Teams How To Guide (PDF)

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Title: PowerPoint Presentation
Author: Jacques, Laura

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Teams how to Guide
Table of Contents
General Settings
▪ How To Check For Updates In The Teams App
Creating Teams
▪ How To Create A New Team
▪ What Is The Difference Between Staff And PLC Teams?
▪ How To Create A Channel
Video Meetings and Settings
▪ How To Schedule A Team Meeting
▪ How To Change Team Meeting Options Once Scheduled
Using Teams Features
▪ How To Navigate The Teams Tabs
▪ How To Understand The Conversation Feed
▪ Announcements vs. Conversations
▪ How To Create A Poll In The Conversation Feed
▪ How To Upload Files To Teams
▪ How To Create Assignments In Teams
▪ How To Use Forms In Teams
Using PowerPoint
• How To Add The Recording Tab To PowerPoint
• How To Record Presentations In PowerPoint
• How To Export Videos From PowerPoint
Class Notebook and OneNote
▪ How To Create A Class Notebook
▪ Content Library vs. Collaboration Space In The Class Notebook
▪ Sections vs. Pages In OneNote
▪ Distributing Sections In OneNote
▪ Distributing Pages In OneNote
Additional Microsoft Products
▪ What Is Sway And How Do I Use It In Teams?
▪ What Is Microsoft Edge?
▪ What Is Stream And How Do I Use It In Teams?
▪ How To Use Flipgrid

If you are interested in furthering your education in Microsoft and
Teams, check out the Microsoft Education website for full learning
paths and courses. Microsoft Education Site
Created for you by Laura Jacques and Charity Scott

How to check for updates in
the Teams App
Microsoft is releasing new
updates to the Teams app for
the 20-21 school year that will
enhance the video experience
and other amazing features!

All the work shown here is done in the
Microsoft Teams app that has been
downloaded to the laptop or PC. Make
sure you have downloaded the
products before continuing.

Locate your profile picture in
the upper right-hand corner
of the app. Click the picture.

A drop-down menu will
appear. To find new updates
for Teams, click “Check for

You will notice a new bar appear on the top of the screen saying, “We
will check and install any updates while you continue to work.” Any
updates will automatically be added to your app. Once installed, close
and restart the app to access these updates.

New Updates Announced

Meeting controls are moved to the
top of the meeting screen.
Large gallery view lets you see up
to 49 video streams at once.
Coming soon – Breakout rooms
and lots more!

Additional Resources

Microsoft Community Blog: 25+ updates for
Microsoft Teams for Education for Back to
Microsoft Community Blog: New Meeting
and Calling Experience in Microsoft Teams!

How to Create a New Team
In the upper right-hand corner of the
Teams tab, click on “Join or create team”

To create a new team, click
“Create Team” or you can join
an existing team with a code

To use with your students, click “Class”.
The other teams are best for staff and
will be explained on another page.

Craft your team
name and

You can add students with
their school emails. You
can also include coteachers under “Teachers”!

Congrats! You have
made your new

Potential Options for Creating Teams

Create a team for each of your class
Create one team for your subject and then
create different channels for the different
Teams can be used to create Staff groups
– those instructions are listed HERE

Additional Resources

Microsoft Course: Transform Learning with
Microsoft Teams
YouTube: How to Create a new Team in
Microsoft Teams
YouTube: Set up your Teams and Channels
in Microsoft Teams

What is the difference between
staff and PLC Teams?

Staff leaders are owners of
staff teams and add others as
members. Each staff team
allows you to communicate,
share important documents,
and set up a Staff Notebook to
track common administrative

Educators work together on
shared goals or professional
development. Each PLC team
allows you to organize
materials, collaborate, and
access a OneNote notebook
populated with templates for
common PLC tasks.

Other teams could include after school clubs, sport teams,
community groups, and more!

Potential Options for Staff and PLC

Staff – collaboration on whole school
initiatives and other whole staff related
PLC – grade-level team meetings; content

Additional Resources

YouTube: Different types of Teams in
Microsoft Teams and their features
(Complete Overview)
Microsoft Course: Supporting learning
initiatives with Staff Teams

How to create a channel
Open the Team that you want
to channels for. Next to the
name of the team there are
thee dots that will show more

Clicking those dots will show
this drop-down menu. To
create new channels, click
“Add channell”

Standard: This allows
everyone in the team to see
this channel. If you have
added a person to the team,
then they can access this

The pop-out window will allow
you to create a name for the
channel, add a description,
and adjust privacy settings.
There are 2 possible privacy

Private: Only people you select
will see and be able to access
the channel. Once clicking next
to create a private channel, a
new pop-up will ask you to
add in the students you would
like to have access to this

Potential Options for Channels

Separate class periods by channels
Use channels as unit dividers
Create small groups
Create reading or math focused groups in
lab support

Additional Resources

YouTube: How to Create a Channel in
Microsoft Teams
YouTube: Set up your Teams and Channels
in Microsoft Teams

How to Schedule a Team Meeting
Go to calendar tab in the “Me

Click the “New Meeting” button in
the top right corner
Fill in the important meeting
• Title
• Attendees
• Date and time
• Does it repeat?
• Add specific channel
• Provide details on the meeting or
agendas in the text box

Check Scheduling assistant to
make sure all members are
Once the meeting has been
scheduled you can go back in
and choose “meeting options” to
adjust who can present and to
create a lobby
Potential Options for Using

Teaching a virtual class
Hosting 504 or IEP meetings
Staff Meeting
Grade Level Meeting
Department Meeting
Tutoring Session

Additional Resources
• YouTube: How to Create a Team Meeting in
• YouTube: Creating a Meeting With TEAMS
• Microsoft Support: Schedule a Meeting in
• Article: How to Create a Scheduled or
Instant Meeting in TEAMS

How to Change Team Meeting
Options Once Scheduled
Once you have created your meeting by following the steps in
the previous page, you can now go back to the meeting and
adjust the settings for the meeting.

Open your meeting in the calendar
app and click on “Meeting options”.
This will open a new internet
browser tab on your computer.

A new tab will open in your internet
browser that will include these
settings. The settings that
automatically load are shown here.

It is suggested to change
“Who can bypass the
lobby?” and “Who can
present?” to be set to
“Only you” as the host of
the meeting. Make sure to
click “Save”!

Potential Benefits

Students cannot start the meeting without
the meeting organizer
Students will not be able to take over the
presentation from the meeting organizer

Additional Resources

YouTube: How to make students wait in
lobby in Microsoft Teams
YouTube: How to prevent students from
removing and muting others in Microsoft
Teams meeting

How to Navigate the Teams Tabs
In each channel of a team, there are multiple tabs at the
top of the page to choose from. For this example, we
are in the general channel in a practice team. The red
box highlights the standard tabs that are available:
1. Posts
4. Assignments
2. Files
5. Grades
3. Class Notebook
6. +

Note: Posts, Files, Class Notebook, Assignments, and
Grades are each described in other pages included.
When clicking the + from the tabs at the top of the page,
a pop-out menu will appear (shown to the left) that has a
variety of options to create tabs for including adding a
website link.
Click the pink website box to open
the information box where you will
fill out the title for the tab and the
link to the website you want to

The tab will be added to the tab bar on the
top of the channel page and will have the
website directly inserted into Teams. No need
for students to click around on multiple apps!

Note: Different tabs can be added to
different channels.

Potential Options for Tabs

Include tabs for different, pertinent
Create a tab for the online calculator or
classroom resource
Customize the tabs for links to Forms,
PowerPoint, Excel, etc.

Additional Resources

YouTube: How To Use Tabs in Microsoft
YouTube: 04 - Microsoft Teams : Tabs

How to Understand the
Conversation Feed

There are many additional options when posting to the feed in a Team! Each of
these additions below can be used for both conversations and
announcements. Here are some of the additions you can include.

Allows you to change between conversation and
Attach files to the feed from your recent files, your
teams and channels, your OneDrive, or uploading from
your computer

Add emojis to your post

Post praise to an individual or group of students. Select
the type of praise, add the student, draft a message, and
post to the feed! This can also be sent individually through
the Chat tab.

You can always find more options when you see the
three dots. This will open a pop-out box that has more
cool features that you can include in the chat.

Potential Options for Conversation

Attach documents
Add fun emojis, gifs, or stickers to your
posts for engagement
Send praise to students for their hard work
Add forms, links to outside websites,
stream videos, and more!

Additional Resources

YouTube: Foster Classroom Collaboration
YouTube: Teams Conversation Feed
YouTube: 02 - Microsoft Teams :

Announcements vs.
At the bottom of a Team feed, there is a
text box that can allow you to post to the
feed. There are 2 options of posting text
into the feed: conversations and
announcements. By clicking on the A
symbol with a pen, shown here in red, you
can change the type of post you want to

Conversations can be used as quick
check-in questions or as a post that
you would like student responses.
You can edit the subject and
message of the post.

To change between conversation
and announcement, click the dropdown menu in the top left corner
and choose the option you want.

Announcements can be used to send out
important information that grabs a
student’s attention. You can edit the title
image, headline, subheading, and message.
This also allows for student responses.

Announcement example

Conversation example

Potential Options for Announcements
and Conversations

Announcements: important information,
assignments, video classes, or anything you
want to stand out in the student’s feeds
Conversations: follow-up questions, daily
attendance questions, or anything to inform
or remind students.

Additional Resources

YouTube: Foster Classroom Collaboration
YouTube: Teams Conversation Feed
YouTube: 02 - Microsoft Teams :
Microsoft Course: Crafting a collaborative
learning environment with Class Teams

How to Create a Poll in the
Conversation Feed

Click on the ellipsis, or
three dots, at the
bottom of the feed.
This will open a new
box with more options
to add to the feed.

To add a new quick
poll, click “Forms”.

Add your question and
possible choices in the
form that pops up. Click
next to preview and post.

After you preview and post your poll on the
feed, two boxes will be added to the feed.
The top will have a place to submit answers,
and the bottom will show instant feedback
on answers submitted.

Potential Options for Using Polls

Quick Check-ins
Wellness Checks
Check’s for Understanding
Group Reward Polls

Additional Resources

YouTube: How to create a Poll in Microsoft
YouTube: How to create a Poll in Microsoft

How to Upload Files to Teams
Choose the Team you
want to place files in

Click “Files” tabs

• Make sure you are in the
General channel

Class materials cannot
be edited by students,
but can be downloaded
by students

You can upload any
type of file to this
section (ppt, excel,

Separate files can
be uploaded in
different channels
depending on how
you create those

• Everyone who is apart of the
TEAMS will be able to access
these files

• Select the channel in the
• Choose “files” in the tab

Potential Options for Files in TEAMS

Add informational documents such as
syllabus’s and permission slips
Provide templates for students’ work
Create folders for sources for projects per
unit or per class

Additional Resources

YouTube: How to upload and share files in
Microsoft Teams
YouTube: How To Move Files Into Teams
Windows Central: How to Upload and
Manage Files on Teams

How To Create Assignments in Teams
1 . Go to assignments
tab in your desired

2. Click
3. Choose either to create an
assignment, quiz, or from an existing
assignment already created
4. Creating an assignment
• Enter the required information
• Add resources
• Add an optional rubric
• Choose which classes will be
assigned the work
• Creating a quiz
• Choose either an existing form
or create a new one
• Fill in the required information
• Creating from an existing assignment
• Choose the class you want to
use the assignment for
• Select the assignment

5. Edit the date and time of
when the assignment will be
assigned, due, and closed

Potential Options for Assignments

Formative Assessments
Summative Assessments

Additional Resources

YouTube: Creating Personalized Assignments
YouTube: How to Use Assignments in Teams
Microsoft Support: Create an Assignment in
Microsoft Education Blog: 6 Ways to Make
Assignments Easier in Teams

How to Use Forms in Teams
There are three main ways that you can include Forms in Teams:
1. Have a form already created in Forms App, ready to post
2. Create a new form within Teams
3. Attach to an assignment – for these instructions, visit the page titled “How to Create
an Assignment in Teams”

You can add forms directly to the tabs
in your Team or in a channel of a team
Click the + sign in the top tabs and select
Forms from the pop-out menu

From here, you can either create
a form in Teams or attach a form
that you have previously created.
Let’s explore how to create a new
form in Teams.
The form creator will load into the Teams app. You
can add and edit questions just like you would when
creating in the Forms app. Preview the form to see
how it would look on the student’s side!

The newly created Tab for your Form
will be posted in the conversation feed
(if you selected this setting when
creating the tab). And your Form is
ready to go!

Potential Options Using Forms

Graded Assignments

Additional Resources

YouTube: How to use Microsoft Forms to
Create Surveys & Quizzes
YouTube: How to Use Forms with Microsoft
Microsoft Education: Creating Authentic
Assessments Course

How to Add the Recording Tab
to PowerPoint
This instructional video will walk you through the steps to add
the Recording Tab to PowerPoint.
This is a crucial step to streamline the recording and
exporting process in PowerPoint.

Video Link: "Adding the Recorder ribbon to PowerPoint"

Potential Options for Recording in

Record lessons for distance learning
Record instructions on activities
Demonstrate a new skill or strategy
Include audio, external websites, videos,
screenshots, and inking

Additional Resources

Microsoft Course: Flipped instruction with
PowerPoint Recorder
YouTube: How to Make a Video in
PowerPoint - ppt to video
YouTube: How to Record Screen using
Microsoft PowerPoint

How to record presentations
in PowerPoint

Once you have created an awesome PowerPoint
for your class – you are ready to record and
share with students! Please complete the steps
from the page “How to Add the Recording Tab to
PowerPoint” before completing this page.

Head to the newly added “Recording” tab in the PowerPoint you want to record. Click
“Record Slide Show”. The screen below is the recording screen for the presentation!
Notes Section can
be displayed for the
recorder to help
during recording
Next and Previous
Buttons to switch
between slides

Record (to start
recording), Stop (to
end the recording),
and Replay (to
rewatch what you
recorded) Buttons
Ink options to write
on the screen while
recording – great
for showing steps to
solve math

Video Option to
include a video of
yourself going
through the

Potential Options for Recording in

Record lessons for distance learning
Record instructions on activities
Demonstrate a new skill or strategy
Include audio, external websites, videos,
screenshots, and inking

Once you have
finished recoding,
click the “Stop”
button in the top left
corner of the
screen. The video
will be ready to play
when you present
the PowerPoint.
To export the video, please
check out the following page with
instructions called “How to
Export Videos from PowerPoint”

Additional Resources

Microsoft Course: Flipped instruction with
PowerPoint Recorder
YouTube: How to Make a Video in
PowerPoint - ppt to video
YouTube: How to Record Screen using
Microsoft PowerPoint

How to Export Videos From
You have just completed the steps
from the “How to Record

Presentations in PowerPoint” page and
are ready to export your video to be
able to share it via YouTube or
Microsoft Stream

In the “Recording” tab in PowerPoint, you are
given multiple options on how to export or
share the video you just created.
This will save your presentation
in a local folder on your
computer with minimal settings.

Create a name and description for
the video before publishing to
Stream. This will be saved in your
Stream App and accessible through
your OneDrive. You can post
Stream videos directly into
Microsoft Teams!

Here you can adjust the video quality
settings and where you would like to save
the video. Make sure to change the 2nd
setting to say “Use Record Timings and
Narration” so your video stays intact when
you create and export to your computer.

Potential Options for Recording in

Record lessons for distance learning
Record instructions on activities
Demonstrate a new skill or strategy
Include audio, external websites, videos,
screenshots, and inking

Additional Resources

Microsoft Course: Flipped instruction with
PowerPoint Recorder
YouTube: How to Make a Video in
PowerPoint - ppt to video
YouTube: How to Record Screen using
Microsoft PowerPoint

How to Create a Class Notebook
Head to the team where you want to
create a class notebook
Step 1

Step 2

Select the tab “class notebook”

Click “Set up a OneNote Class
Step 3 Notebook”
Choose to either create a blank
notebook or from an existing
Step 4 notebook content
• Determine which sections you need in
your notebook

Step 5

• You can not change these once they are
• Once created, choose to open in app

Step 6 • Easier editing options

Potential Options Class

Online interactive Notebook
A place to keep classwork
Online Textbook
A place to keep lesson notes

Additional Resources

YouTube: Getting Started with OneNote Class Notebooks
YouTube: Getting Students Working in OneNote
YouTube: How to Set up a OneNote Notebook in Teams
Microsoft Education: Getting Started with OneNote Course
Microsoft Education: OneNote Teacher Academy

Content Library vs
Collaboration Space in the Class
Content Library


Collaboration Space
Both teachers and students can
edit these pages and sections in
real time

Place where you can store all
the work you want students
to have in their notebooks

When channels are created, so is
a section in the collaboration

“Filing cabinet” for the
sections and pages of your
class notebook

Can limit who can edit the work
via the channel option in teams

Students can view, not edit
these pages and sections

Can be distributed to
students’ notebooks

Students can copy these
pages and sections and add
them to their notebooks

Potential Options for Content Library
and Collaboration Space

Content Library – store all the work you
want students to do in class
Content library – template for interactive
Collaboration Space – students can use this
space for collaborating on group projects
Collaboration Space – a place where
students can post and respond to each
others' thoughts or exit tickets

Additional Resources

YouTube: Basic Practices for OneNotebook
YouTube: Collaboration Space in
Microsoft: OneNotebook Website
Microsoft Blog: Class Notebook
Microsoft Support: Locking the
Collaboration Space
Microsoft Education: OneNote Teacher

Sections vs Pages in OneNote

Notebook Title

These are your tabs where you can house
multiple pages
Can create unlimited amount of sections per
Can imbed videos
Like pages in an actual notebook
Can record audio and place it within the page
Can type anywhere without creating a textbox
Unlimited amount of space per page and per

Can place documents that can be edited in the pages
Potential Options Class Notebook

Sections – Use them as unit dividers
Sections – Use them as activity dividers
Pages – Use one page per lesson in a unit
Pages – Use them as topics inside each unit

Additional Resources

YouTube: Structuring OneNotebook with
Sections and Pages
YouTube: Basic Practices for OneNotebook
Microsoft Education: OneNote Teacher
Microsoft Support: Organize Your Notes
Article: Tips and Tricks for OneNote

Distributing Sections in OneNote
Distributing New Sections to
Students’ Class Notebooks
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Select “Class Notebook” in OneNote

Select ”Distribute New Section”

Create a title for the new section

Select “Distribute”. Each student will now
have a copy of the section in the Class

Note: Only distribute New Sections if you have not previously made the section in
the student’s class notebooks.

Potential Options Class Notebook

Sections – Use them as unit dividers
Sections – Use them as activity dividers
Pages – Use one page per lesson in a unit
Pages – Use them as topics inside each unit

Additional Resources

YouTube: Structuring OneNotebook with
Sections and Pages
Microsoft Education: OneNote Teacher
Article: Tips and Tricks for OneNote

Distributing Pages in OneNote
Distributing Pages from Content
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Select ”Class Notebook” in OneNote

Choose which page you want to distribute by
clicking on the page

Select ”Distribute Page”

Determine how you want to distribute the page

Step 5

Choose where in the student’s notebook you
want to place the page

Step 6

Select “Distribute”. Each student will now have a
copy of the page in the Class Notebook

Potential Options Class Notebook

Sections – Use them as unit dividers
Sections – Use them as activity dividers
Pages – Use one page per lesson in a unit
Pages – Use them as topics inside each unit

Additional Resources

YouTube: Basic Practices for OneNotebook
Microsoft Education: OneNote Teacher
Article: Tips and Tricks for OneNote

What is Sway and
How do I Use It in Teams?
• App located in Office 365
• Online platform
• Creative platform for digital storytelling
• Can embed links, documents, presentations,
videos, and pictures

Using it in Teams
• Use as virtual bulletin board as a separate tab
• Embed in One Note

• Share it in a conversation for student
reference or pre-lesson content

Potential Options for Sway

Online bulletin board
Alternate form of presentation
Student portfolio
Virtual Newsletters
“One pager” of a story or topic

Additional Resources

YouTube: How to Use Microsoft Sway
YouTube: Sway - Create, Design, and Share
Your Story
Microsoft Education: Digital Story Telling
with Sway
Example Sway: How to Use Sway in
Microsoft Education: Sway

What is Microsoft edge?
Edge is the newly released web browser by
Microsoft. With built in tools to support
students and teachers!
Two new features are described here.

Immersive Reader
With built in tools, students and
teachers can eliminate distractions,
have articles and webpages read
aloud, and adjust reading settings
that fit to their needs. “Immersive
Reader helps you stay focused while
reading online by letting you filter out
clutter and distracting content from
articles and sites.” (Microsoft)

Collections allows you to keep track of
articles, videos, and websites on
different topics and across multiple
devices. “Whether you're shopping,
planning a trip, collecting notes for
research or lesson plans, or just want to
pick up where you left off the last time
you were browsing the internet.”

Potential Options for Using Microsoft

Immersive Reader including Read Aloud,
Text Preferences, Grammar tools, and
Reading Preferences
Collections can allow you to organize
websites on different topics together
Download Apps and Extensions to the
browser for added features

Additional Resources

Microsoft: Introducing the new Microsoft
Microsoft Support: Organize your ideas
with Collections in Microsoft Edge
YouTube: Top 10 Microsoft Edge Chromium
Best Features
YouTube: Get to know the new version of
Microsoft Edge

What is Stream?
How do I use it in Teams?
What is Stream?

Found in Office 365
Online video platform where you can share and
find videos
Can share videos via link, email, or embedding

1. Create a Live Event

Fill in details of the event
Can allow certain people to watch it or everyone in your organization
Can set other users
Choose what you want to happen after the event occurs
Publish the event when your details are ready to share
After it is published, you can share with audience.
People can’t watch until you start event.

2. Upload Videos

Drag and drop files that you have created that are on
your device
Add title and description of the video

3. Find Content (Discover)

Use the search box at the top of the page to look for topic, user,
group, or channel
Use filters

4. Groups

5. Channels

Share videos with people
Give permissions to people
Groups come from Teams or create your
own group within Stream
Allow people to upload their own content to
the group or do not allow that
Has its own homepage

Potential Options for Stream

Can post your instructional videos here
Share content related videos to each team
Add it as a tab in your Teams channels

You upload your content and
select access for the channel
Organize your content without
changing permissions
Can be a group channel and
share it with a certain group

Additional Resources

YouTube: Stream- How to add a Video to
YouTube: How to Use Stream
Microsoft: Using Stream in Teams
Microsoft Support: Add and Use a Stream
Tab in Teams
Watch the set up videos on Stream main

How to Use Flipgrid
What is

Flipgrid is a free online video platform
where teachers can create topic questions,
share with students, and receive video
responses! This is an interactive, fun twist
on question and response!

How to Use
Flipgrid? Create a few account using your Microsoft
Educator email by heading to and clicking
“Educator Sign Up”.

Topics are the discussion questions you are
sending to students to gather responses.
When creating a new Topic, you can add or
edit the title, prompt, recording time, closed
captioning, media you want to include, and
if you want it to be private (sent to certain
people or groups) or public (all responses
from anyone).

Check out our
Flipgrid and send a
response! Scan the
QR Code above or
follow this link:
Teams How to

Groups are a way to organize your
topics by class, unit, or however you
would like! Once adding students into
the group, they have access and can
respond to any topics you have
collected in the group.

Flipgrid is integrated with Microsoft Teams! When you are
ready to share a topic with your students, click the “Share”
button. This will create a pop-out box with sharing options
such as a link, QR Code, or directly to your Team!

Potential Options for Flipgrid

Check for understanding
Videos for projects
Homework responses

Additional Resources

Microsoft Education: Flipgrid Course
PDF: The Educator's Guide to Flipgrid
Flipgrid: Getting Started
YouTube: How To Teach Remotely with
YouTube: How to use Fligrid with Teams

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