Connelly Family Reunion Questionnaire (PDF)

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Connelly Family Reunion
June 8, 9 & 10, 2012 in Fort Walton Beach, FL

1) Is the weekend long enough or would you like it to be longer?
2) How many from your family will be attending?
3) Would you prefer renting a large home on the beach to share with other families, a condo to be
close to other family members or stay with respective relatives in their home?
4) Which day would you prefer the whole family to be together for pictures, etc or would you like
everyone to be together every day?
5) Do you want to have a large reunion picnic or go to a restaurant and have a room specifically
designated for us?
6) What activities would you like to do? Water park? Amusement park? Shopping? Golf? Etc.
7) Family reunion t-shirts are in the talks, would you like to organize your own family shirts or let
someone else take care of that?

It has been a very long time since everyone has been together and we want to have a lot of fun
being back together as one big family. Please don’t hesitate to send me your ideas and
feedback as I want to make this a family reunion to remember. I can be reached best by
Facebook and/or email ( . Even though the reunion is not until June of
2012, I am a “closet” planner and want to make sure everyone has a great time and has a stressfree vacation. Thanks Y’all. Jill

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