EIS News (PDF)

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Author: Maria Grandone

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EIS Newsletter Writer/Editor
The EIS Newsletter Writer/Editor (NWE) serves a two-year term and is responsible for editing and publishing
the monthly InterCultural Focus newsletter. The EIS Newsletter Writer/Editor serves under the general
direction of the EIS Department and maintains close communication with the staff. The InterCultural Focus is
the official publication for the department, providing current information about news, activities, publications
and projects.
Responsibilities & Expectations
1. As a writer you will
• Create original works, e.g., poetry, song lyrics, or plays
• Propose topics about which to write or receiving assignments
• Gather information about the topic as well as selecting and organizing the material gathered
• Use the written word to express ideas and convey information
• Revise or rewrite material as well as preparing a draft
2. As an Editor you will
• Review, rewrite, and edit the work and suggesting possible titles
• Plan the content of newsletter and other materials
• Decide what material will appeal to readers
• Review and edit drafts of books and articles
• Offer comments to improve the work
3. Participate in mandatory trainings, starting in mid-August before fall classes begin, and assist with
Orientation and Welcome.
4. Participate in the off-campus, weekend Intercultural Retreat in Nov. 2014.
5. Represent EIS at campus events to gather, write and edit all text for publication.
6. Write articles or solicite articles for the newsletter as appropriate as well as design and produce a professional
7. Use software to Design Newsletter
8. Support other EIS staff with their primary responsibilities.
9. Immediately report work-related progress and problems/concerns to the EIS Director.
10. Other duties as assigned.
1.Minimum 2.5 cumulative and major GPA
2. Must be available for all trainings (see application), and able to work both fall AND spring semesters
3. Exceptionally strong oral and written communication skills as well as ability to set and meet deadlines.
4. Strong editing skills and demonstrable attentiveness to detail.
5.Experience with desktop publishing software and other tools and techniques currently used in the practice of
newsletter editing.
6. Commitment to diversity education and social justice
7.Positive attitude, team player, and strong work ethic
8. Strong organizational and leadership skills
9. Federal work-study strongly preferred
10. No other campus jobs
On average, the EIS NWE works up to 10 hours per week. Some evening and weekend hours required. The
NWE is paid hourly according to the LMU’s Student Employee Pay Scale set by Payroll.

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