JobSearchSeminar flyer (PDF)

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Title: JobSearchSeminar_flyer
Author: Joseph

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Job Search Seminar
Saturday, April 12 at 9am-1pm
The hidden job market isn’t a mystery, but it DOES take a
little learning. Spend three hours with us and start mapping
the path to your success!

Job Search Seminar
Saturday, April 12 at 9am-1pm
The hidden job market isn’t a mystery, but it DOES take a
little learning. Spend three hours with us and start mapping
the path to your success!



•What it means to take massive and rapid action
•How to develop your strategy
•Why a job search is a marketing project
•How to effectively and objectively evaluate your search

•What it means to take massive and rapid action
•How to develop your strategy
•Why a job search is a marketing project
•How to effectively and objectively evaluate your search



•Available tools for building your network
•Writing an effective resume and cover letter
•Researching prospective employers
•Using available tools to identify those who can help with your search
•Knowing a corporate recruiter’s likes and dislikes
•Preparing for the interview
•Following up after the interview
•Dressing for the interview
•What not to ask at the interview
•Everything else you wanted to know about your job search but
haven’t asked!

•Available tools for building your network
•Writing an effective resume and cover letter
•Researching prospective employers
•Using available tools to identify those who can help with your search
•Knowing a corporate recruiter’s likes and dislikes
•Preparing for the interview
•Following up after the interview
•Dressing for the interview
•What not to ask at the interview
•Everything else you wanted to know about your job search but
haven’t asked!

CALL 734 895-3280

CALL 734 895-3280

Saturday, May 18 at:
Harvest Bible Church
6420 Newburgh Rd
Westland, MI 48185

Saturday, May 18 at:
Harvest Bible Church
6420 Newburgh Rd
Westland, MI 48185

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JobSearchSeminar_flyer.pdf (PDF, 63.57 KB)

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