FallenTheoryRiderContract (PDF)

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This rider dated _______________, 200__ by and between Fallen Theory (hereinafter referred to
as the "Artist"), and ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Purchaser").
Place of Engagement
VENUE NAME:________________________________________________________________
CITY:____________________________________________ STATE:_________
Date and Time of Show
__ (Day) of _______(Month), 20___
Performance Description
_____ minute set.
Artist’s fee shall be paid in cash, money order or cashier's check.

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Purchaser shall be responsible, if so inclined, for booking and paying for 1 double-occupancy
room at a 3-star or better hotel in close proximity to venue. These terms are optional and not
required of Purchaser.

Purchaser shall make available to Artist five (5) complimentary tickets for Artist's use for the

Purchaser shall provide Artist with the following equipment:
 Purchaser agrees to provide, at his sole cost and expense, the local sound equipment
(including 4 monitors with 4 separate monitor mixes) for the exclusive use of Fallen
Theory for their performance. Purchaser shall provide competent sound engineer to
operate above-mentioned sound equipment.

Purchaser agrees to provide, at his sole cost and expense the local lighting equipment for
the exclusive use of Fallen Theory for their performance. Purchaser shall provide
competent lighting engineer to operate above-mentioned lighting equipment.

Purchaser shall provide Artist with a minimum of 2 drinks per member and crew, and 10 bottles
of water during Artist’s performance (or the equivalent).
Merchandising Requirements
Artist shall have the sole right to display and sell merchandise at the performance and retain
100% of the proceeds there from. Purchaser will insure that there is no concession fee assigned to
the Artist. Purchaser will supply one table in a primary and visible location for sale.
Sound Check
Sound check is mandatory; exact time to be mutually arranged between Purchaser and Artist. If
not otherwise agreed upon, Purchaser agrees to provide sound check at least 15 minutes prior to

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Purchaser agrees to provide two (2) secure parking spaces for Artist's vehicle and trailer for a
period commencing two (2) hours prior to the performance and continuing for two (2) hours
following the performance.
Purchaser agrees to guarantee proper security at all times to ensure the personal safety of the
Artist, auxiliary personnel, equipment and personal property, during and after the performance.

Neither Artist nor Purchaser will be liable for failure to perform under this agreement where the
failure is caused by forces beyond the control of Artist or Purchaser, as the case may be. Such
forces include without limitation, government actions, illness or disability of Artist, and acts of
God including severe weather or natural disasters.

_____________________________(Printed name)
(Authorized signatory)

PURCHASER:___________________________(Printed name)

(Authorized signatory)

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