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The Casa Cultural Tejiendo Sororidades is an independent, registered, non-‐
governmental and non-‐profit organiza:on situated in Cali, Colombia. The
organiza:on’s main emphasis lies on the promo:on of educa:onal and cultural
ac:vi:es for children and women from the poor neighborhoods of Cali, with the
primary objec:ve to educate them about their rights and strengthen their self-‐
esteem. Colombia has one of the most patriarchal and macho socie:es in La:n
America, taking its toll on Colombia’s women, who suffer from high incidences of
discrimina:on, abuse and domes:c violence. In order to counter-‐act these reali:es
and support the women in Cali, the Casa Cultural is offering various ac:vi:es and
«The Casa
Cultural is my
sanctuary, and
everything I
know, I have
learnt here.»
Ana, 45 years
v Judicial and Psychological Counseling
v Cultural and Ar:s:c Ac:vi:es and Workshops such as theatre, choir,
dancing or sewing that promote the women’s personal growth and
v Computer classes and reading and wri:ng classes
v Spiritual workshops that seek to erase fear, stress and grievance
v workshops and conferences on topics such as rights of the woman,
gender, self-‐esteem, sexuality, health and civic par:cipa:on
v promo:on of literature; a communitarian public library and a
monthly reader circle
v Children’s Area: Hour of Fairytales, choir, dancing, workshops and
holiday programs dealing with the protec:on of the environment,
human rights , thereby fostering values such as nonviolence, jus:ce,
equity and respect for ethnic and sexual diversity
Casa Cultural
Tejiendo Sororidades
«Thanks to
the Casa
Cultural, I
have learnt to
read and write
Here, I have
learnt what
rights I have»
-‐ Martha, 56
Why should you of all things donate to this organiza:on?
I, Katrin Geyer, 23 years old, with a Bachelor degree in Interna:onal Rela:ons and Human Rights, have
been working in this organiza:on for the past three months. I am personally deeply impressed how this
organiza:on’s persistent, systema:c and responsible work for more than 35 years has resulted in a true
change for so many women and children. I personally guarantee the organiza:on’s seriousness and that
every cent you donate will be invested in the organiza:on’s ac:vi:es. If you donate, please indicate your
email-‐address on the transac:on, as you will receive by the end of February a digital photo album with
the ac:vi:es that YOU helped to sustain. If you donate more than 50 Euros (and live in Europe), you will
addi:onally receive a handmade pillow cover produced by one of the women here at the Casa Cultural.
Any amount you donate helps them to con:nue with their valuable work. Please transfer the money to:
Casa Cultural Tejiendo Sororidades
For more informa:on, visit their
or write me an email to:
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