Spenden aufruf pp englisch (PDF)

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Author: Katrin

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The   Casa   Cultural   Tejiendo   Sororidades   is   an   independent,   registered,   non-­‐
governmental   and   non-­‐profit   organiza:on   situated   in   Cali,   Colombia.   The  
organiza:on’s   main   emphasis   lies   on   the   promo:on   of   educa:onal   and   cultural  
ac:vi:es   for   children   and   women   from   the   poor   neighborhoods   of   Cali,   with   the  
primary   objec:ve   to   educate   them   about   their   rights   and   strengthen   their   self-­‐
esteem.   Colombia   has   one   of   the   most   patriarchal   and   macho   socie:es   in   La:n  
America,   taking   its   toll   on   Colombia’s   women,   who   suffer   from   high   incidences   of  
discrimina:on,  abuse  and  domes:c  violence.  In  order  to  counter-­‐act  these  reali:es  
and   support   the   women   in   Cali,   the   Casa   Cultural   is   offering   various   ac:vi:es   and  

«The  Casa  
Cultural  is  my  
sanctuary,  and  
everything  I    
know,  I  have  
learnt  here.»  
Ana,  45  years  

v  Judicial  and  Psychological  Counseling  
v  Cultural  and  Ar:s:c  Ac:vi:es  and  Workshops  such  as  theatre,  choir,  
dancing  or  sewing    that  promote  the  women’s  personal  growth  and  
v  Computer  classes  and  reading  and  wri:ng  classes  
v  Spiritual  workshops  that  seek  to  erase  fear,  stress  and  grievance    
v  workshops  and  conferences  on  topics  such  as  rights  of  the  woman,  
gender,  self-­‐esteem,  sexuality,  health  and  civic  par:cipa:on  
v  promo:on  of  literature;  a  communitarian  public  library  and  a  
monthly  reader  circle  
v  Children’s  Area:  Hour  of  Fairytales,  choir,  dancing,  workshops  and  
holiday  programs  dealing  with  the  protec:on  of  the  environment,  
human  rights  ,  thereby  fostering  values  such  as  nonviolence,  jus:ce,  
equity  and  respect  for  ethnic  and  sexual  diversity  

Casa  Cultural  
Tejiendo  Sororidades  

«Thanks  to  
the  Casa  
Cultural,  I  
have  learnt  to  
read  and  write  
Here,  I  have  
learnt  what  
rights  I  have»  
-­‐  Martha,  56  

Why  should  you  of  all  things  donate  to  this  organiza:on?  

I,  Katrin  Geyer,  23  years  old,  with  a  Bachelor  degree  in  Interna:onal  Rela:ons  and  Human  Rights,  have  
been  working  in  this  organiza:on  for  the  past  three  months.  I  am  personally  deeply  impressed  how  this  
organiza:on’s  persistent,  systema:c  and  responsible  work  for  more  than  35  years  has  resulted  in  a  true  
change  for  so  many  women  and  children.    I  personally  guarantee  the  organiza:on’s    seriousness  and    that  
every  cent  you  donate  will  be  invested  in  the  organiza:on’s  ac:vi:es.  If  you  donate,  please  indicate  your  
email-­‐address  on  the  transac:on,  as  you  will  receive  by  the  end  of  February  a  digital  photo  album  with  
the   ac:vi:es   that   YOU   helped   to   sustain.   If   you   donate   more   than   50   Euros   (and   live   in   Europe),   you   will  
addi:onally  receive  a  handmade  pillow  cover  produced  by  one  of  the  women  here  at  the  Casa  Cultural.    
Any  amount  you  donate  helps  them  to  con:nue  with  their  valuable  work.  Please  transfer  the  money  to:  
Casa  Cultural  Tejiendo    Sororidades  
For  more  informa:on,  visit  their  
or  write  me  an  email  to:  

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