OMHG Reg Form (PDF)

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Author: Jamie Channel

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Ozark Mountain Highland Games
Athletes Registration Form
October 11, 2014


City __________________________ State__________ ZIP ____________
Phone Number ____________ Email Address _______________________

T-shirt Size:








Class: Men’s A Men’s B Men’s C 190’s M40-49 M50-59
M60+ Lads & Lassies Women’s A Women’s B Women’s Masters

Location: American Legion
Address: 2660 S Scenic Ave, Springfield, MO
Lunch and T-shirt will be provided for all athletes.
Competition will begin at 9:00 AM.
The athletic director reserves the right to place athletes in the appropriate class
according to ability, age, and sex.
Lunch, Drink, and Shelter will be provided for the Athletes. Un-sportsman like conduct
will not be tolerated for any reason. You will be ejected from the game, and your scores
voided. Standard NASGA rules apply.
I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators waive and release all rights
and claims for damages I may be entitled to against the Ozark Mountain Highland
Games, the American Legion Post, it’s representatives, agents, successors, and assignees,
for any and all injuries suffered by me through participation in these events.
Additionally, I agree to be bound by the athletic rules as stated by officials of the Heavy
Events Competition.

Signature of Athlete_______________________________ Date ___________________

Ozark Mountain Highland Games
Athletes Registration Form
October 11, 2014

Best Throws:
Open Stone _________ HWFD ____________ H Hammer ___________
Braemar Stone _______ LWFD _____________ L Hammer ___________
Sheaf ________________ WOB _____________

Registration Fee is $30.00: Make check or money orders payable to: Kathryn
Cantrell. To guarantee Shirts, registrations due by October 1, 2014
Mail to: Ozark Mountain Highland Games
Kathryn Cantrell
1611 S Estate
Springfield, MO, 65804

Contact Information:
Athletic Director
Bob Dale

Mike Cantrell

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