Proposal to Create a Custom Brandtag Identity Campaign (PDF)

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Proposal to Create a Custom
Brandtag Identity Collage and Campaign
for Studio Element Personal Training
Prepared by HELLO, my name is Scott, represented by Scott Ginsberg
Situation Summary
In the last four years, Studio Element Personal Training has built a profitable fitness enterprise. With their
intimate, yet spacious location; expert and encouraging staff; accessible, yet challenging group training;
and powerful client success stories and, Jay Seifert and his team of exercise science trainers have made a
name for themselves in the St. Louis Fitness community.
After encountering a Brandtag Identity Collage, Jay believes Scott Ginsberg’s tools for employee
engagement, client retention and marketing are a good fit for the Studio Element brand. As such, the goal is
to begin a partnership, involving customized artwork and internal/external marketing activity to make
Studio Element more findable, joinable, engageable and profitable.
Objectives and Measures of Success
Among the results to be achieved are these key objectives:

To elevate brand awareness both inside and outside the company by honing in on – and amplifying –
the company mission, culture and values.

To reinforce Studio Element’s expertise advantage, as they only hire trainers with exercise science
degrees. This multiplies the client learning experience by a factor of ten.

To increase attendance to group training programs and other public events, filtering more transactional
customers into the studio for regular personal training sessions and packages.

To make people who aren’t your customers, wish they were.

To differentiate Studio Element as the premiere studio for health conscious people who want to make
fitness a lifestyle, not just a seasonal chore.

The value to the organization is twofold – internally for employees, partners, vendors and suppliers; and
externally for clients, transient customers, website visitors and fans:
• Brand Infection: This campaign will excite employees about the brand vision. It will inspire them to
see the world as Jay does, paint a picture of the world he hopes to create and help his people belong to
it. It helps people have a better experience of you, and a better experience of themselves when
they’re with you.

Brand Commitment. The brandtag is your commitment device. And by communicating that you are
fully committed, your team, and the people they serve, are ultra aware of your dedication to the
organization, to the brand and to their well being. This makes your mission more than a statement.

Brand Engagement: Traditional marketing is largely transactional. It’s invisible, inaudible and
inconsumable. It’s appallingly uninteresting and instantly forgettable. And it interrupts people, disturbs
their attention and pollutes the public space. Brandtag is transformational. It's a handmade, limited
edition work of art. By sharing your story, it invites people to participate in your brand. It respects and
rewards their attention, offers purpose-driven uniqueness and real, human, experiential value at the
point of consumption. And instead of bothering people into buying from you, brandtag invites people
to join you because you've expressed yourself fully and freely.

• Brand Spreadability: The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. This
campaign will exponentially increase the activity level of conversations about Studio Element, your
trainers, your clients, your services and their brand. Whereas, according to the St. Louis Post Dispatch,
if your business ran three full-page advertisements, it would cost over four thousand dollars – just to be
ignored by people who aren’t your customers anyway and, wait a sec, what’s a newspaper again?

Brand Elevation: This campaign enables people to buy more than just your product. They also buy:
Your person, your philosophy, your process, the problem you solve, the story you’re telling and the
meaning people create for themselves in response to your story.

Brand Joinability. Good brands are bought – great brands are joined. This campaign helps people
participate with your brand. By expressing and reflecting your brand's human purpose, it creates an
emotional connection that deepens over time. Most importantly: It creates moments of
encouragement in times of insecurity, and moments of confidence in time of vulnerability.
I estimate the total value of this project’s success could save over $25,000*
in traditional advertising/marketing costs; and could earn $50,000*
of new revenue in the next two years for Studio Element as a function of
greater online and offline traffic by customers who engage with this campaign.

*The first amount is based on SCORE’s annual research, showing that a small service-based business
invests approximately 7% of their annual sales on their marketing budget. The second amount is estimated
based on the client’s wide range of services, clientele and projected revenue.
To work with you on these objectives, you would receive, but not be limited to, one of these options:
OPTION 1: Brandtag Identity Collage

One Hour of Consultation Time. Scott will interview Jay, along with anyone else he feels necessary,
to distill the mission of the brand.
(1) Limited Edition Artwork Piece. This framed, hand-carved artifact will be signed, numbered and
delivered personally to the studio by Scott.

OPTION 2: Brandtag Identity Campaign

One Hour of Consultation Time. Scott will interview Jay to distill the mission of the brand, along
with anyone else he feels necessary, to distill the mission of the brand.
(3) Limited Edition Artwork Pieces. These framed, hand-carved artifacts will be signed, numbered and
delivered personally to the studio by Scott. These social objects may be displayed in the studio, back
office, bathroom or wherever else the client sees fit.
Marketing Language Translation: Scott will help your team to convert your philosophy into excerpts,
sound bites, tag lines, sales copy, marketing language, headlines, key words and short phrases. This
marketing language will become your property and can be repurposed as future marketing assets, both
inside and outside the company.
Digital Pictures of Brandtag: Client receives original pictures of the identity collage creation and
hanging process. They can be used or website, marketing and other promotional materials.
Online Platform Promotion: Scott will build a case study from this campaign, which will live online
in perpetuity. Combining pictures, stories, interviews, excerpts & other media; he will be responsible
for deploying your mission to his global audience. This includes, but isn’t limited to: Slideshows in
Global Public Presentations (15,000 people per month), Newsletter subscribers (30,000+ per month),
Twitter followers (12,000+ per tweet), Facebook connections (3,000+ per update), LinkedIn
connections (1000+ per update) & Website visitors (3,000 unique visitors a day). Even though a large
percentage of Scott’s audience isn’t local, your brand awareness & joinability will skyrocket,
enhancing future expansion potential, client attraction, media interviews & other opportunities.

OPTION 3: Brandtag Identity Crusade

One Hour of Consultation Time. Scott will interview Jay, along with anyone else he feels necessary,
to distill the mission of the brand.
(15) Limited Edition Artwork Pieces. These framed, hand-carved artifact will be signed, numbered
and delivered personally to the studio by Scott. These social objects may be displayed in the studio,
back office, bathroom or wherever else the client sees fit. These may also be used as gifts to top
clients, thank-yous to longtime vendors/suppliers, art pieces for individual branches/stores/locations, or
as meaningful rewards to recognize employees’ outstanding contributions.
Marketing Language Translation: Scott will help your team to convert your philosophy into excerpts,
sound bites, tag lines, sales copy, marketing language, headlines, key words and short phrases. This
marketing language will become your property and can be repurposed as future marketing assets, both
inside and outside the company.
Digital Pictures of Brandtag: Client receives original pictures of the identity collage creation and
hanging process. They can be used or website, marketing and other promotional materials.
Online Platform Promotion: Scott will build a case study from this campaign, which will live online
in perpetuity. Combining pictures, stories, interviews, excerpts & other media; he will be responsible
for deploying your mission to his global audience. This includes, but isn’t limited to: Slideshows in
Global Public Presentations (15,000 people per month), Newsletter subscribers (30,000+ per month),
Twitter followers (12,000+ per tweet), Facebook connections (3,000+ per update), LinkedIn
connections (1000+ per update) & Website visitors (3,000 unique visitors a day). Even though a large
percentage of Scott’s audience isn’t local, your brand awareness & joinability will skyrocket,
enhancing future expansion potential, client attraction, media interviews & other opportunities.
Speaking Engagement and Art Show: Scott will deliver up to a ninety-minute presentation at a venue
of your choice for your employees, clients, customers, colleagues and other members of your network.
His presentation will revolve around your new mission, using the pictures of the artwork as a case
study. He will make the artwork available to be viewed in public as exclusive, one-time event. This
event will be videotaped and edited to create a digital promotional video for your website and
promotional materials.

Scott is available to begin working on this project April 18, 2011. This schedule assures that production on
the art piece would begin by May 1 and would be completed and delivered by July 1.
Joint Accountabilities
Scott would work with Jay (and anyone else designated) in conjunction with this project.
Terms and Conditions
Scott’s fees are always based upon the project, and never upon time units. That way the client is
encouraged to call upon Scott without worrying about a meter running, and Scott’s free to suggest
additional areas of focus without concern about increasing the client’s investment.
The fees for the options above are:
Option 1: Brandtag Identity Collage


Option 2: Brandtag Identity Campaign


Option 3: Brandtag Identity Crusade


Payment terms: Each of the above options will be paid via check. A deposit of 50% will be paid upon
execution of the contract, the remainder upon the delivery of the artwork.
This work is guaranteed. If Scott does not meet the client’s objectives, and cannot meet them after the
client’s notification and an attempt to correct the shortcoming, Scott will refund your full fee.

Signatures below indicates acceptance of this proposal and its terms. This proposal is accepted and forms
an agreement between Studio Element Personal Training as represented by Jay Seifert and HELLO, my
name is Scott, LLC, as represented by Scott Ginsberg.
For HELLO, my name is Scott, LLC:

For Studio Element

Scott Ginsberg

Jay Seifert

Date: ________________________

Date: ___________________

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