Morpheus.htm (PDF)

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Title: Morpheus

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(100 Points)
Male; Age 64; 5'9", 160 lbs.
ST: 10 [0]
IQ: 11 [10]
DX: 12 [20]
HT: 10 [0]
Dodge: 5
Parry: 8

Speed: 5.50
Move: 5

Hyper-Strength [30]; Literacy [0]; Skull DR 3 [5]; Catfall [10].

Sleepwalker [-5]; Nightmares [-5]; Bloodlust [-10].

Sleeps naked; Afraid of heights; Believes in Fate; Eternal Optimist; Manipulative. [-5]

Generic Area/Physical Power 10(1) [7]; Generic Area/Mental Power 10(1) [9].

Shaolin Kung Fu; Judo-12 [4] (Parry: 8); Karate-12 [4] (Parry: 8); Meditation-10 [4]; Philosophy (Buddhism)-10 [2];
Acrobatics-9 [½]; Breath Control-9 [2]; Calligraphy-7 [0]; History (Chinese)-9 [1]; Literature (Chinese)-9 [1]; Jumping0 [0]; Spear-7 [0] (Parry: 3); Staff-7 [0] (Parry: 3); Stealth-7 [0]; Theology (Buddhism)-8 [½]; Throwing-9 [½];
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Hypnotism-8 [½]; Brawling-12 [1] (Parry: 8); Two-Handed Sword-7 [0] (Parry: 3); Yin/Yang Healing-8 [½].

Maneuvers: Shaolin Kung Fu
Arm Lock (Judo)-13 [½]; Axe Kick (1d+2)-11 [1]; Back Kick (1d)-11 [1]; Hook Kick (1d+1)-12 [1]; Kicking (1d)-12 [2];
Spinning Punch (1d-2)-11 [1]; Feint (Karate)-14 [2]; Jump Kick (1d+2)-12 [2]; Spin Kick (1d)-12 [2].

Force Sword (imp 4d(5);cut 8d(5), Skill: 7, Parry: 3; 2 lbs.; $3,000; Damage: imp 4d(5);cut 8d(5); Reach: 1;1); Cloak
(Lower-class Light; 2 lbs.; $10; PD: 0; DR: 0); Headset Communicator (½ lbs.; $20; Range 1/4 mile); Meal (lowquality; $3.50).

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