tutu (PDF)

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Title: 38274 DL Fairfield Flyer
Author: johnmorley

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Archbishop Desmond Tutu –
in a Conversation for Change
Fairfield Concert Halls, Park Lane,
Croydon, Surrey, CR9 1DG
Tuesday 23rd October 2012 at 7.30pm
We invite you to be part of a historic national conversation
in words, dance and music, on the 23rd October 2012.
Join us for a national conversation for change with
Archbishop Desmond Tutu and his daughter
Reverend Mpho Tutu.

“We believe that a person is a person through
another person, that my humanity is caught up,
bound up, inextricably, with yours.”
Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu

Tickets: From £12 to £55
with group discounts and concessions available.
Box Office: 0208 688 9291 online bookings: www.fairfield.co.uk

If you would like to run, or attend a local Conversation for Change
Workshop, please contact us at Rkhatun@tutufoundationuk.org
Visit us at: www.tutufoundationuk.org To get regular updates join
us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TutuFoundationUK

“Sometimes strident, often tender, never afraid and
seldom without humour, Desmond Tutu’s voice will
always be the voice of the voiceless.”
Nelson Mandela

At the Tutu Foundation UK, our vision is a world in which the
lives of individuals and communities in, or at risk of, conflict are
transformed through ubuntu. Ubuntu teaches us to look beyond
ourselves and to become more fully human.
Ubuntu is a traditional African philosophy which emphasis our
common humanity; our connectedness and interdependence as
human beings.

“I am, because you are” says Archbishop Tutu; “ how I
behave impacts not only on me but also others around
me because we all belong together.” So a person with
ubuntu is generous, thoughtful and respectful towards
others, appreciating the differences that together make
us greater than the sum of our parts.
At the Tutu Foundation UK, we
• Promote community inclusion and social cohesion through our
flagship Conversations for Change programme.
• Support emergent local leaders, including young people
in the community, by promoting capacity building, social
responsibility and accountability.
• Deliver training and personal development based on the Tutu
Foundation’s work, particularly amongst young people and
within seldom heard communities.
• Strengthen local community groups, through an ubuntu
based leadership, coaching and facilitation skills personal
development programme.
• Encourage the effective spread of Ubuntu facilitation &
mediation practice amongst our partners, in education, health
and social care, the wider public sector, professional bodies
and the private sector.
• Nurture culturally competent restorative justice practice, to
meet the needs of people within communities in conflict.

If you think you’d like to give some time to help us bring ubuntu
and the work & ideas of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and
Mrs Leah Tutu to the UK, then we would love to hear from you.
For a list of locations we are working in across the country, visit
our website at:

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