Network Notes 3 27 (1) (PDF)

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Network  Notes  
February  27,  2014  
Host:  Johns  Island  Regional  Library  
Group  Leader:  Norma  &  Richard  Christianson,  Makin  Butterflies  Montessori  School  
Operation  Home,  Rachel  Williams.    Rachel  Williams  returned  to  CASI  after  her  recent  marriage-­‐
Congratulations  Rachel!  
Rachel  reports  there  are  still  electric  heaters  available  for  low  income  families.    
(  .)  
Communities  In  Schools,  Teri  Errico.  Five-­‐Year  Comprehensive  Evaluation  has  ranked  CIS  as  the  most  
effective  dropout  prevention  organization  in  America.  They  currently  have  student  specialists  at  Angel  
Oak  Elementary,  Frierson  Elementary  and  Mt  Zion  Elementary  as  well  as  Haut  Gap  Middle  School  and  St.  
Johns  High  School.    All  the  sea  island  schools  need  mentors  and  tutors.    Please  see  website  below  or  
contact  local  school  of  your  choice  to  see  how  to  get  signed  up.  Please  direct  your  clients,  parents  and  
parishioners  who  may  be  interested  in  volunteering.      CIS  has  raised  $36,500  toward  their  $100,000  
match  and  have  received  their  first  matching  check  for  a  grand  total  of  $73,000  raised  to  date.  This  
campaign  will  run  through  December  31,  2014.  (  .)      
Sea  Island  Chamber  of  Commerce,  Karen  Thompson.    The  chamber  assists  local  businesses    and  
organization  as  much  as  possible.  Their  monthly  newsletter  reaches  over  5000  individuals,  businesses  
and  other  organizations.  Have  an  event  coming  up-­‐call  Karen!  The  deadline  for  each  monthly  newsletter  
is  the  25th  of  each  month.    The  chamber  also  offers  Lunch  &  Learn  programs  for  members  and  non-­‐
members.  The  Sales  Leads  Group  meets  the  2nd  Tuesday  each  month  from  8-­‐9  a.m.    
(  )  
Wadmalaw  Island  Community  Senior  Center,  Bertha  Middleton.    Bertha  thanked  Operation  Home  for  
coming  to  the  immediate  need  of  one  senior  who  did  not  have  any  source  of  heat  during  the  recent  
arctic  chill  the  Lowcountry  experienced.    WICSC  is  currently  working  on  a  project  to  secure  cots  and  
screens  in  order  to  use  the  center  as  a  warming  station  for  seniors  during  the  winter  months  and  as  an    
emergency  station  in  the  event  of  catastrophic  weather.      
Reverend  Leonard  Huggins,  senior  pastor  of  Bethlehem,  New  Webster  United  Methodist  and  St.  James  
Island  Methodist  Church  on  Johns  Island.    Rev.  Huggins  relocated  to  Wadmalaw  from  Bowman  SC  and  
also  leads  bible  studies  at  WICC  on  Tuesdays.      
Begin  With  Books,  Connie  Nelson.  Begin  with  Books  is  the  local  chapter  of  the  Dolly  Parton  Imagination  
Library  which  has  been  in  Charleston  for  the  past  2  ½  years.  BWB  serves  all  the  Charleston  area  and  is  
now  serving  approximately  774  (58%  of  the  eligible  age  birth  –  5  years  of  age)  on  Johns  and  Wadmalaw  
Islands.    BWB  will  be  hosting  a  yard  sale  on  Saturday  May  3  at  Faith  Lutheran  Church  on  Maybank  
Highway  to  raise  funds  to  support  their  program.  Begin  with  Books  relies  on  their  sponsors,  donors  and  

fundraising  to  support  their  efforts  and  to  also  sign  up  children  to  receive  books,  so  please  come  out  and  
support  them.    (    
Harriet  Ripinsky,  Volunteer  
Haut  Gap  School  Improvement  Committee.  Assisted/ongoing    in  lobbying  with  Charleston  County  
School  District  regarding  earlier  start  times  for  Title  1  middle  schools.  Currently  Haut  Gap  starts  at  8:30  
a.m.  which  does  not  allow  sufficient  time  for  students  to  receive  homework  assistance  and  participate  in    
after  school  programs  and  makes  it  prohibitive  for  teachers  to  attend  district  meetings.    
Sea  Island  Partner  in  Youth,  Board  of  Directors.    Brings  together  organizations  currently    
supporting  youth  on  James,  Johns  and  Wadmalaw  Islands.  Their  goal  is  to  secure,  share  and      
coordinate  resources  to  improve  education,  health,  recreation  and  enrichment  opportunities  for    
all  children  and  youth.  Learn  more  at  
Yo  Art  Inc.,  Advisory  Council.    
Yo  Art,  Gene  Furchott.  Offering    programs  in  Title  1  schools  using  ipads  for  photography  and  ebook  
creator  to  spark  creativity  and  expand  the  learning  process.  Programs  have  been  at  Haut  Gap  and  
offering  programs  in  the  last  and  coming  years  at  Angel  Oak  Elementary,  sponsorships  are  needed.      
Camp  St.  Christopher,  Margaret  Van  Voorhis.  Camp  St.  Christopher  recently  hosted  and  provided  
scholarships  for  the  Barrier  Island  Project  for  gifted  and  talented  elementary  schools  students.  This  field  
trip  lasted  3  days  and  2  nights  with  concentration  on  team  building,  problem  solving,  critical  thinking  
and  environmental  issues.  (    
Respite  Care  of  Charleston,  Jennifer  Hartig.  Respite  care  offers  supports  to  families  affected  by  
dementia.  They  will  be  hosting  their  10th  annual  golf  tournament,  March  24  on  Seabrook  Islands  
Crooked  Oaks  Golf  Course.    (      
Kiawah  Cares,  Tammy  McAdory.  Upcoming  programs  include  a  Food  Truck  Rodeo  at  FreshFields  village  
Sunday  April  6  from  12-­‐4  p.m.  which  benefits  Angel  Oak  Elementary  owl  packs.    This  program  supplies  
nutritional  food  and  snacks  to  over  50  students  and  siblings  for  weekends  and  holidays.    Kiawah  
Womens  Group  and  Kiawah  Cares  hope  to  expand  this  program  to  Edith  Frierson  Elementary  on  
Wadmalaw  in  the  fall  of  2014.  Partnering  with  a  number  of  sea  island  organizations  to  help  fulfill  their  
needs.      To  submit  application  for  assistance  visit    
LRP  Ministries,  Pastor  Mary  Stoney.    Several  church  and  family  members  recently  attended  the  
YesCarolina  Entrepreneurial  Class  held  at  Charleston  Collegiate.  Pastor  Stoney  also  would  like  to  start  an  
evening  basic  computer  class  at  her  church  in  the  future  to  teach  basic  skills-­‐currently  in  planning  stages.        
(Goodwill  Job  link  center  and  Johns  Island  Regional  Library  also  provide  these  services)        
Makin  Butterflies  Montessori  School,  Richard  Christianson.  Renovations  are  under  way  with  the  
expansion  of  the  school.  Current  curriculum  involves  teaching  students  from  9-­‐11  to  build  computers  
then  write  their  own  programs.  On  the  five  acres  there  is  an  organic  garden  to  teach  children  about  
where  food  comes  from.  They  currently  have  the  technology  to  build  a  windmill  and  will  also  offer  this  
to  9-­‐10  year  olds.        
(Just  search  by  the  organization  name)  


March  27    
CASI  MEETING    3-­‐4  P.M.  
CASI  Host:  Johns  Island  Regional  library  
CASI  Group  Leader:  Connie  Nelson,  Begin  with  Books  
April  6-­‐13    
April  24    
CASI  MEETING  3-­‐4  P.M.  
CASI  HOST:  Johns  Island  Regional  library  
CASI  Group  Leader:  Jennifer  Hartig,  Respite  Care  of  Charleston  
May  6                                    NATIONAL  GIVING  DAY  
May  29    
CASI  MEETING  3-­‐4  P.M.  
CASI  HOST:  Johns  Island  Regional  library  
CASI  Group  Leader:  Harriet  Ripinsky    
 We  are  still  looking  for  group  leaders  from  June  through  October,  
 please  email  to  sign  up!  

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