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Author: Derek Raines

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Siege of Worlds Campaign Escalation League Rules
Cape Fear Games is hosting a Warhammer 40,000 Escalation League. The league runs for 8 weeks,
with commanders playing up to 2 games per week and ending in a massive Apocalypse game at the
league's conclusion. Siege of Worlds starts players off with 1000 point armies and builds every two
weeks, eventually reaching 2000 point sized armies. Players will create a custom hero that gains
experience and will conquer worlds as they battle for the fate of the Merovingian Sub-Sector and try to
uncover the truth behind the mysterious planet that has suddenly appeared in the stars.

League Rules
• Games can be played anytime during the course of a week though an official league night will be
scheduled. A list of all players and their contact information will be made available so that games can
be easily coordinated. Game results should be submitted via email to or they
will not be added to the rankings nor will they gain victory points for their Alliance.
• Players are welcome to set up their own tables and request match ups. League night will be a good
time to play new people and players are encouraged to play different people throughout the course of
the league. Be sure to check the “Know Thy Enemy” bounties each week to find out which opponents
yield the most points.
• Please treat the terrain, tables, other players, league officials, store employees and the store with care
and respect. If your game is done and no one is waiting to use your table we ask players to please help
put away your terrain and put your tables back.
• Players should have fun and resolve disputes fairly.

Army Composition
• Armies follow the rules in the Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook and their respective army book.
• Allies and Lords of War may not be used at the start of the league. Once the league reaches 1350
points, allies and Lords of Wars may be included.
• Unbound armies and Warhammer 30k are not allowed. However, Official GW Data Slates,
Formations and Forge World supplements are allowed.

Selecting Your Army
• Players will select one army throughout the course of the league, but allies and supplemental codices
will become available at 1350 points.
• Players are encouraged to try different lists, experiment with new units and mix things up from week
to week. You are not locked into the same list and may make changes from game to game.
• No specific items, units, abilities or powers are banned. Players should still build fun armies instead
of min/maxed style armies. Armies that use broken combinations or are constructed to abuse certain
unit types are highly discouraged as they take away from the fun and friendly aspect of the league.

What to Bring to your Matches:
• Miniatures (Players should strive to use official 40k miniatures and models should be built to
represent the equipment they have in game. However, all proxies or models with unrepresented
equipment are legal as long as your opponent agrees to them and clearly understands what the

miniatures represent.)
Models DO NOT have to be painted to take part in the league.
• Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook
• Army Book
• Dice
• Templates
• Two copies of your army list (for yourself and your opponent)

Siege of Worlds League Schedule
April 19th

1000 points

Battle for Skaar

May 3rd

1350 points

Battle for Merovingian

May 17th

1750 points

Battle for Jaglan Alpha

May 31st

2000 points

Battle for Vullis Prime

June 7th

2000 points

Team Week (1000 pts per player)

June 14th

Apocalypse! All Day Event

Playing & Scoring League Games
During the duration of the escalation league, players can play up to 2 league games per week. The
scoring system is simple; players will normally gain 2 pts for a victory and 1 pt for a loss. Specific
scenario and battlefield rules will be in place for each Planet to help determine victory conditions.
Additional points can be awarded if players battle against “Know Thy Enemy” opponents.

Know Thy Enemy
It is inevitable that in times of war, unlikely alliances are formed and lines are drawn in the sand.
Throughout the course of the league, alliances will be formed and player points will aid their alliance
and will determine the fate of the Planet being battled over. Players will know what Alliance they
belong to by the time the league begins on April 19th.
Each week, based on rankings and the narrative, new “Know Thy Enemy” bounties will be posted. If
players choose to do battle with these opponents they will gain 3 pts for a victory and 2 pts for a loss!
After all, defeating the true enemies at hand is vastly more important when the fate of worlds hangs in
the balance!

Conquering Planets and Claiming Worlds
Every 2 weeks during the league, the fate of a world will fall to one side or the other! Once Alliances
have been determined, individual player scores will contribute to their respective Alliance and the side
with the highest number of victory points will claim the world for their own. Alliances will be based on
ranking and for narrative reasons (Ie Imperium armies will most likely fight together just as Chaos

Marines and Daemons will find themselves in the same Alliance).
A conquered world will grant the victorious Alliance new abilities that can be used throughout the
course of the league as the armies tap into the resources and strategic strength of their new world.
These Conquered Planet abilities will be posted as the league progresses and new planet's are drawn
into the conflict.

Creating a Custom Hero
It is on the battlefield that heroes are born and players will have the chance to create and advance their
own custom hero throughout the course of the league! Heroes will begin with the same stat line, no
matter what army they come from, and will follow the same initial guidelines. However, as Heroes gain
experience through combat, they will be able to choose new powers to better suit the needs of their
Players will need to make a custom hero miniature to represent their evolving hero on the battlefield!
Players should be flexible when allowing your opponent to use a creative looking hero and
understanding if all weapons and war gear aren't completely represented on the model. Like with all
proxies and custom miniatures, it is important that your opponent clearly understands what gear and
abilities your Custom Hero has and it should be clearly marked on your army list.
At the end of the Siege of Worlds League, all of the players will vote on the coolest looking Hero
miniatures and prizes will be awarded accordingly!

Base Hero Guidelines
• A Base Hero is any hero that has not gained experience and has not earned its first trait. All heroes
will begin the league as a Base Hero and will follow these guidelines until their first trait is earned.
• A Base Hero costs 0 pts and cannot be outfitted with any additional weapons, armor, powers or items
from its armory.
• A Base Hero gains 1 experience point for every game he is played in. After the first two weeks, a Base
Hero may spend experience to purchase traits and advance to the next tier of Hero.
• A Base Hero must begin each game as part of a unit.
• A Base Hero must have a custom miniature to represent him on the battlefield and must be on a 25mm
or 40mm round infantry base. Players are encouraged to be as creative as they'd like when modeling
their Hero Miniature! Your Hero might be a noble Space Marine, an agile Eldar or even a Tyranid

Base Hero Statline
A Base Hero starts with the following stat line and the following gear. It is up to players to imagine
what the abstract weapons and armor are for each hero as it fits the theme of their army. For instance,
the custom ranged weapon might be a custom bolt rifle or a biovenom rifle! Be as creative as you'd








Custom Melee Weapon
Type: melee
1 additional attack (included in statline).
Custom Ranged Weapon Type: Rapid Fire



Str: user Ap: 4

Range: ---

Str: 4

Range: 24”

Ap: 4

Hero Traits and Wounds
As previously mentioned, Heroes will advance by purchasing traits with the experience they gain in
combat. However, war is not without its risk! If your hero should be removed as a casualty during the
course of the game make note of it when you submit your game results.
If a Hero should be removed as a casualty 2 our of the 4 games during the course of a 2 week period,
players will roll on a Wound Chart to see if any lasting damage remains. Some of the greatest heroes
in Warhammer 40k sport bionic arms, augmented eyes and terrible scars from their ordeals on the
battlefield. Some even manage to build a ferocious reputation due to these wounds so not all rolls on
the Wound Chart are necessarily negative. In fact, a few of the better Hero upgrades are only
accessible due to a lucky roll on the Wound Chart. War is fickle like that.
New Hero Traits will be added every 2 weeks as the fate of a planet is determined. The Wound Chart
will be posted with the first wave of Hero traits at the end of Week 2.

Come the Apocalypse
The league will conclude with a massive 2 sided Apocalypse game where all league players are invited
to join their Alliance and take part in the final battle in the Siege of Worlds! All benefits gained from
conquered planets will be granted to the respective Alliance and all Heroes, much more powerful than
when they first began, will hit the table simultaneously as they lead their armies to ultimate victory or
crushing defeat. Full rules to come once the league has begun.

In Conclusion
The Siege of Worlds Narrative League is a work in progress and has a lot of moving parts! If you have
any rules questions or suggestions, feel free to email them to
Thank you for taking part in this exciting Warhammer 40k event at Cape Fear Games!

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