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Author: Niklas

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Important message to
the general public

As of 2011-12-05 at 04:00 (GMT) an
emergency warning to the general public was
issued by the state of Mecklenburg, the
Mecklenburg Police Department, Internal
Affairs and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation regarding a wanted officer by
the name of Ivan Volkov (Badge number
10525) . Volkov is wanted by the authorities
for the involvement of the murder of two
officers earlier yesterday. Authorities made
clear that Volkov is a danger to society and is
believed to be armed and dangerous. Posters
of him has been placed at all border stations,
air ports, post offices, local police
departments and it will also be shown on
both national and local tv.

Suspect description
Name: Officer Ivan Volkov
Badge number: 10525
Age approx. mid 30’s
Length: 6’1 (foot)
Weight: approx. 190 pounds
Skin tone: Tan white male
Body type: Slim

Authorities has stated that “The
capturing of Officer Ivan Volkov is
imperative for justice to be made.”
Do you have any information regarding
Ivan Volkov? Contact your local police
station as soon as possible. Reward will
be given to people which information
proves to be helpful in the case.
A bounty on Ivan Volkov has been set to
the amount of 30.000 dollars for any
bounty hunters who chooses to engage in
From the authorities of: Federal Bureau of Investigation,
MCPD, the state of Mecklenburg and Internal Affairs.

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