MHUMC Newsletter March2015 (PDF)

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The Messenger

Love, Serve, and Live
as Christ
MARCH 1, 2015

Spring Consignment Sale
offered by “Mothers & Others”

Spring Yard Sale
Youth Fundraiser for Mission Trip

Friday, March 13—8 am-8 pm
Saturday, March 14—8 am-2 pm

Saturday: April 18th

The Mothers and Others Circle is asking for
help with their upcoming Spring/Summer
Consignment Sale. Please email K.C.
Beecham at if
you are willing to volunteer. Thank you in
advance for helping us with this great mission
Tuesday, March 10, 5:45 pm-7:15 pm
Need 1 more worker
Wednesday March 11, 10:00 am-12 Noon
Need 2 more workers
Wednesday, March 11, 5:45 pm-8:15 pm
Need 4 more workers—a very busy time!
Friday, March 13, 7:45 pm-12 Noon
Need 2 more workers
Friday, March 13, 12 Noon-4:00 pm
Need 4 more workers
Friday, March 13, 4:00 pm-8:00 pm
Need 2 more workers
Saturday, March 14, 7:45 am-12:30 pm
Need 1 worker
Saturday, March 14, 12 Noonuntil clothes are sorted—6 more workers
Sunday, March 15, 1:00 pmuntil clothes are sorted—2 more workers

Mark your calendar! Start your spring cleaning
early!! Let us help you de-clutter your home!!!
Please consider donating items to the Spring Yard
Sale Youth Fundraiser before giving or tossing
your “stuff.” We have designated a Sunday School
Room in the “Old Education Building” as the
collection Room for the Sale.
Feel free to bring items to the designated room
during Church Office hours (9:00 am—1:00 pm
Monday-Friday). Other arrangements to collect
items will be made during April.
This year, the Youth are going to Atlanta, Georgia
for thieir Mission Trip, July 13-18.
Be on the lookout for more details in the future.
Contact Sandy Combs at (704-738-3786) or Kelly
Greene at (704-636-0471 ext. 2) if you have any
questions. Thank you!

The Messenger

Page 2

The Past Month in Review
February has been a little crazy and frustrating
because of the snow and ice, but spring is right
around the corner! Come on, spring! Despite
the weird weather, it has been another great
month at Milford Hills. We have had some tough
conversations during our Youth meetings, but
ones that are important for us to engage.
Confirmation and Youth Sunday School are also
going well! We are so proud of our Youth!
March Calendar
Sunday Youth Meetings
(6th grade – 12th grade):
March 1st – Unity Unit: Unity beyond Sexual
Orientation, 5pm – 7pm
March 8th – Service Project for Local Hospice
House, 5pm - 7pm
March 15th – Youth Lesson on Popular Music, 5pm
- 7pm
March 22nd – Youth Lesson on Health, 5pm –7pm
March 29th - No Youth Meeting – Enjoy Palm
Sunday with Family and Friends!

March 4th - Come eat with Kelly at the Poor Man's
Supper in The Fellowship Hall and assist with Children's
Ministry activities, from 4:30pm - 7pm
March 6th - Game Night! 6:30pm - 7:30pm
March 16th - The Youth have volunteered to provide a
meal for the United Methodist Men at their March
meeting to assist with fundraising for their July Mission
Trip. Please plan to attend to help! 6:00 pm
March 20th - Parents Night Out! 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Do you parents need a special night out? Bring the kids to
us! The Youth and their leaders will provide a fun evening
of activities for your children while you go out! Please
plan to provide your children a packed meal for the
evening. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the bulletin
board outside of the Church Office. All donations from
this project will go toward the Youth Mission Fund.
March 28th - Hornets’ Faith & Family Night, 4:00 pm
Come watch the Charlotte Hornets take on the Atlanta
Hawks! Tickets are $30 per person. Please also bring
money for food. We will stop to eat on the way to the
game. We will be leaving the church at 4:00 pm that
Saturday afternoon. Please let Kelly know you are
interested in going by March 22nd so she can get
permission slips to you in a timely manner. If you need
any financial assistance, please let Kelly know by the
March 22nd.



Other Events in March

Mission Trip to Atlanta, GA 2015
If any Youth or adult is interested in going on the
Mission Trip to Atlanta this summer, please let Kelly
know so she can make sure we have enough spots
reserved! We are asking all Youth who are
interested in attending, to please make a $50.00
deposit to hold your spot. This money was due by
the end of February unless you spoke with Kelly
about holding your spot. This is your last chance to
reserve your spot! Let Kelly know ASAP if you are
planning to go on the this summer’s Mission Trip.
The dates again are July 13th - 17th (Mon—Fri).

Every Sunday – Confirmation Classes meet
9:45am – 10:45am
Youth Sunday School, 9:45am – 10:45am The
Youth Sunday School has started a new program
called “Generation Change.” This is a Dave Ramsey
program for teens in which the Youth will learn how
to handle money God’s way. There has been positive
feedback from our Youth about this program! We
are excited to see our young people considering how
to responsibly handle their own money!

The Messenger

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Youth News continued . . .
Interested in participating in fundraising
projects to help with the cost of the Mission
Trip to Atlanta? See Kelly for the various
opportunities that are available!
--Preview of April:
April is a time of celebration in the Christian year.
During this month, we will have some time to reflect
on who we are in Christ. The theme for the Youth
meetings in April will most likely be about our
identity in Christ Jesus. Our Yard Sale, which will
benefit our mission trip, will also be this month. We
will also have other special events, so be sure to
check next month's newsletter for more details!
Kelly Greene
Director of Youth Ministries

Paul’s instruction to Timothy, his son in Christ:
“Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers
an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in
purity. Till I come, attend to the public reading of
scripture, to preaching, to teaching.”
I Timothy 4: 12
Needed: Acolytes
We Need You to Serve
If you would be interested in helping out in this way,
please contact Sissy Anthony at 980-234-3549. As
long as you are 2nd grade and tall enough to reach
the candles, we could use you! Even those of you
who are no longer acolyting, we would love to have
you, even if you could help out just once each
quarter! What a great way to serve the Lord in

Congratulations to Dr. Kristie Gingery for
receiving the Special Mission Recognition Pin
on United Methodist Women's Sunday, on
February 22nd And her son, Corporal Ryan
Gingery, surprised her by coming home from
Japan that day!!
Spiritual Growth Retreat
at Lake Junaluska
If you have signed up to go to the Spiritual
Growth Retreat which will be held in June at
Lake Junaluska, the total cost is $107.00. You
may pay at the Church Office as your financial
circumstances allow.
Uwharrie Prayer Breakfast
at Milford Hills UMC
The District Prayer Breakfast will be held
on March 28th here at Milford Hills UMC at
10:00 am. We will be hosting the Uwharrie
District for this event. So mark your
calendars now. Cost is $7.00.
Rev. Tiffany Thomas will be the speaker.
Deadline to sign up with Mary Kesler (704762-9008) is Friday, March 13th. And we will
need everyone's help on the 28th. Please
contact Diane James, President, with any
questions and for more information at 704636-1007.
“One who heard us was a woman, a merchant
and leader in the community, named Lydia, from
the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who
was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened up to
give heed to what was said by Paul.”
Acts: 16: 14

The Messenger

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Updates and Opportunities
Update for November
Food Donations to “RHM”
Our goal for Rowan Helping Ministries is 4000
pounds for 2015. The present total is 736 pounds.
Thank you for a great start to reach the goal.

Dear Church Family,
Your love and support following my double knee
replacement surgery have been wonderful. The
prayers, visits, Milford Bear, calls, cards, and food
have meant so much to me and Grey. May each of
you be blessed.
Wallace Ward

Special Remembrances
We remember Linda Freeman, her sister-in-law,
Sharon, and her family on the death of her
brother, Donnie Wilcox, who had recently
moved to Salina, Kansas. Donnie died on
February 13th.
Our prayers are with Dottie Hinz, and all her
family in the death of her husband, Dennis.
Dennis died at Duke University Hospital on
February 19th. We also remember Dottie in the
death of her sister, Rita Fisher, who died on
February 18th.

Thank You Notes
Thank you so much for the kind words and
prayers you have given me during my illness.
Words cannot thank you enough. It gave me
such peace knowing people were lifting me up in
prayers. With great happiness, I would like to say
I am now cancer free. I praise God daily for that.
Our prayers were answered.
Thank you all,
Lisa Doyle Morrison
(one of your neighbors in Meadowbrook)

* * * * *

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all
the many kindnesses shown to us during the
illness and death of our daughter, Kristen Miniea.
Your cards and kind words meant more to me
than I can tell you, and I know without a doubt,
that without your prayers, love and support, what
has been a very sad and difficult time for us, would
have been so much worse.
A special thank you to everyone involved in
Kristen's memorial service; it was beautiful and
everything I hoped it would be. Kent Bernhardt,
no one sings "In the Garden" better than you do;
Alden Wright, your talent and the music you
make is overwhelming; and Pastor Steve, how
grateful we are for everything you've done for
Kristen and our family.
Although my grief runs deep, I have felt God's
presence in my life every day, and I've never felt
alone, due to you, our "church family." All of you
are a true blessing in our lives.
Kathryn and Ed Dews

* * * * *

It has meant so much to me and to all of our
family that you have remembered us in so many
ways since the death of my father on February
7th. Your cards have meant so much. Steve,
Luke, and Sam, and I continue to thank God for
each and everyone of you. You are dear and
wonderful people. Thank you.
In the love of Christ, Sandy Combs

The Messenger

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Friendly Neighborhood Club
Monday, March 9 – 11:30 am
Fellowship Hall – Covered Dish Luncheon
You are invited to hear author Susan Jane
King and her autistic son, Patrick, speak at our
March 9th meeting of the Friendly Neighborhood
The book, Optimism for Autism, is the
inspirational, real-life journey of Susan and her
autistic son, Patrick. It is the heartwarming story of
a boy who struggles with his autism, but manages to
overcome his disability and becomes successful in
what he does.
The book speaks about the agonizing journey of a
mother and her autistic son who, by keeping their
faith in God, find a purpose to living. The story of
Patrick King and Susan King will change your
perspective on autism. Patrick is the autistic boy
who overcomes the disability and learns to live with
happiness. The book starts from the initial stages of
Patrick’s disability, his erratic behavioral patterns,
how he makes peace with himself, and finally
achieves success.
Grey Calvert Ward and Jan Dyrholm were Patrick’s
first public school instructors at Isenberg
Elementary School when he was 5 years old. Now a
junior attending Pfeiffer College on academic and
swimming scholarships, Patrick will be singing as well
as speaking.
All are invited to join us for this special
program. Just bring a covered dish and come
share in the excitement with these very special
Door prizes will be given, including a copy of
the book, autographed by Susan and Patrick.

* * * * *

Coming Up for All from the UM Men
The Poor Man’s Supper will be held on
Wednesday, March 4th, from 4:30 pm 7:00 pm. The meal is Brunswick Stew with
plenty of side items.
The UM Men Board Meeting will be held
on Monday, March 9th at 6:30 PM in The
Fellowship Hall.

* * * * *
The UM Men Regular Meeting will be
held on Monday, March 16th at 6:30 PM
in The Fellowship Hall.
Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent of
Schools, will be our guest speaker, who
had been scheduled to meet with us at
our February meeting that was canceled
due to bad weather.
Please get your names to Dick Polson no
later than March 12 for a meal count. The
cost is $7.00 per person. If you only wish
to come to the presentation, please also
call Dick to let him know (704-630-9867).
Thanks to everyone who made
Homemade Soup and Desserts for our
“Soup Out” on Sunday, February 22
following the 11:00 Church Service.
Mike White—President UM Men
You may contact Mike at 704-636-8096

The Messenger

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The Past Month in Review
The PBJ Club (Pint-sized Believers in Jesus Club) met on February 1st. We made bookmarks
to give to the grandparents who attended the luncheon honoring Grandparents on March 1st.
All the children worked hard to make many beautiful bookmarks.
On Wednesday, February 4th, while the adults enjoyed fellowship at the Poor Man’s Supper,
children participated in making bird feeders from cups and bird seed. Thanks to the Cheer
Givers for delivering them. Children learned that they can use their hands for God, by making
something that would make people smile. Thanks to all the children who participated and to
the adult volunteers.
Children, youth, families and friends laughed, talked and had a great time bowling on Sunday,
February 8th. It was unanimous that we want to go bowling again!
Youth and children in the Creative Arts Ministry made delicious and creative chocolate
covered pretzels that were sold to raise money for the Youth Mission Trip … GREAT JOB! If
you are interested in joining this group, call Carol Allen at 704-636-9208 or show up for the
next meeting. This is a great opportunity for children and youth, 3rd grade and older, to serve
and have fun. Our next meeting is this Wednesday, March 4—4:00 pm—5:00 pm.
March Events
March 1 – PBJ Club meeting 12 Noon – 2:00 pm – anyone ages 3 to 5th grades are invited.
Bring a guest (this can be your stuffed animal friend). PBJ Club will perform for the grandparents program, so we need everyone to attend.
March 4 – Children’s Art Project 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm – Enjoy good food starting at 4:30 pm.
Children will be creating another fun art project. Youth volunteers needed.
March 13 & 14 – Children’s Activities at Consignment Sale – Thursday (3/12—during the
presale) 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm; Friday 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm; Saturday 8:00 am – 12 Noon
March 29 – Easter Egg Hunt / Lunch – 12pm – 2pm. Children and family are invited.
Continuous Opportunities for Children
Sunday School – Every Sunday at 9:45 am.

Godly Play – Every Sunday 11:00 am.

The Messenger

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Godly Play
The following is the second installment of monthly articles about Godly Play.
Presenting the Lesson (Please note: There is
a Bible full of lessons to be told, but for the sake of
this article, we will only tell one.)
The storyteller moves to the desert box---a large,
shallow, wooden box on wheels, filled with sand.
She brings it to the circle. She then goes to a shelf
filled with beautiful items: a rack of seven wooden
cards, an ark with graceful lines, a length of heavy
chain. She takes up a basket and brings it to the
circle. She opens the lid of the basket and gets
herself ready, with her attention on the desert box.
“The desert is a dangerous place,” she says. Her
hands slowly move across the surface, smoothing
and shifting the sand. “It is always moving, so it is
hard to know where you are. There is little water,
so you get thirsty and you can die if no water is
found. In the daytime it is so hot the sun scorches
your skin. In the night it is cold. When the wind
blows, the sand stings when it hits you. People wear
many clothes to protect them from the sun and
blowing sand. The desert is a dangerous place.”
She then lays out blue yarn and blocks of wood on
the sand. She tells how, after the flood, people went
out to the four corners of the earth. They lived
along rivers and in villages and in cities. “One city
was named Ur.” She touches a block. “The people
there believed that there were many gods. There
was a god for every tree, every rock, every flower.

to mark the place. The storyteller takes several
stones and makes an altar in the sand.
She moves the figures slowly on. “Abram and Sarai
come to Bethel, and God is in this place, too,” she
says. She takes more stones and builds another
altar. Finally they come to Hebron and make their
home. At Hebron God changes their names; they
are to be called Abraham and Sarah. God promises
that even though they are old, they will have a baby.
Abraham laughs. He and Sarah are much too old!
But God’s promise holds true. “Do you know what
happened?” the storyteller asks. “They had a son.”
Abraham and Sarah laugh again, so they name the
baby “Laughter,” as God had told them. In their
language, the word for laughter is Isaac.
The storyteller pauses, and then her voice turns
more serious as she tells how Sarah died and how
Abraham sent his most trusted helper to find a wife
for Isaac. The helper finds Rebekah, “as full of
courage as she was kind,” the Bible says. The helper
tells her about Abraham, Sarah and Isaac, and
Rebekah travels back to join the great family.”

Once more the storyteller moves a figure on the
journey, now traveling again over the path made by
Abraham and Sarah. She brings the Rebekah figure
all the way to where the figures of Abraham and
Isaac are waiting. She pauses and says: “Then Isaac
and Rebekah had children, and their children had
children, and those children had children. This went
But there was one family that believed that all of
on for thousands and thousands of years until your
God was in every place. They did not yet know that,
grandmothers and grandfathers had children. Then
but that is what they thought. She places two
your mothers and fathers had children.”
wooden figures in the sand and names them: Abram
and Sarai, two members of the family who thought
She scoops up a handful of sand, and lets it trickle
that all of God was in every place. When it came
out. “Now you are part of that great family which
time to move to a new place, they were not sure
has become as many as the stars in the sky and the
that God would be there. So they wondered what
grains of sand in the desert.”
the new place would be like. As she moves the
She is so silent that you can almost hear your own
figures, you can see the footprints they leave behind.
heartbeat quicken at the thought of the great family
“It took a long, long time to get to Haran,” she says. of which you, too, are a part.
From Haran, they journey onto Shechem, and there
Next month: The story of “Wondering”
Abram prays. God is there and Abram built an altar

Page 6

The Messenger
Ash Wednesday and the Forty Days of Lent

Rituals are important and we missed a significant
ritual by not observing Ash Wednesday because of
the weather. Consider these thoughts on Ash
Wednesday as shared by my friend and colleague,
James Howell:
Ash Wednesday seems like a day of morose
guilt—but there is a hidden joy, hidden beneath the
mark of the ashes we receive in worship. Cain
sinned terribly against Abel his brother, and God.
God marked him on the forehead, partly indicating
his guilt, but also to be sure he was protected.
Cain’s crime was met by God’s mercy.
Devout Jews attach a small wooden box
containing scriptures to their foreheads. How
merciful of God to speak to us, to give us words to
read that show us the way to God!
This reminds me of that silly game where a sticky
note is stuck on your forehead with a famous
person’s name; then you hear clues form other
players and try to guess who you are. God’s lovely
mercy defines you. You aren’t ultimately a
consumer or a laborer; you are God’s precious
child with an eternal destiny. The best clue to your
deepest identity? Mercy.

mercy; Jesus loved us so much he entered into our
sorrows and suffering. We are thus marked by
the Mercy of Jesus, and now that God has spoken
we can live and work and glory in the Lord. We
dare to know the truth about ourselves: we are
broken, we are mortal, we aren’t enough no
matter how much we achieve. God’s mercy lures
us into a new way to live, to recover, to thrive and
be joyful.
On this day (and hopefully every day) we pray,
“Lord, have mercy.” of course, the Lord already
has mercy, whether we ask for it or not, whether
we realize it or live into it or not. We exist; we
are reading these words right now entirely
because of God’s mercy.
Pray with me: “Lord, I am more desperate for
Your mercy than I’ve realized. Lord, have mercy
on me, and on others. Right now, there’s this
albatross on my back saying it’s all up to me. Take
it away. Mark me with Your mercy. I will trust in
you. Amen.

* *


* *

In the midst of God’s mercy will you give up:
If you give up something for Lent, try this: give
up your stony belief you have to prove yourself,
you have to be good enough, or that you might not
have done enough or been good enough—and give
up merciless, judgmental thoughts about others.
Embrace mercy; trust God’s tender kindness; be
merciful this Lent.
On Ash Wednesday we get marked. The ashes
form a cross. God’s amazing sign of immense

having to prove yourself?

trying to be good enough?

clinging to merciless and judgmental thoughts
about others?

Will you accept that you are God’s precious
child with an eternal destiny?
Will you?

The Messenger

Page 7

Prayers for the People
Retirement & Nursing Homes:
Eleanor Burton, Ruth Conner, J.E.
Eller, Anna Green, Daniel Harrison,
Betty Harvey, Ivy Krohn, Patricia
Lippard, Kitty Moose, Helen
Peoples, Betty Ruhlman, Martina
Stonehouse, Nancy Stout, and
Margaret Wansley.

Our Financial Stewardship
Mary Davis, Oden Dougherty, Cam
Eller, Davis Emerson, Ryan
Gingery, John & Tish Goho, Ruby
Goodman, Joe Green, Caleb Hanby
& Bethany Davidson, Anna & David
Henning, Loretta Hipp, Rev. Billy
Hunter, Amy Ikerd, Wayne
Johnson, Riley Jones, Earl Lester. &
Ray & Sylvia Lail.

Give away your life and so much
more of life will be given back, but
not merely given back—given back
with bonus and blessings. Give and
forget about getting—that’s God’s
wonderful way. Generosity begets
generosity.” The Message Bible—
Luke 6: 38

At Home: Sam & Joyce Allen,
Alda Davies, Dot Eller, Danny
LuAnn Ledford, Richard & Leah
Hudson, Marie Pugh, Donna
McFee, Gene Mitchell, Qasim &
Wagoner, & Melinda Weatherford.
Andrea Mohammad & Family, Sue
Others: Anna, Lee Ann, & Tyler; Moore, Lisa Doyle Morrison, Steve
Frances Barbee, J. C. Barbee,
Mounce, David Myers, Sybil Myers,
Ashley Bass & family; Linda Beck,
Mary, Kaitlyn, & Bradley Nobles;
Cindy Bernhardt, Marian
Randy & Ester Peoples, Hoyt &
Bernhardt, Nick Bishop, Peggy
Gwen Pope, Howard Reinheardt,
Bollinger, Reba Branham, Joyce
Jody Rex, Rev. Albert Rheem,
Brown, Randy & Linda Brown,
Phillip Richards, Ross Rimmer, Rev.
James Bullock, Mary Burgess,
George Robinson, Robert & Jane
Drake Burlingham, Marty Carroll, Ruhlman, Carmen Shepler, Linda
Stan Champion, Sonny Chandler,
Sides, Steve Siminski, Jim & Liz
Jack & Sue Charles, Glenda
Slate, Landen Spry, Steve & Ann
Surratt, Wyatt Tiffany, Gary Toney,
Christie, & Don Clark.
Myra Trexler, Joanne Van Tassell,
Butch Clements, John Coburn, Roy Joan Umholtz, Harry Waddell,
Collins, Hoy & Betty Correll, Doc Hunter Waddell, Toby Wilson, &
& Estelle Cranfill, Patricia Custer,
Mary Kay Zigmont.



8:30—Tate Green &
Hannah Waddell



2015 Budget


(The 2015 Budget includes
$106,800.00 for the Capital
February 1


February 8


February 15


February 22


Capital Campaign Offerings
January-February: $4,884.00
Total Offerings for JanuaryFebruary: $49,260.31
Needed to Date: $71,440.00
Mortgage Balance:

$249,371.61 (for the New
Education & Office Building)

Scripture Readers


March 1

Laura Preslar

Cai Reymond

June Scott

Caroline Shue

March 8

Caroline Shue

Dalton Connolly

Clyde Crawford

Ed Dews

March 15

Kelly Greene

Ava Reymond

Kari Comadoll

Suzannah Callahan

March 22

Anne Hoffman

Dylan Connolly

Kyle Huffman

Butch Clements

March 29

Kent Bernhardt

Cai Reymond

Louise Rheem

Robin Carson

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