emge design scaning order sheet (PDF)

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EMGE Design scanning order sheet.
Please read carefuly whole instruction for each option. You can fill the form also in Microsoft Excel or LibreOffice Calc
Name and address of orderer:

Source material:
totals of pictures:


name/folders for files:
file types:

Pre-/Post- processing

35mm strip



35mm slides
















PhotoXXX.YYY (where XXX represent counting numbers and YYY extension of file, such a tif or jpg)


washbath before scanning
0.50 per strip, 2 for roll

scan in lower resolution

scan with preview

neat image

RAW scanning

slide making

WET scanning process

photoshop process

photo glossy

Kodak Lustre Photo Paper


index print

JPEG low compression

Print photos




4" × 6"

4" × 6"

3½" × 5"

3½" × 5"

5" × 7"

5" × 7"

6" × 8"

6" × 8"

8" × 10"

8" × 10"

8" × 12"

8" × 12"

Other requirements

Name and address of orderer:

Please wrote FULL address. This address is used only for sending package back. We do not store any customer details, neither pass them to any subjects.

totals of pictures:

Please specify of numbers of frames for each type you intend to have.


Please note exact type of storage media you sending. For security reasons and protection of our computers we provide FORMAT storage before we
access into! For such reason is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to backup any data on such storage media.

name/folders for files:

Default name of scans is like: Photo 035.tif If you prefer different names, please specify it. This service is for free – until all pictures have same name template, or at
least each film roll have same name template.

tiff uncompressed

It's one of best format for bitmap pictures. However is very space consuming, as whole picture is stored without any compression.
This format is best, if you want to have pictures as source material for next processing.
Example of average size:
35x24mm = 45-65 MB
6x6 = 200-250 MB
6x9 = 300-380 MB

tiff compressed

It's also very good format for bitmap pictures. Is lossless and instead of uncompressed, it save some space. However, it require higher
performance for processing. For this reason is not recommended for older or weak computers. (netbooks, tablets)
Example of average size:
35x24mm = 35-55 MB
6x6 = 100-200 MB
6x9 = 200-330 MB

jpeg low compression

It's one of most common format. Widely used and supported. You can open JPEG pictures almost anywere, even on smartphones or some mp3 players
(as wallpaper or album coverage). The highest advantage is saving space. Average size in jpg is around 1:10 of uncompressed bitmap. However, this
advantage is also main disadvantage – you losing quality of original picture. Stronger compression mean smaller size of file, but also mean greater quality
impact and fragments. Fortunately, in these days we do not need strong compression, as memory is not so expensive as it was some years ago, when
each MB cost a fortune. For this reason compression can be low and impact for quality of picture is also low.
JPEG is not recommended for purpose, when you want use this photos for DTP, another professional processing and such things.
Example of average size:
35x24mm = 5-10 MB
6x6 = 10-15 MB
6x9 = 15-20 MB

washbath before scanning

For older films, stored or handled over those years not very friendly, we STRONGLY recommend washbath. It
clean any residue, fingerprint marks or dirt. It also significantly improve scanning quality.
Before each scanning we do quick dry clean film with special soft microfibre cloth. But sometimes is not
For washbath we use distilled water with harmless cleaning solution.

scan in lower resolution

We scanning in highest resolution, which mean 4000x4000 dpi. However, for many reasons this resolution is
not necessary or eligible. Please specify what resolution you want to have. Please choose from this option:

scan with preview

You'll get full scan file and in another folder duplicates in preview quality. This allow preview your
photo archives faster, easily search and catalogize or make DVD presentation. Default resolution
for preview photos is 720p, but we can change it by your needs.
This option is without additional charge, if all preview pictures use same resolution.

neat image

We recognized, that many films are processed incorrectly. Most often failure is temperature of processing solutions, which have to be very precise and
equal. When this condition is not kept, film emulsion can get “wrinkles” or any failures appear. Those failures are later impossible to fix or remove and it
show on final scan as more or less visible pattern.
In worse case, such pattern can ruin whole picture, or significantly cut value of such picture. However, such kind of pattern have some specification,
which are in some case possible to detect, predict and remove by computer special post-processing algorithm. It's not easy and result of such neating
highly depend of pattern characteristic. Neating is also very time consuming, neverthless of high performance present computers.
Such neating also (as same as any another post-processing) mean loosing original information amount within picture – that mean, picture lost sharpness
and details swapping for cleaning fail artefacts.
The price for neating can vary from 0.3 per picture up to 1E – in case of quite bad pattern.

RAW scanning

This way of scanning saving time of scanning itself, but it have huge impact on final picture quality. RAW scanning is free of any scanner
hardware technologies such GEM (Grain Equalization & Management) or ICE (Image Correction & Enhancement - dust/scratch removal) or
ROC (Restauration Of Colors). Also be aware, that ICE and ROC doesn't work for B&W films! For such reason we do not recommend
use this option, you'll be only disappointed. However, if your main aspect of order is cut price for scanning and your films are very fine grain
(films not too old and below 100 ASA sensitivity), in REALLY EXCELLENT condition, without any scratches or failures, it can be
considerably option.
Some discount from final price may be considered in this case.

slide making

If you request, we can
- replace yor damaged slide for new one
- cut strip frames and put each picture into slide mount.
Glassless 35mm slide – 0.30E
35mm slide with glass – 1E
6x6 slide – 1E

WET scanning process

WET process is sometimes necessary, especially for badly scratched or damaged film.
This process include:
Washbath and softening of film emulsion
Preparation in special Kodak solution
Final mount into WET frame with scanning fluid and scanning
(because final result is unpredictable, this step is sometimes need to repeat more than one time)
Clean film from scanning solution, washbath with preservation solution (protecting film emulsion from aging and degradation) and drying.
--This process consume 4 different expensive chemicals, therefore price for this kind of scanning is also quite high:
For 35mm picture is 2E
For 6x6, 6x7 and 6x9 is 4E
However, result is unbeatable and we can proudly say, there is very few companies over whole world capable to do this.
Please note: such scanning is processing in special custom made device. For such reason medium format film must be cutted into single slides, this
device is not capable to take whole strip.
WET process also CANNOT save lost emulsion, neither get back lost part of picture!
We do not do miracles, only what is technologically possible.

photoshop process

Photoshop process mean simple post-processing of each scan. You can choose of 2 different kind:
Simple – cut back frame, rotate, white and contrast ballance, finalize of picture for best view and color accuracy.
Enhanced – include all above steps plus additional post-processing of neating, cleaning, removing scratches or any another picture failures, which
automation process wasn't capable to remove.
0.20 for simple, 1E for Enhanced
Medium format:
0.30 for simple, 2E for Enhanced

index print

Index print is page with small “thumbnail” pictures. Such page is very handy in photo catalog,
where you have films, slides or photos stored. On one A4 page is 80 pictures. Printed on normal
paper is 0.30 per page, Printed on photo glossy paper is 1E per page

photo glossy

Premium grade Coating
Brilliant white finish
Anti Smudge and Water Resistant
Durable long image life
Choose any size you wish, all will be printed on A4 and cutted. So the price is by consumed A4
sheets, no matter if you spend whole page or just part of it. Print one A4 sheet is 2E.

Kodak lustre photo paper

Top Quality of genuine famous brand, 260gms.
Price per A4 sheet is 3E


If you have any specific requirements, please state them here. We are able to print up to A3
glossy format and 36 inch wide on Kodak photo paper (91cm wide of print), but such service is
on request and later calculation.

photo print formats:

4" × 6" = 10x15 cm
3½" × 5" = 9x13 cm
5" × 7" = 13x18 cm
6" × 8" = 15x20 cm
8" × 10" = 20x25 cm
8" × 12" = full A4 page

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