Free Palestine (PDF)

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Author: Marc

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How Can We Get Rid of the Israeli occupation and its Blockade in a Few Weeks?
Our objective is to kill the false images of Israelis and Palestinians, which is spread by Israel
Pro Israel publicity in the USA: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support
the civilized man. Support Israel.”
Israeli lies and propaganda are about 4 things :
1. Israelis are defending themselves; they are the victims, against terrorists and barbarian Palestinians.
2. Palestinians are not like the civilized people (Westerners and Israelis), their wives are “slaves”, and they
live in the “Middle Age”.
3. Palestinians teach hatred to their children who cannot stop throwing stones to Israelis.
4. Israel rewrites history to prove that Palestine is a Jewish ancestral land and they have been
systematically attacked by Arabs.

So the best way to stop this propaganda is doing exactly the opposite.
Our revolution is totally pacifist, neither terrorists nor Barbarians; it’s headed by women, not
slaves; where children hold flowers in paper, not stones.
And our posters will present the truth about Israel and the current situation in the region.
Our Embroidery Revolution would be supported by a MANIFESTO largely diffused. Our
success will depend on one essential thing; help from the international community. We believe that it
is the responsibility of the international community, which created Israel, to ask Israel to respect the
United Nation Resolutions and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as stated in the Geneva
After 65 years, it is TIME FOR PALESTINIAN WOMEN TO TAKE THE LEAD in peaceful
demonstrations. We will not walk on Israeli flags and we will not burn Obama’s posters. We prefer to
present the cruel truth in our demonstrations which will all have a specific theme.
Among these truths:

Photos of settlers throwing stones beside Israeli Soldiers. Why Palestinian children are jailed for the
same “crime”?
100 000 olive trees destroyed each year (15 000 000$). Why any charge against settlers?
Chemical weapons used in civilian areas in Gaza. Why Israel didn’t cross “the USA’s Red Line”?
Excessive power used during wars: last Gaza War, 1,417 Palestinian against 13 Israeli causalities.
Ethnic Cleaning of Bedouins. 30 000 Bedouins evicted from their ancestral land. Why no one is
No respect of UNO recommendations. No respect of the human rights. Apartheid.
The Israel’s archives about 1948 war were released in the ‘80s. They prove that Israel was the aggressor
perpetrating an ethnic cleaning. Why there is no international inquiry about this?
Young Gazans are dying of cancer because the pollution produced by the war.

Our Manifesto Summarized:
1. We are clearly Non-violent: no rocket, no stone, no drone, no bomb, no rubber bullet, no live
ammunition, etc.
2. Women take the control. After 65 years it is our turn to try to solve the situation.
3. Palestinian women imperatively need the help of the international community: everybody know that the
Jewish lobby in the USA is very powerful. Everybody knows that the last election costs 6 billion
dollars... and that the American government is now paying its donators.

Why Does the United Nations Continue To Tolerate American Vetoes?
According to a BBC survey done, only 3 countries on 27 surveyed see Israel in a positive light:
USA, Nigeria, Kenya!!! The systematic vetoes at the United Nations Security Council by the USA go
against the conviction of the international community.
Palestinian women ask people of the world to stand up for them to stop the Jewish lobbying.
All over the world people walk against control of the economy (occupy Wall Street). In Palestine there
is an unbearable control of Palestinians rights perpetrated by Israel and the USA. The international
community, which created Israel in 1948, must help us now to end it.
End the occupation, open borders, close the checkpoints.
Palestine has the right to become the 194th country with its 1967 borders and not be vetoed by
the USA.
Palestinian men are not unwelcome of Our Embroidery Revolution. They will not take part in
the demonstrations, but their roles will be crucial. While women do the communicating with the
international community. The men will communicate with God by their prayers during our
demonstrations. They will also film and broadcast our demonstrations. To give the lead to women can
be seen as going against the patriarchal customs of Palestine. This is a lesser evil than seeing our
ancestral land been robbed.
Utopia? We believe that Israel lives in lies and utopia...

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