
an attack you m ake against one o f your favored en em ies.
You can c h o o s e to use this feature before or after the
roll, but b efore any effects o f the roll are applied.

R an g er A rchetypes
The ideal o f the ranger has tw o classic expression s: the
Hunter and the B east Master.

H unter
Em ulating the Hunter archetype m eans a cceptin g your
place as a bulw ark b etw een civilization and the terrors
o f the w ildern ess. A s you w alk the H unter’s path, you
learn sp ecia lized tech niques for fighting the threats
you face, from ram paging og res and h ord es o f orc s to
tow ering giants and terrifying dragons.

u n t e r ’s


At 3rd level, you gain on e o f the follow in g features
o f y ou r choice.
Colossus Slayer. Y our tenacity can w ear dow n
the m ost potent foes. W h en you hit a creature w ith a
w eap on attack, the creature takes an extra 1d8 dam age
if it’s b elow its hit point m axim um . You can deal this
extra dam age only o n ce per turn.
Giant Killer. W h en a Large or larger creature w ithin
5 feet o f you hits or m isses you w ith an attack, you can
u se your reaction to attack that creature im m ediately
after its attack, provided that you can see the creature.
Horde Breaker. O n ce on each o f your turns w hen you
m ake a w eap on attack, you can m ake another attack
w ith the sam e w eap on against a different creature that
is w ithin 5 feet o f the original target and w ithin range
o f your w eapon .

e f e n s iv e

T a c t ic s

At 7th level, you gain on e o f the follow in g features
o f your ch oice.
Escape the Horde. O pportunity attacks against you
are m ade w ith disadvantage.
Multiattack Defense. W h en a creature hits you
w ith an attack, you gain a +4 b on u s to AC against
all subsequent attacks m ade by that creature for the
rest o f the turn.
Steel Will. Y ou have advantage on saving throw s
against bein g frightened.

u l t ia t t a c k

At 11th level, you gain on e o f the follow in g features
o f your ch oice.
Volley. You can u se your action to m ake a ranged
attack against any n um ber o f creatu res w ithin 10 feet
o f a point you can see w ithin your w ea p on ’s range. You
m ust have am m unition for each target, as norm al, and
you m ake a separate attack roll for each target.
Whirlwind Attack. Y ou can u se your action to m ake a
m elee attack against any num ber o f creatu res w ithin 5
feet o f you, w ith a separate attack roll for each target.
Su p e r i o r H

u n t e r ’s



At 15th level, you gain on e o f the follow in g features
o f your choice.
Evasion. You can nim bly d odge out o f the w ay o f
certain area effects, su ch as a red dragon ’s fiery breath
or a lightning bolt spell. W h en you are su bjected to an
effect that allow s you to m ake a D exterity saving th row
to take only h alf dam age, you instead take no dam age

if you su cce e d on the saving throw, and only half
d am age if you fail.
Stand Against the Tide. W h en a hostile creature
m isses you with a m elee attack, you can u se your reaction
to force that creature to repeat the sam e attack against
another creature (other than itself) o f your choice.
Uncanny Dodge. W h en an attacker that you can see
hits you w ith an attack, you can use your reaction to
halve the attack’s dam age against you.

B east M aster
T h e B east M aster archetype em b od ies a friendship
betw een the civilized races and the beasts o f the w orld.
United in focu s, beast and ranger w ork as on e to fight
the m on strou s fo e s that threaten civilization and the
w ildern ess alike. Em ulating the B east M aster archetype
m eans com m itting y ou rself to this ideal, w ork in g in
partnership w ith an anim al as its com p a n ion and friend.

a n g e r ’s


o m p a n io n

At 3rd level, you gain a beast com p a n ion that
accom p a n ies you on your adventures and is trained to
fight alongside you. C h oose a beast that is no larger than
M edium and that has a challen ge rating o f 1/4 or low er
(appendix D presen ts statistics for the hawk, mastiff,
and panther as exam ples). A dd your proficiency bon u s
to the bea st’s AC, attack rolls, and dam age rolls, as w ell
as to any saving th row s and skills it is proficient in. Its
hit point m axim u m equals its n orm al m axim u m or four
tim es your ranger level, w hich ever is higher.
The beast obeys your com m a n d s as best as it can. It
takes its turn on your initiative, though it d oesn ’t take an
action u n less you com m a n d it to. O n your turn, you can
verbally com m a n d the beast w h ere to m ove (no action
requ ired by you). You can use your action to verbally
com m a n d it to take the Attack, Dash, D isengage, D odge,
or Help action. O nce you have the Extra A ttack feature,
you can m ake on e w eap on attack y ou rself w hen you
com m a n d the beast to take the A ttack action.
W h ile traveling through your favored terrain w ith only
the beast, you can m ove stealthily at a n orm al pace.
If the beast dies, you can obtain another on e by
sp ending 8 hours m agically b on d in g w ith another beast
that isn’t hostile to you, either the sam e type o f beast as
b efore or a different one.
E x c e p t io n a l T

r a in in g

B egin ning at 7th level, on any o f your turns w hen
your beast com p a n ion d oesn ’t attack, you can use a
bon u s action to com m a n d the beast to take the Dash,
D isengage, D odge, or Help action on its turn.
B e s t ia l F u r y
Starting at 11th level, your beast com p a n ion can
m ake tw o attacks w hen you com m a n d it to u se the
A ttack action.
Sh a r e Spells
B egin ning at 15th level, w hen you cast a spell targeting
yourself, you can also affect your beast com p a n ion with
the spell if the beast is w ithin 30 feet o f you.

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