HP TouchPad Sale eBook (PDF)

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Title: Microsoft Word - HP TouchPad Sale eBook
Author: nmoua

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Welcome to HP TouchPad Sale eBook!
So you probably missed the boat and your probably jealous of all those cheap bastards who took your
HP Touchpad and man, if only you were an hour earlier to Walmart or BestBuy, you’d probably get your
hands on one! Or if you would’ve grab a copy at Barnes & Noble when they had the sale for $101! That’s
in the past few days and those days are over. We’ll lets put it this way, there’s really no other way of
getting a copy of HP TouchPad for $99 except the way we’re going to show you.
We cannot garautnee that you will get your copy of the HP TouchPad for $99 but if you utilize the
techniques and links we give you, you’d probably have a very very high chance of getting the HP
TouchPad when it arrives sometime this week or soon. Most likely it’ll be available this week according
to the research I’ve done. Anyway, the point is you’ll need to utilize the links we’ve given you and the
steps you’ll need to complete in order to be informed of exactly where and when you can make a
purchase of your HP TouchPad.
Ok, so basically let me break down the ebook very rapidly for you. There’s basically only two-parts to
this. It’s very simple and trust me, this is more than enough information to at least greatly increases
your chance at getting an HP TouchPad for $99 + free shipping. So here it is: I’m going to show you how
to track HP’s website so when they release the HP TouchPad, you’d know exactly when & where to
purchase, including getting notified directly from HP when it is available. I’m also going to show you
where to get updated daily from an insider of HP, a very helpful person directly at HP, this person will
tell you all the current news about the HP TouchPad and when it’s going to be available, the current
status of the touchpads, your order emails & status and what they mean, helpful tips & etc.
Yes you paid $19 for this eBook, but hey, I just saved you a mere $300 off the retail price tag of this
product. So, please be thoughtful and happy I’m sharing this information with you because if you follow
these easy steps & visit the links to keep up with what’s going on with HP, you’ll most likely get a hold of
an HP TouchPad for $99 or if not the 32GB for $149. It’s a win-win. If you don’t like the product, just sell
it on eBay for $300. I can’t believe those crazies are buying HP TouchPad for $300! LMAO! You want to
know why they’re buying HP TouchPads for $300? It’s because they don’t have the information & do not
know exactly when & where to get the HP TouchPad when it comes out. But guess what? You will, and
you’ll get it for a lot cheaper than they did!
Smart people like you, buy this eBook, learn exactly what I have to tell you and you’ll increase your
chances highly of getting the HP TouchPad for $99-$149. Ok, now lets get down to business. This eBook
is very short and straight to the point, but I’m sure you don’t want to waste your time reading what I
have to tell you. You just want the HP TouchPad and want to know where you can get it. That’s totally
fine, and I understand. So I’m going to get down to business and give you what you need in order to
success on this mission? Capiche? Understand? OK! Let’s roll.

This document “HP TouchPad Sale eBook” is protected under U.S. copyright laws. Only the original purchaser is allowed to own this document.
MATERIALS BELONG TO HP. 2011 HPTOUCHPADSALE.COM. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Part 1 – Tracking your HP TouchPad
Okay, so if you want to get an HP TouchPad vs tons of thousands of people also wanting one, what will
you need to do in order to get a huge advantage over them? While the other tons of people are
checking up every couple of hours on where to get their touchpad, you’ll be enjoying your time doing
whatever you love to do and you’ll be notified immediately when the touchpads are available. So to do
this, you’ll need a tracking system that tracks the slightest movements from HP’s website. Any slight
changes, you’ll get notified through email. Whether or not HP is ready to allow orders place, any slight
movements on a single page you want to watch on HP’s website, you’ll get notified of these changes.
How does that sound? That’s good news for you eh?
We have this tracking system available for you and its easy to acquire. We’ve done the research and
found a website known as: http://www.changedetection.com/.
Once you’re on the website, you’ll want to track these following links:
Home & Home Office
32GB HP TouchPad - $99
32GB HP TouchPad - $149

Business HP TouchPad

Below is a screen shot of what the webpages from HP that I am currently keeping my eye on. Once you
have the links, you’ll want to make sure you go through the entire process of creating an account so
This document “HP TouchPad Sale eBook” is protected under U.S. copyright laws. Only the original purchaser is allowed to own this document.
MATERIALS BELONG TO HP. 2011 HPTOUCHPADSALE.COM. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

they can send you notifications through emails when their detection system detects the slightest change
in those webpage. What you want to look for and detect for is when the webpage of whatever touchpad
your tracking says the product is available or “add to cart”. Currently if you check the pages, it will say
something like “out of stock” or “coming soon”. But with this detection technology, you can basically sit
back and track these pages, then when changes occur you get notified via email through your
smartphone. Once you check the webpages and it shows “ADD TO CART”, then get your butt off
whatever your doing and BUY BUY BUY! Buy the touchpad very quickly or else those other tons of
people will grab it before you do!

HP Notification
Another great thing to sign up for is this HP notification. They basically email you when the touchpad is
available, but I wouldn’t rely on it as much as the detection website. The reason is because there are so
many people signed up for it, that when HP email servers sends a blast of email to the customers it
causes a huge delay and you probably wont get an email until 30 minutes to an hr later. By then, you’ll
reduce your chances of getting an HP TouchPad. But it’s always good just to sign up for notifications
directly from HP. So sign up, it might do you some good!

This basically concludes the tracking part of the product. The whole point of this is to track the
webpages of the HP TouchPad, so when it is available you can react quickly and make a purchase. You
may add other webpages from HP if you’d like to track them as well. I’d recommend using your smart
This document “HP TouchPad Sale eBook” is protected under U.S. copyright laws. Only the original purchaser is allowed to own this document.
MATERIALS BELONG TO HP. 2011 HPTOUCHPADSALE.COM. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

phone & that way when you get emails you’ll get immediate feedback of when detection occurs so you
can make that purchase on time!

Moving on to part 2.
Part 2 – Be informed from HP insider
This part is really important as well, but its easier than the first part. It’s all a matter of checking up on a
webpage and reading the news this HP insider posts up. Pretty much you’ll want to always keep an eye
on this person’s news. She basically tells you in real-time the current status of when these HP TouchPads
will come out in store front. These touchpads will be available to purchase online through HP’s website
but only a few actually have gotten notifications through email using that link I gave you above because
it’s been broken due to so much traffic. This is why the detection technology I showed you might just
increase your chances of getting the HP Touchpad.

Anyhow, you’ll need to keep up with Bryna Corcoran’s tweets. Please visit this link and check up on her
tweets for the next few days until the touchpads are available online.

Basically, this is it. You got a really unique & effective way of tracking your touchpad when it is available.
You also have HP’s notification email. And you got an HP insider who tells you the status updates of the
This document “HP TouchPad Sale eBook” is protected under U.S. copyright laws. Only the original purchaser is allowed to own this document.
MATERIALS BELONG TO HP. 2011 HPTOUCHPADSALE.COM. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

touchpads and where its headed. I say to you my friend, that you are prepared for this mission to get
yourself an HP Touchpad. You might have not gotten it earlier, but if you setup the detection service
with the links we gave you and did everything else, you’ll be in such a great position to tackle this
touchpad and get yourself or even maybe someone special one! So just be glad you’ll be getting a 16GB
at $99 or a 32GB at $149 instead of buying it off some rip-off ebayers for around $300+! Unbelievable!
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at: info@hptouchpadsale.com. We’d be
happy to answer any questions you have and help you out.
Unfortunately, we cannot offer any refunds for this ebook since it is downloadable product and is
useless for returns & information we shared with you is invalid for refunds/returns. Please follow our
steps and you’ll most likely get your tablet!

Until then my friends, best of luck to you and happy tablets!

This document “HP TouchPad Sale eBook” is protected under U.S. copyright laws. Only the original purchaser is allowed to own this document.
MATERIALS BELONG TO HP. 2011 HPTOUCHPADSALE.COM. Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is
illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to five
years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

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