cover latter (PDF)

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I understand the importance of communication and I will keep in regular contact throughout the
process to keep you upto date with progress.
I promised you

I will do coding with standerd HTML5 & CSS3

Template will be Fully Responsive design(For Mobile, Desktop, Tablet)

I will attention given to page load optimization and speed

I will be carefull about your psd @font-face and pixels perfect

I will be carefull about to do Clean, structured and commented code.

My created template will be w3c verified

For additional cost I can carry out the following work (you need not to pay for these):

Create a responsive template

IE7 Compatibility

Integration of sliders, carousels, galleries, and lightboxes etc.

I will deliver one carefully crafted page from your PSD within fixed time.
Thanks :)

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cover_latter.pdf (PDF, 55.66 KB)

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