the TRAMPET show (PDF)

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Title: the TRAMPET show
Author: R (Michał Rutkowski)

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PET show

(Michał Rutkowski) 2004


The TRAMPET (description)
Short form – isolate and bind – the SIMPLE TRAMPET

Transformation of an already existing word into a new word, which
is same or similar by sound, but has a completely new meaning, or
into a sequence of words (f. ex. A sentence).
The transformation is based on isolating sounds interior to the
former word, which by sound are, or remind a different, already
existing word.

Trumpet = tram + pet = trampet

f. ex.:
Achilles = a kill less = eh, kill less!

Aspirin = a spear in


What is a trumpet?
A trumpet is an animal riding a trolley.
How is that possible?


-tence → tense

A „sentense
sentense is a sentence of a very tense meaning.


f. ex.:

Once upon a hillock which shouldn’t be walked.

walk - shoe {by meaning}
shoe – shouldn’t {by sound}
which – witch {by sound}
hill – [shoe] heel {by sound & meaning}
-ock – ok {by sound}

shouldn’t be walked = no shoe steps upon it → shoedn’t
(be walked)
why shouldn’t it be walked? F. ex. Because there’s a witch there. →
(…) upon a (…) witch shoedn’t (…)
what shouldn’t be walked? a witch is a woman, woman wear highheeled shoes, wearing high-heeled shoes is dangerous. → (…) upon a
witch shouldn’t (…).
the heels itself are not dangerous to a witch [woman] who knows
how to walk them, but to a man = the heels in connection with a
witch are ok.
ok witch shoednąt be walked.
ok → (…) upon a heelok

New sentence:
Once upon a heelok witch shoedn’t be walked.

New meanings:
Thou canst not walk a witch shoe upon a heel.

Short form – CREATIVE

Binding of two already existing words within a new word, which
has got a new meaning.
f. ex.:

aspiration + spear = aspearation
„the aim on an enemy”

a fly + fighter = flighter

“a warrior-fly”

forwards + fur = furwards
“a cat shall be stroked furwards”

sold out + soul = sould out

“he is sould out + he is a soul sellout”

soup + supply = souply
“I’d like to be souplied = I’d like to order a soup”

Maggie + magic = Maggiec
“Maggie the wizard”

world + war = warld
“a warld is a world in a state of war”

daughter + dog = doghter
“doghter is a female dog-child”

sentence + tense [-tence → tense] = sentense
A „sentense
sentense is a sentence of a very tense meaning.

sensible + bull [-ble → bull] = sensibull
“sensibull is a very sensitive bull”


A masterTrampet exceeds the value of 3 words & minimum 2
meanings, what in fact means a sentence, which – when written
without spaces – is a word, which can be read in minimum 2
different ways, each one giving a different meaning, but at the
same time each one consisting of exactly the same letters put in
exactly the same order within the master-word of no spaces. The
meanings will be derived by placing spacebars within the masterword.

Building a masterTrampet:

Step 1.
A simple TramPet:
There = the + re

Step 2.
2 words, minimum 3 possible meanings



There ward → The reward → There war d…

Step 3 {and further steps}.
Meaning in extension:
5 out of 3:
There war danger
→ There ward anger
→ The reward anger
→ There war Dan ger…
→ There war dang er…

7 out of 5:

There war dang erm…
There war Dan-germ
→ therewardangermine

There war dang ermine
There war Dan-germ ine…
There war Dan-germ in e…
The reward anger mine…
There ward anger mine…

There war danger mine…

→ therewardangermine + she
There war dang ermines he
There war dang ermine she
There war Dan-germ ineshe
There war Dan-germ in eshe
The reward anger mines he
The reward anger mine she
There ward anger mines he
There ward anger mine she
There war danger mines he
There war danger mine she

→ therewardangermineshe + step
There war dang ermines he step
There war dang ermines hest ep…
There war dang ermine she step
The reward anger mines he step
The reward anger mines hest ep…
The reward anger mine she step

There ward anger mines he step
There ward anger mines hest ep…
There ward anger mine she step
There war danger mines he step
There war danger mines hest ep…
There war danger mine she step

I f…
→ If + ear
If ear
If ear…
I fear
→ Ifear + nest
If ear nest
If ear nest…
If earnest
If earn est…
I fear nest
I fear nest…
→ Ifearnest + les

If ear nestles
If ear nest les…
If ear nestle s…
If earnest les…
If earn est(…)les…
I fear nest les…
I fear nestle s…

→ + son
If ear nestles son
If ear nestles son…
If ear nestles so n…
If ear nest lesson
If ear nestle sson…
If ear nest less on
If ear nestles so n…
If earnest lesson
If earnest less on…
I fear nest lesson
I fear nestles son
I fear nestles son…
I fear nest less on
I fear nestles so n…

→ + nets
If ear nestles son nets
If ear nestles sonnets
If ear nestles son net s…
If ear nestles sonnet s…
If ear nestles so nnets
If ear nest lesson nets
If ear nest lesson net s…
If ear nest less on nets
If ear nest less on net s…
If ear nestles so nnets
If earnest lesson nets
If earnest lesson net s…
If earnest less on nets
If earnest less on net s…
I fear nest lesson nets
I fear nest lesson net s…
I fear nest less on nets
I fear nest less on net s…

→ + enter
If ear nestles son nets enter
If ear nestles sonnets enter

If ear nestles son net sent er…
If ear nestles sonnet sent er…
If ear nest lesson nets enter
If ear nest lesson net sent er…
If earnest lesson nets enter
If earnest lesson net sent er…
If earnest less on nets enter
If earnest less on net sent er…
I fear nest lesson nets enter
I fear nest lesson net sent er…
I fear nest less on nets enter
I fear nest less on net sent er…

→ Ifearnestlessonnetsenter + rand



The typical TrampetTrampet-Day:
Step 1 – RADIO:
In the morning the listeners (in cars on the way to work, early
at work, till midday) call up the radio telling CREATIVE
TRAMPETS of their own. A subject can be given (f. ex. the next
hour’s trampet is… Yellow! – a person calls telling yell low, the other
call lore {instead of color}, etc.,.).
The trampets are being written into an electronic base in the
radio’s computer. Rejected are those, which do not match the subject
(in any way they should) and those, which repeat ideas which were
previously recorded in the computer base. Rejected are also those
Trampets, which are senseless or vulgar.
Collecting the Trampets – although it should happen “on air” –
does not need any extra show or audition, but can be led within the
existing shows. “On air” there should appear the good Trampets
only, that means those Trampets, which match the subject and are

At midday there is the PRESENTATION of the day’s trampets.
Voting starts.
The Presentation acquires an extra Trampet-show.
The best trampet is being chosen and becomes the TRAMPET OF
THE DAY (of the week, etc.).
The AUTHOR of the trampet of the day wins a chance to perform
his skills in the next TV-SHOW.
The winning Trampet is being written into the annual Trampet

In the afternoon there is a short (30 minutes?) radio-show
reassuming the Trampet Day with the (20?, 15?) best trampets of
the day. [hint: this show shall be performed evening {5 pm}, after
work, but just before people start watching TV, so that they can
listen to it driving back from work, or just after they arrived home
and have their first after-work relax.
It acquires an extra Trampet-show.
It is very important, that on the radio there are being used Creative
Trampets only – first because they can be understood without an
eye watching them written down, secondly because creative are
[mostly] aimed to be funny, which increases their ability to attach
the listeners in the morning when preparing or driving to work, &
in the afternoon, when relaxing just after work: the mind is busy
with something pleasurable but warming up on the Trampet in the
morning, busy with something funny & pleasurable but cooling
down in the afternoon. Herewith the two daily radio-Trampet-shows
are perfect for those who work in offices1.

It will also probably become a part of the daily office life.

The afternoon shall also prepare the atmosphere for the next

Step 2 – TVTV-SHOW weekly:

For the TV-show there are invited the winners of the TrampetDays.
Every winner assembles a team of 4 people of his choice and is
the team-leader during the TV-show.
If there are 2 Trampet-Shows weekly, let one be 3 teams of the
odd days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) happening on Sunday,
the other one be 3 teams of the even days (Tuesday, Thursday,
Saturday) taking place on a week day of the Tv-station’s choice:
this makes two tv-Trampet-shows per week.

Step 3 – TVannually
TV-SHOW monthly, quarterly, annually:
The winning teams of the weekly Trampets qualify for the
monthly SHOW.
The winning team of the monthly Trampet qualifies for the
Quaterly Finals which take place every 3 months and include 3
teams (which again deliver 4 winners for the Annual Trampet

The monthly show should be in the middle of every month, so
that by the end of every month there can be an extra CharityTrampet2 with TV& radio stars, actors & artists, famous people, etc.,.


See: Extra Trampets – Charity Trampets in this booklet.


Part 1:

1. drawing of a category of words
f. ex. words connected to geography or arts
2. every team chooses if it goes for:
a. simple Trampet
b. single word Trampet
c. creative Trampet
3. drawing of 5-15 words from a dictionary3
4. 1-3 minutes time for every team to create a Trampet from one
or a few (if it is not a single word Trampet) of the previously
drawn words, in the previously chosen category.
5. the public voting for the Trampets:
a. accepting: Yes/No
b. creativity: points
c. if funny/wise: points or spontaneous reaction (clapping,
The voting can be arranged in that way, that in the
public there is a simple voting panel built into the chairs, so
that everyone can point 0 for not accepted, 1 for accepted, 2 for
I like this Trampet, 3 for I love this Trampet, and 4 points for
an awesome Trampet. If the machine recounts the votes

Extra steady sponsorship of a Dictionary & Lexicons publishing company on the Trampet-show [f. ex. the Trampetshow is being brought to you by Webster’s or Lanmgenscheidt].

(average), the average of the points is what goes to the teams
for their Trampets. All this needs a simple machine which is
no big cost for the TV-channel.
A spontaneous reaction is highly valuable to the public at
the tv-screens. It can be also measured by loudness.
6. the round-Trampet:
After a few Trampets every team gets a chance to multiply the
points by the number of points it will get for the last round’s

Part 2:
Part two is about showing a word drawn from a dictionary with
indirect (Trampet) means. F. ex. the word color can be shown with
gestures remaking a call on the telephone and lore (f. ex. remaking
the words with mute speaking on the invisible phone & mute paging
of an invisible book, etc.,.). There can be no sounds or gestures
pointing at the word directly given. Every team is trying to guess
the Trampet word (here the Trampet is the ordinary word hidden
behind the Trampet gestures).
The points are collected from a clock running down 4 minutes (or
40 seconds?) for every Trampet, until a 0.
At the end (as in Part 1) there is an extra Trampet, which is a
chance to multiply the points won in the second round.

Part 3:

The last Part of the game shall consist of an attempt, where the
teams are trying to build a Trampet in Sentence from all the
Trampet-words they created during the whole show.
The Sentence shall make sense.
The sum of the points every the team got during the whole show will
be multiplied by the sum of the points the team gets in this very

There are two methods of counting the points:
1) At the beginning there are 10-20 points available. Every word
added to the Trampet-Sentence, or every Trampet-word
missing in the Sentence is minus one point.
2) The public votes for the Sentence.

During the brakes between rounds or while the teams are working
on the Trampets there can be shown:
• Trampet cartoons – short, funny cartoon films starring
the Trampet characters [f. ex. the flighter]
• Trampet satirical drawings on the latest show’s
• Interviews with the week’s or month’s Trampetologists
• Etc.,.


The Charity Trampet is a selfself-advertisement for the Trampet-Show
and for the TV-channel itself.
In the Charity-Trampet there shall appear: TV-stars, radio
presenters, famous people, artists4.

As an extra show making the months Trampet-highlights
with the Trampet-Monthly Finals.
(suggested: artists & famous people)

As an extra show making the seasons Trampet-highlights
with the Trampet-Quarterly Finals.
(suggested: artists, famous people)

As an extra show making the annual Trampet-highlights
with the Trampet-Annual Finals.
Suggestion: (politicians)
There shall be a years greatest Trampet-show (during Christmas?)
starring two (or more – depends on the country’s political reality)

A show with hip-hop stars for example shall be very successful, and the rhyming & word-playing skills of theirs
extremely helpful in the Trampet-show.

political parties-teams. As a Charity-show it should be the year’s
greatest advertisement of the TV-station and the Trampet-show
The year’s only Political Trampet can be highly estimated by the
political parties not only as a nice event where political opponents do
meet to compete for charity in a funny and relaxed atmosphere, but
as a sort of advertisement of the political parties themselves, where
for free – without any extra charge as by the way of TVcommercials or spots for example) they can win the minds and
hearts of the voters. It shall be extremely attractive to the voters as
well, especially if during the Trampet-show the voters can estimate
the real mental qualities of the politicians being obvious in the
Trampet-game and competition.



There shall appear a monthly (or weekly) Trampet Magazine,
• the months best Trampets from:
o the radio’s database
o tv-shows
o sent directly to the Magazine
• satirical drawings of the Trampets (f. ex. a drawing of the
flighter5 or a satirical cartoon on Achilles (eh, kill less!6, etc.,.)
• figures of the months best Trampetologists:
o voting for the Trampet of the Month
o voting for the Trampetologist7of the Month [title &
• news and hints on the global Trampet-show [also on Trampetshows from other countries]
• a TrampetTrampet-Crossword puzzle [-crossword using Trampets
instead of words, f. ex. “question: a warrior fly; answer to be
filled into brackets: flighter;”].
• Etc.,.

The Trampet-Magazine is a part of the Trampet-culture which shall
exist around the Trampet-show.


See: the Creative [Trampet]
See: the Simple Trampet
7 the Trampetologist is a remake of a scientific title in the field of Trampetology, which is a “science” on TramPets. In
reality the titles are to be funny in the context of the Trampet-show, and are given for practical (not theoretical) skills



The annual Trampet Book ahould appear in form of a full-color
album [a perfect Christmas gift].
The annual Trampet Book shall content:

1) The Year’s best Trampets:

Trampets in all forms, categorized:

short form
master form

2) Trampet-Drawings:
One or a few drawer for steady creating satiric Trampet-drawings
(f. ex. drawing a flighter8) during the whole Trampet Year.
The drawings will also be used for Trampet ADVERTISING:
- t-shirt prints (f. ex. a t-shirt with the flighter drawing,
signed flighter)
- posters & [occasional] cards (f. ex. Trampet New Years Eve
or Christmas cards)

Explanation of the word “flighter” in: Creative Trampet.

- Trampet cartoon characters9

NAMES of the Trampet Authors should appear in the Annual
Trampet Book.


See: The Trampet Cartoon.

the TRAMPET SHOW as a way of life in the community:
• realizes the creative side of man and through that gives a lot
more satisfaction and fun than the shows based on readyknowledge {the art of remembering} or psychological skills
• realized properly can inflict the whole life of a community,
through its all-time & all-places presence in the day to day life
– there it will become sort of a natural habit bringing fun &
joy into the day-to-day life of the community using no extra
means or facilities. After all the TV-show won’t be
entertainment on the TV or the radio only, but an integrate
part of “the way of life”, of the community itself. Whoever once
created a trampet cannot stop – he/she starts to live the
trampet. The trampet becomes not only psychologically and
mentally healthy, or just entertaining event, but also a
educational, self-improving way of living the most natural
mean of communication in the community – the
• Etc.,.

© by R (Michał Rutkowski)
Rutkowski) 2004,
2004 Varsovie, San Diego

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